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National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK). Anaemia Management in Chronic Kidney Disease: Rapid Update 2011 [Internet]. London: Royal College of Physicians (UK); 2011 Feb. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 114.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Anaemia Management in Chronic Kidney Disease

Anaemia Management in Chronic Kidney Disease: Rapid Update 2011 [Internet].

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4Diagnostic evaluation and assessment of anaemia

4.1. Diagnostic role of Hb levels

4.1.1. Clinical introduction [2011]

Why is the haemoglobin level important in patients with CKD? Possible adverse effects of anaemia include reduced oxygen utilisation, increased cardiac output and left ventricular hypertrophy, increased progression of CKD, reduced cognition and concentration, reduced libido and reduced immune responsiveness. How much these adverse effects translate into adverse outcomes such as impaired quality of life, increased hospitalisation, increased cardiovascular events and increased cardiovascular and all-cause mortality has been the subject of debate for several years. What is incontrovertible is that since the introduction of human recombinant erythropoietin for treatment of CKD-related anaemia over 2 decades ago we have had the tools to significantly influence anaemia management. The phenotype of the kidney patient with haemoglobin levels between 5–8 g/dL, rendered massively iron over-loaded and virtually un-transplantable as a result of multiple transfusions, has thankfully become unrecognisable. Attention has shifted from treatment of severe anaemia in dialysis patients to prevention of anaemia non-dialysis and to correction of anaemia to higher levels of haemoglobin.

It is well established that haemoglobin levels fall as kidney function declines but there is significant heterogeneity at each level of kidney dysfunction. Although normal values for haemoglobin in the general population differ by gender this has not been addressed in most study designs of anaemia in kidney disease. Observational data suggest that lower haemoglobin values are associated with increased cardiovascular abnormalities/events, increased hospitalisation, increased mortality, increased transfusion requirements and reduced quality of life. Major criticisms though have been the heterogeneity of such studies and the variation in adjustment for confounders. We do not have randomised controlled trials designed to assess the level of haemoglobin at which we should intervene with treatment but we do have treatment dilemmas. We know from clinical practice that not all patients will necessarily benefit from treatment so at what level of haemoglobin should we consider intervention with anaemia treatment? Should this level differ by age, gender or ethnicity? Should we adopt differing strategies dependent on whether patients are non-dialysis or already receiving renal replacement therapy?

The GDG agreed to address the following question: In patients with chronic kidney disease, what haemoglobin (Hb)/haematocrit (Hct) levels are associated with adverse outcomes and what are the effects of a) age b) gender c) ethnicity?

4.1.2. Methodological introduction

A literature search identified longitudinal,133,257,336,340 before and after127,202,205,285 and cohort60,177,178,186 studies, conducted predominantly in haemodialysis patients.

Four studies81,144,170,206 had methodological limitations and were excluded from evidence statements.

Notable aspects of the evidence base were:

  • No studies were found which specifically addressed the issues of gender and ethnicity and only one study was identified which stratified the study population according to age205.
  • Only two studies included populations over 80 years old133,178.
  • Not all studies reported gender and ethnicity of the participants. Some studies included predominantly male202,285 or predominantly white participants60,178 or predominantly male and white participants81,177. One study included a population that was 67% African American133.
  • The number of study participants varied greatly, ranging between 7 and over 60,000.

A comprehensive literature search did not identify any studies that were suitable to address the economic aspects, therefore no health economic evidence statements are given.

4.1.3. Methodological introduction [2011]

The GDG noted a change in terminology for the 2011 update concerning predialysis to nondialysis.

A literature search was undertaken to identify papers published from September 2005 onwards. Eight cohort studies113,163,171,175,199,255,335,339 in nondialysis, haemodialysis and transplant patients were included. Studies not meeting the inclusion criteria were excluded.

Notable aspects of the evidence base:

  • No studies were found which reported the interaction of age, gender and ethnicity with Hb/Hct levels.
    • One study163 included only male patients with subgroup analyses for age and ethnicity. The results were only presented on a forest plot and numerical data were not reported.
  • The mean age, where reported, ranged from 51 years339 to 72 years171; one study175 reported 29% of the included patients were over 75 years.
  • The ethnicity of the patients included in the studies comprised mainly of those classified as white. One study163 reported patients with higher Hb levels were likely to be ‘white’.

