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Jonas DE, Feltner C, Amick HR, et al. Screening for Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2014 Jul. (Evidence Syntheses, No. 111.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Screening for Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis

Screening for Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet].

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Appendix FResults of Meta-Analyses

Appendix F Figure 1. Ipsilateral Stroke (Nonperioperative) for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy

Appendix F Figure 2. Any Stroke (Nonperioperative) for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy

Appendix F Figure 3. Perioperative Stroke/Death or Any Subsequent Stroke for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy

Appendix F Figure 4. Perioperative Stroke/Death or Any Subsequent Stroke for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Including Angiogram-Related Events

Appendix F Figure 5. Perioperative Stroke/Death or Any Subsequent Ipsilateral Stroke for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy

Appendix F Figure 6. Perioperative Stroke/Death or Any Subsequent Ipsilateral Stroke for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Including Angiogram-Related Events

Appendix F Figure 7. All-Cause Mortality for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy

Appendix F Figure 8. Any Stroke or Death for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy

Appendix F Figure 9. Perioperative Stroke or Death for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy

Appendix F Figure 10. Perioperative Stroke or Death for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Including Angiogram-Related Events

Appendix F Figure 11. Perioperative Nonfatal Myocardial Infarction for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy

Appendix F Figure 12. Perioperative Death or Stroke Rate After CEA, by Study Design

Appendix F Figure 13. Perioperative Death or Stroke Rate After CEA, Sensitivity Analysis Including Studies Rated as Poor Quality, by Study Design

Appendix F Figure 14. Perioperative Death or Stroke Rate After CAAS, by Study Design

Appendix F Figure 15. Perioperative Death or Stroke Rate After CAAS, Sensitivity Analysis Including Studies Rated as Poor Quality, by Study Design

Appendix F Figure 16. Ipsilateral Stroke (Nonperioperative) for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 17. Any Stroke (Nonperioperative) for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 18. Perioperative Stroke/Death or Any Subsequent Stroke for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 19. Perioperative Stroke/Death or Any Subsequent Stroke for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Including Angiogram-Related Events and Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 20. Perioperative Stroke/Death or Any Subsequent Ipsilateral Stroke for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 21. Perioperative Stroke/Death or Any Subsequent Ipsilateral Stroke for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Including Angiogram-Related Events and Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 22. All-Cause Mortality for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 23. Any Stroke or Death for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 24. Perioperative Stroke or Death for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 25. Perioperative Stroke or Death for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Including Angiogram-Related Events and Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 26. Perioperative Nonfatal Myocardial Infarction for CEA Compared With Medical Therapy, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 27. Perioperative Death or Stroke Rate Reported in Trials After CAAS, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods

Appendix F Figure 28. Perioperative Death or Stroke Rate Reported in Trials After CAAS, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods and Including Poor Quality Studies

Appendix F Figure 29. Perioperative Death or Stroke Rate Reported in Cohort Studies After CAAS, Sensitivity Analysis Using Profile Likelihood Methods and Including Poor Quality Studies

Bookshelf ID: NBK223222


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