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SLC2A2 solute carrier family 2 member 2 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

Gene ID: 6514, updated on 8-Feb-2025


Official Symbol
SLC2A2provided by HGNC
Official Full Name
solute carrier family 2 member 2provided by HGNC
Primary source
See related
Ensembl:ENSG00000163581 MIM:138160; AllianceGenome:HGNC:11006
Gene type
protein coding
RefSeq status
Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo
Also known as
This gene encodes an integral plasma membrane glycoprotein of the liver, islet beta cells, intestine, and kidney epithelium. The encoded protein mediates facilitated bidirectional glucose transport. Because of its low affinity for glucose, it has been suggested as a glucose sensor. Mutations in this gene are associated with susceptibility to diseases, including Fanconi-Bickel syndrome and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants of this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2013]
Biased expression in liver (RPKM 193.6), duodenum (RPKM 35.6) and 2 other tissues See more
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Genomic context

See SLC2A2 in Genome Data Viewer
Exon count:
Annotation release Status Assembly Chr Location
RS_2024_08 current GRCh38.p14 (GCF_000001405.40) 3 NC_000003.12 (170996347..171026720, complement)
RS_2024_08 current T2T-CHM13v2.0 (GCF_009914755.1) 3 NC_060927.1 (173780683..173811030, complement)
RS_2024_09 previous assembly GRCh37.p13 (GCF_000001405.25) 3 NC_000003.11 (170714136..170744509, complement)

Chromosome 3 - NC_000003.12Genomic Context describing neighboring genes Neighboring gene KLF7 pseudogene 1 Neighboring gene RNA, U1 small nuclear 70, pseudogene Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 14889 Neighboring gene OCT4-NANOG hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr3:170779459-170780037 Neighboring gene MPRA-validated peak4922 silencer Neighboring gene uncharacterized LOC105374216 Neighboring gene TRAF2 and NCK interacting kinase Neighboring gene OCT4-NANOG hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr3:170834472-170835140 Neighboring gene microRNA 569 Neighboring gene Sharpr-MPRA regulatory region 1564 Neighboring gene Sharpr-MPRA regulatory region 12227 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 14890 Neighboring gene NANOG hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr3:170904542-170905069 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 20808 Neighboring gene OCT4-NANOG hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr3:170924049-170924658 Neighboring gene ReSE screen-validated silencer GRCh37_chr3:170952794-170952983 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 20809 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 20810 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 20811 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 20812 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 20813 Neighboring gene VISTA enhancer hs2120 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 14892 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 20814 Neighboring gene OCT4-NANOG hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr3:171101812-171102358 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 20815 Neighboring gene uncharacterized LOC124906303

Genomic regions, transcripts, and products


  • Project title: Tissue-specific circular RNA induction during human fetal development
  • Description: 35 human fetal samples from 6 tissues (3 - 7 replicates per tissue) collected between 10 and 20 weeks gestational time were sequenced using Illumina TruSeq Stranded Total RNA
  • BioProject: PRJNA270632
  • Publication: PMID 26076956
  • Analysis date: Mon Apr 2 22:54:59 2018


GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

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Associated conditions

Description Tests
Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
MedGen: C3495427 OMIM: 227810 GeneReviews: Not available
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus
MedGen: C0011860 OMIM: 125853 GeneReviews: WFS1 Spectrum Disorder
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EBI GWAS Catalog

A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance.
EBI GWAS Catalog
Genome-wide association study identifies loci influencing concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma.
EBI GWAS Catalog
New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.
EBI GWAS Catalog

Pathways from PubChem


Products Interactant Other Gene Complex Source Pubs Description

General gene information


Gene Ontology Provided by GOA

Component Evidence Code Pubs
located_in apical plasma membrane ISS
Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
more info
is_active_in brush border IBA
Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
more info
located_in cell-cell junction IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
located_in cytoplasm IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
located_in membrane TAS
Traceable Author Statement
more info
is_active_in plasma membrane IBA
Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
more info
located_in plasma membrane IDA
Inferred from Direct Assay
more info
located_in plasma membrane TAS
Traceable Author Statement
more info

General protein information

Preferred Names
solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 2
glucose transporter type 2, liver
solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 2

NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq)

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RefSeqs maintained independently of Annotated Genomes

These reference sequences exist independently of genome builds. Explain

These reference sequences are curated independently of the genome annotation cycle, so their versions may not match the RefSeq versions in the current genome build. Identify version mismatches by comparing the version of the RefSeq in this section to the one reported in Genomic regions, transcripts, and products above.


  1. NG_008108.1 RefSeqGene

    GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

mRNA and Protein(s)

  1. NM_000340.2NP_000331.1  solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 2 isoform 1

    See identical proteins and their annotated locations for NP_000331.1

    Status: REVIEWED

    Transcript Variant: This variant (1) represents the longest transcript and encodes the longest isoform (1).
    Source sequence(s)
    AC061708, AC092918, J03810
    Consensus CDS
    A8K481, B2R936, B7Z547, F8W8V8, P11168, Q9UCW9
    ENSP00000323568.3, ENST00000314251.8
    Conserved Domains (2) summary
    MFS; The Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) is a large and diverse group of secondary transporters that includes uniporters, symporters, and antiporters. MFS proteins facilitate the transport across cytoplasmic or internal membranes of a variety of ...
    Sugar_tr; Sugar (and other) transporter
  2. NM_001278658.2NP_001265587.1  solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 2 isoform 2

    Status: REVIEWED

    Transcript Variant: This variant (2) differs in the 5' UTR, lacks an alternate exon in the 5' coding region and initiates translation at an alternate start codon, compared to variant 1. It encodes isoform 2 which is shorter and has a distinct N-terminus, compared to isoform 1.
    Source sequence(s)
    AC061708, AK298418, J03810
    Conserved Domains (2) summary
    MFS; The Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) is a large and diverse group of secondary transporters that includes uniporters, symporters, and antiporters. MFS proteins facilitate the transport across cytoplasmic or internal membranes of a variety of ...
    Sugar_tr; Sugar (and other) transporter
  3. NM_001278659.2NP_001265588.1  solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 2 isoform 3

    See identical proteins and their annotated locations for NP_001265588.1

    Status: REVIEWED

    Transcript Variant: This variant (3) differs in the 5' UTR, lacks an alternate exon in the 5' coding region and initiates translation at a downstream start codon, compared to variant 1. It encodes isoform 3 which is shorter at the N-terminus, compared to isoform 1.
    Source sequence(s)
    AC061708, BC060041, J03810
    Conserved Domains (1) summary
    Sugar_tr; Sugar (and other) transporter

RefSeqs of Annotated Genomes: GCF_000001405.40-RS_2024_08

The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a specific genome build. Explain

Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly


  1. NC_000003.12 Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly

    170996347..171026720 complement
    GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

mRNA and Protein(s)

  1. XM_011513087.3XP_011511389.1  solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 2 isoform X1

    Conserved Domains (2) summary
    MFS; The Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) is a large and diverse group of secondary transporters that includes uniporters, symporters, and antiporters. MFS proteins facilitate the transport across cytoplasmic or internal membranes of a variety of ...
    Sugar_tr; Sugar (and other) transporter
  2. XM_047448761.1XP_047304717.1  solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 2 isoform X2


Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0


  1. NC_060927.1 Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0

    173780683..173811030 complement
    GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

mRNA and Protein(s)

  1. XM_054347610.1XP_054203585.1  solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 2 isoform X1

  2. XM_054347611.1XP_054203586.1  solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 2 isoform X2