The outcomes considered in the review are: ·

  • Left ventricular hypertrophy
  • Hospitalisation
  • Mortality
  • Composite outcome (all cause mortality, stroke and MI)
  • Cardiac events
  • Quality of life
  • Stroke
  • Progression of CKD

4.1.4. Evidence statements [2006, updated 2011]

These evidence statements are grouped by outcome measure per sub-population of anaemia patients.

Left ventricular hypertrophy

Predialysis patients

In a 1-year study206 (n=318), a mean decrease in Hb of 0.5 g/dl from baseline of 12.8 ± 1.9 g/dl was found to be one of three factors (including systolic blood pressure and left ventricular (LV) mass index) that was associated with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.59, p=0.004). (Level 2+)

A decrease in LV mass index (p<0.01) was observed after raising haematocrit (Hct) from 23.6 ± 0.5% (Hb ~ 7.8 g/dl) to 39.1 ± 0.8% (Hb ~ 13 g/dl) with epoetin over a time period of 12 months in a small sample (n=9)127. Similarly, in another study257 (n=11) treatment with epoetin increased Hct levels from 26.3 ± 0.6% (Hb ~ 8.7 g/dl) to 34.4 ± 1.1% (Hb ~ 11.4 g/dl) at 3 months and 34.7 ± 1.3% (Hb ~ 11.5 g/dl) at 6 months. A reduction in LV mass index at month 6 (p<0.05), cardiac output (p<0.05), cardiac index (p<0.05), and an increase in total peripheral resistance (p<0.05) at months 3 and 6 of the study were observed. (Level 3)

In two studies,37,41 increased Hct levels with epoetin from 26.3 ± 0.6% (Hb ~ 8.7 g/dl) to 34.7 ± 1.3% (Hb ~ 11.5 g/dl) at 6 months37 and from 23.6 ± 0.5% (Hb ~ 7.8 g/dl) to 39.1 ± 0.8% (Hb ~ 13 g/dl) at 12 months41 found no changes in LV end-diastolic/systolic diameters, interventricular septum thickness, LV posterior wall thickness over 6 months37 or over 12 months.41 (Level 3)

Haemodialysis patients

In a 12 month study285 where Hb was increased from a baseline level of 6.3 ± 0.8 g/dl to 11.4 ± 1.5 g/dl by epoetin administration, a reduction in LV mass (p <0.001), LV end-diastolic volume (p=0.005) and LV end diastole (p=0.003) was found in patients with baseline LV mass above 210 g. In the same study285, no significant changes were observed in echocardiography measurements of LV posterior wall, interventricular septum or mean wall thickness. (Level 3)

In a small study202 (n=7), an increase in Hb from 9.8 ± 1.3 g/dl to 14.2 ± 0.6 g/dl using epoetin over a period of approximately 6 months found a significant reduction in cardiac output (p<0.01) and stroke volume (p<0.01), which was accompanied with a significant increase in total peripheral resistance (p<0.05). However, there was no change in mean arterial pressure. (Level 3)

There were no new relevant studies identified reporting left ventricular hypertrophies in the rapid update review.


Haemodialysis patients

A cohort (n=66,761), with data stratified into increasing Hct levels and compared with an Hct level of 33 to 35% over a 1-year follow-up period60 found the following:

Table 4.1Summary data from study60 (Level 2+)

Hct (%)<3030 to 3233 to 35 (Ref)36 to 38≥39
Hb (g/dl)<1010–10.711 to 11.7 (Ref)12 to 12.7≥13
RR of all-cause hospitalisation1.421.2110.780.84
RR of hospitalisation from cardiac causes1.31.1710.75NS
RR of hospitalisation from infections1.761.310.820.62

RR = relative risk; NS = not significant

In a 2.5-year follow-up study178, participants (n=50,579) were stratified into increasing Hct levels and compared with patients with the arbitrary reference of Hct 34 to 36% (n=22,192), see Tables 4.2 to 4.5.

