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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 79736
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 17, NC_000017.11 (30898986..30906238, complement)C17orf42, COXPD58616422
ID: 68550
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 11, NC_000077.7 (80027500..80033697, complement)1110002N22Rik
ID: 287554
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 10, NC_086028.1 (65617547..65622042, complement)RGD1306595
ID: 566236
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Danio rerio (zebrafish)]Chromosome 6, NC_007117.7 (18554819..18560198, complement)zgc:153083
ID: 100485913
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 10, NC_030686.2 (51940449..51945293)c17orf42
ID: 713684
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)]Chromosome 16, NC_041769.1 (28431878..28438981, complement)
ID: 534204
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 19, NC_037346.1 (18052315..18059809)C19H17orf42
ID: 480615
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 9, NC_051813.1 (41677461..41684623)C9H17orf42
ID: 454560
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 19, NC_072417.2 (36742531..36750039)CK820_G0028558
ID: 100522515
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Sus scrofa (pig)]Chromosome 12, NC_010454.4 (42864582..42875705)
ID: 100071813
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Equus caballus (horse)]Chromosome 11, NC_009154.3 (40690782..40697072)
ID: 101090058
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Felis catus (domestic cat)]Chromosome E1, NC_058381.1 (20115259..20122246, complement)
ID: 137600149
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Antennarius striatus (striated frogfish)]Chromosome 8, NC_090783.1 (20944691..20947611, complement)
ID: 101676079
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Mustela putorius furo (domestic ferret)]NW_025422106.1 (18931640..18976779)
ID: 108875801
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Lates calcarifer (barramundi perch)]Chromosome LG5, NC_066837.1 (17507644..17510458, complement)
ID: 102179412
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Capra hircus (goat)]Chromosome 19, NC_030826.1 (17712166..17716915)
ID: 115540464
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)]Chromosome 3, NC_044050.1 (7254386..7258093)
ID: 102488128
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew)]NW_006159909.1 (861651..869293, complement)TREES_T100001799
ID: 101720083
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Heterocephalus glaber (naked mole-rat)]NW_004624875.1 (154600..163740, complement)GW7_08157
ID: 131467502
transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial [Solea solea (common sole)]Chromosome 10, NC_081143.1 (17781680..17785180)
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