Table 4.2. Adjusted relative risk of first hospitalisation due to any cardiac disease (Level 2+).

Table 4.2

Adjusted relative risk of first hospitalisation due to any cardiac disease (Level 2+).

Table 4.3. Adjusted relative risk of first hospitalisation due to specific cardiac diseases (Level 2+).

Table 4.3

Adjusted relative risk of first hospitalisation due to specific cardiac diseases (Level 2+).

Table 4.4. Adjusted relative risk of first hospitalisation for patients with cardiac comorbid conditions (n=45,166) (Level 2+).

Table 4.4

Adjusted relative risk of first hospitalisation for patients with cardiac comorbid conditions (n=45,166) (Level 2+).

Table 4.5. Adjusted relative risk of hospitalisation for patients with Hct 37 to 39% without pre-existing cardiac disease (3-year follow-up) (Level 2+).

Table 4.5

Adjusted relative risk of hospitalisation for patients with Hct 37 to 39% without pre-existing cardiac disease (3-year follow-up) (Level 2+).

There were no new relevant studies identified in the rapid update review reporting the outcome hospitalisation.


Nondialysis patients

Evidence statements

There is moderate to high quality evidence163,175,199 to show that:

  • low Hb levels [<11 g/dL] compared to high Hb levels [>13 to ≤14 g/dL] are associated with an increased risk of mortality
  • low Hb levels [≥11 to ≤12 g/dL] compared to high Hb levels [>13 to ≤14 g/dL] are associated with an increased risk of mortality
  • low Hb levels [>12 g/dL] compared to high Hb levels [≥14 g/dL] are not associated with an increased risk of mortality.

There is uncertainty concerning all of the above results.

There is moderate quality evidence163,175 to show that a decrement in Hb level of 1 g/dL is associated with an increased risk of mortality.

There is moderate quality evidence335 to show:

  • a decrement in Hb level of 1.5 g/dL is associated with an increased risk of mortality in patients with higher Hb levels [>14.5 g/dL] this decrement is associated with a decreased risk of mortality.

There is low quality evidence171 to show that CHD-mortality is associated with lower Hb quintiles when GFR is estimated using the Cockcroft-Gault method. This effect is not evident when GFR is estimated using the MDRD method.

Evidence report

Three studies163,175,199,339 reported the risk for mortality associated with low and high haemoglobin levels. Risk of mortality was assessed over follow-up periods ranging from 16 months199 to 27 months175, while overall mortality rates ranged from 0.5% [191/27153]199 to 29% [245/853]163. Mortality rates were stratified according to Hb ranges in one study163 [<11 g/dL: 39.0% (68/174); 11.1 to 12 g/dL: 34.2% (74/216); 12.1 to 13 g/dL: 24.9% (50/201); >13 g/dL: 20.2% (53/262)].

An emerging trend suggests that lower Hb levels are associated with an increased risk of mortality compared with higher Hb levels. At higher Hb levels, a significant difference was not observed; however, there is some uncertainty concerning the precision of these effects (figure I.1a to figure I.1c, Appendix I:).

Three studies reported the affect of incremental increases in Hb level on the risk of mortality. The overall mortality rates were: 20% [618/3028]175; 29% [245/853]163; 44.6% [748/1678]335.

In one study175 an decrement of 10 g/L [1 g/dL] in Hb level was associated with a significantly increased risk of mortality in patients with: eGFR <15 mL/min [RR 0.91 (95% CI 0.84–0.99); eGFR of 15–29 mL/min [RR 0.86 (95% CI 0.81–0.92)]; eGFR of 30–59 mL/min [RR 0.81 (95% CI 0.71–0.92)] (figure 1.2a, Appendix B).

An increment of 10 g/L [1 g/dL] in Hb level was also associated with a decreased risk in mortality in a second study163 [HR 0.86 (95% CI 0.78–0.95)] (figure I.2b, Appendix I:).

A third study335 reported that an increment of 1.5 g/dL in Hb level was associated with a decreased risk in mortality [HR 0.86 (95% CI 0.79–0.94]. This benefit was increased in patients with Hb levels <14.5 g/dL [HR 0.70 (95% CI 0.63–0.78)]. However, in patients with Hb levels >14.5, an increment of 1.5 g/dL in Hb resulted in an increased risk of mortality [HR 1.31 (95% CI 1.09–1.56)] (figure I.2c, Appendix I:).

A single study171 reported the risk of CHD-related mortality for the lowest Hb quintiles [range: 7.6–14.6], as a continuous variable, compared with patients in higher Hb quintiles using different methods of estimating GFR. GFR estimated with the Cockcroft-Gault method reported an overall mortality rate of 11% [179/1639] and the proportion of patients who died within the groups were as follows: lower quintiles: 41% (74/179); other quintiles: 64% (115/179).

GFR estimated with the MDRD method reported an overall mortality rate of 9% [148/1639] and the proportion of patients who died within the groups were as follows: lower quintiles: 53/148; other quintiles: 95/148.

An increased risk in CHD-mortality associated with lower Hb quintiles was observed when GFR was estimated using the Cockcroft-Gault method (figure I.3, Appendix I:).

This study171 also reported that there was no significant difference in CHD-related deaths in patients with the lowest quintiles of Hb and GFR compared with high Hb and GFR in subgroups for men and women; however, these subgroups included both CKD and non-CKD patients so the results are not presented here.

Haemodialysis patients

Data from a cohort (n=66,761) were stratified into increasing Hct levels and compared with an arbitrary Hct level of 33 to 35% over a 1-year follow-up period60:

Table 4.6Adjusted relative risks (Level 2+)

Hct (%)<3030 to 3233 to 35 (Ref)36 to 38≥39
Hb (g/dl)<1010–10.711 to 11.7 (Ref)12 to 12.7≥13
RR of all-cause mortality1.741.251NSNS
RR of mortality from cardiac cause1.571.251NSNS
RR mortality from infections1.921.261NSNS

NS = not significant

In a 3-year follow-up study178 participants (n=50,579) were stratified into Hct levels and compared with patients with the arbitrary reference of Hct 34 to 36% (n=22,192):

Table 4.7Adjusted relative risk of mortality due to cardiac diseases178

Hct (%)34 to 36 (Ref)37 to 39≥40
Hb (g/dl)11.3 to 12 (Ref)12.3–13≥13.3
Relative risk1.000.920.83
95% CIN/A0.87 to 0.980.74 to 0.93

Table 4.8Adjusted relative risk of all-cause mortality178

Hct (%)34 to 36 (Ref)37 to 39≥40
Hb (g/dl)11.3 to 12 (Ref)12.313≥13.3
Relative risk1.000.920.86
95% CIN/A0.88 to 0.960.80 to 0.93

Table 4.9Adjusted relative risk of mortality for patients with Hct 37 to 39% without pre-existing cardiac disease178

RRP value
All-cause death0.690.0002
Any cardiac death0.690.0137

In one study133 (n=309), no association was found between any Hct quartile (<33.4%, ≥33.4 to 35.73%, ≥35.74% to 38.55%, and >38.55%) and survival over 18 months. (Level 3)

In a 4-year study340, renal units with more than 87% of patients achieving target Hct ≥33% (Hb ≥11 g/dl) had a lower mortality rate than those with less than 64% of patients achieving target Hct (p<0.0001). A 10% point increase in the fraction of patients with Hct of more than or equal to 33% (Hb ≥11 g/dl) was found to be associated with a 1.5% decrease in mortality (p=0.003). (Level 3)

A retrospective cohort study with 1-year follow-up186 (n=75,283) found an increase in the age group associated with higher all-cause and cause-specific mortality. Female patients had better outcomes. When compared with white patients, black patients and other ethnic minority patients had lower all-cause and cause-specific mortality. In the same study186, mortality data were compared with Hct 30 to <33% (Hb 10 to <11 g/dl)186, see Table 4.10.

Table 4.10. Adjusted relative risks (Level 2+).

Table 4.10

Adjusted relative risks (Level 2+).

Kidney transplant patients

Evidence statement

There is moderate quality evidence339 showing there is no significant difference in the risk of mortality in kidney transplant patients with low Hb levels [≤10 g/dL] compared with high Hb levels [>10 to >13 g/dL]. There is some uncertainty in the result.

Evidence report

One moderate quality study339 examined the association between Hb level and mortality in kidney transplant patients.

Overall mortality rate over a median follow-up period of 8.2 years was 20% [251/825]. The proportion of patients who died within each Hb range was as follows: >10 to 11 g/dL: 31% (28/89); >11 to 12 g/dL: 27% (38/138); >12 to 13 g/dL: 30% (50/167); >13 g/dL: 30% (111/373); ≤10 g/dL : 41% (24/58).

There is uncertainty in the precision around the effect to determine whether Hb levels are associated with risk of mortality (figure I.4, Appendix I:).

MI, stroke and all-cause mortality

Predialysis patients

In one study336 (n=2,333), the hazard ratio for the composite outcome (MI, stroke and all-cause mortality) was significantly increased in individuals with anaemia (defined as Hb <12 g/dl or Hct <36% in women and Hb <13 g/dl or Hct <39% in men) when compared with those without anaemia (hazard ratio 1.51; 95% CI 1.27 to 1.81). (Level 3)

Nondialysis patients

Evidence statement

There is moderate quality evidence335 to show an increased risk in composite outcomes [MI, stroke, all-cause mortality] with a decrease in Hb of 1.5 g/dL; however, this effect was not observed in Hb levels >14.5 g/dL.

Evidence report

Secondary analysis of two cohorts in one study335 reported the risk associated with composite outcome (all-cause mortality, stroke, MI) for an increase in Hb of 1.5 g/dL: HR 0.89 (95% CI 0.82 to 0.96) and for an increase in Hb of 1.5 g/dL with Hb level less than 14.5 g/dL [HR 0.75 (95% CI 0.67 to 0.84). The risk increased with Hb levels greater than 14.5 g/dL [HR 1.22 (95% CI 1.03 to 1.45)] (figure I.5, Appendix I:).

Cardiac events - MI and CHD

Nondialysis patients

Evidence statement

There is moderate quality evidence335 to show no significant effect of a 1.5 g/dL decrease in Hb level and risk of cardiac events.

Evidence report

Secondary analysis of two cohorts in one study335 reported the risk associated with 1.5 g/dL increase in Hb and cardiac events. The results show that for every 1.5 g/dL increase in Hb there was no significant effect on cardiac events [HR 0.98 (95% CI 0.87 to 1.10)]. 22.5% patients [378/1678] experienced a cardiac event. The study also reported the risk associated with a 1.5 g/dL increase when the Hb level is less than 14.5 g/dL or greater than 14.5 g/dL; there was no significant difference (figure I.6, Appendix I:).

Quality of life

Nondialysis patients

Evidence statement

There is low quality evidence113 showing a 10% reduction in haematocrit levels from baseline was associated with a significant decrease in the ‘vitality’ domain of the SF-36 health survey.

Evidence report

One study113 examined associations between haematocrit levels and changes in SF-36 score at 1 year. A 10% decrement in haematocrit levels from baseline was associated with a significantly decreased score for the ‘vitality’ domain of the SF-36 (change in score: 4.5 points; p=0.003). There were no significant changes in the scores in the remaining 7 domains.

Haemodialysis patients

When evaluated in epoetin-treated patients205 (n=57) whose Hct increased from 21 ± 0.3% (Hb ~ 7 g/dl) at baseline to 28 ± 0.4% (Hb ~ 9.3 g/dl) at month 3 and 29 ± 0.4% (Hb ~ 9.7 g/dl) at month 6, quality of life was shown to improve by means of the Karnofsky scale (p=0.0001) and the global (p=0.0001), physical (p=0.0001) and psychosocial (p=0.0001) dimensions of the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) questionnaire. This was further reinforced by linear regression between improvement of the SIP global score and final achieved Hct (29 ± 0.4%) (b coefficient 0.57, p<0.05, R2 0.57). (Level 2+)

Evidence statement

There is moderate quality evidence255 to show that a 1 g/dL increase in Hb level is associated with significantly higher QoL scores [SF-36 and CHEQ].

Evidence report

A single study255 assessed whether Hb concentration ≥11 g/dL at 6 months after initiation of haemodialysis was associated with better generic (SF-36) and disease-specific QoL [CHOICE Health Experience Questionnaire-CHEQ] at 1 year.

QoL scores at 1 year for patients who achieved haemoglobin concentrations of 11 g/dL at 6 months were significantly higher for the following SF-36 domains: physical functioning, role physical, bodily pain, role emotional, mental and social functions; and the following CHEQ domains: cognitive function and financial well-being. These patients also achieved a higher score for the following disease-specific domains: diet restriction and dialysis access. The effect size, ranged from 0.10 (general health) to 0.34 (mental health) in the SF-36 domains and from −0.07 (sexual function) to 0.31(finances) in the CHEQ domains.

A 1 g/dL increase in Hb (regardless of whether it fell to within 11 to 12 g/dL) was associated with significantly higher QoL scores for most of the generic and disease-specific QoL domains.

Effect of age on quality of life

Haemodialysis patients

In a subgroup analysis of epoetin-treated patients divided into age groups of more than or equal to 60 years (n=23) and less than 60 years (n=34), Hct levels were higher in the younger age group205 (p<0.05). No differences were observed in improvements of quality of life scores using the Karnofsky scale or SIP score when these age groups were compared205. The same was true when patients were stratified into age groups of more than 60 years (n=34) and more than or equal to 65 years (n=15)205. (Level 2+)


Nondialysis patients

Evidence statement

There is moderate quality evidence335 to show that a 1.5 g/dL decrease in Hb level is associated with an increased risk of stroke. This effect was observed in patients who had Hb levels <14.5 g/dL but not in those with Hb levels >14.5 g/dL.

Evidence report

Secondary analysis of two cohorts in one study335 reported the risk associated with a 1.5 g/dL increase in Hb and stroke. 13.9% patients [233/1678] experienced a stroke.

The results show that for a 1.5 g/dL increase in Hb there is a decreased risk of stroke [HR 0.85 (95% CI 0.73 to 0.99)]. This effect was observed for a 1.5 g/dL increase in the <14.5 group [HR 0.79 (95% CI 0.64 to 0.97)]. This effect was not seen in patients who had Hb>14.5 g/dL [1.02 (95% CI 0.71 to 1.46)] (figure I.7, Appendix I:).

Progression of CKD

Nondialysis patients

Evidence statement

There is high quality evidence163 to show that:

  • lower time-averaged Hb levels [(<11 g/dL; 11.1 to 12 g/dL) compared to >13 g/dL] are associated with a significantly increased risk of progression to ESRD.
  • a 10 g/L [1 g/dL] decrement in higher time-averaged Hb is associated with a significantly increased risk of progression to ESRD.
Evidence report

One high-quality study163 reported the risk associated with progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) for male nondialysis patients.

Overall rate of progression to ESRD was 23% [195/853]; the proportion of patients who progressed to ESRD for each Hb range was as follows: <11 g/dL: 40.2% (70/174); 11.1 to 12.0 g/dL: 30.0% (65/216); 12.1 to 13.0 g/dL: 17.9% (36/201); and >13 g/dL: 9.2% (24/262).

A lower time–averaged Hb (<11 g/dL; 11.1 to 12 g/dL) compared with >13 g/dL is associated with significantly higher risk of ESRD [<11 g/dL: HR 2.96 (95% CI 1.70 to 5.15); 11.1 to 12 g/dL: HR 1.81 (95% CI 1.07 to 3.06)]; however there is some uncertainty in the precision around the effects (figure I.8, Appendix I:).

The study also examined progression to ESRD associated with Hb level 12.1 to 13 g/dL compared with >13 g/dL and reported no significant difference was found; numerical data were not presented.

In addition, results showed that a 10 g/L [1 g/dL] higher time-averaged Hb is associated with a decreased risk of progression to ESRD [HR 0.74 (95% CI 0.65 to 0.84)] (figure I.9, Appendix I:).

4.1.5. Health economic methodological introduction [2011]

No economic studies were included in the 2006 guideline. A literature search was undertaken to identify papers published from September 2005 onwards.

One study173 was identified that examined the association between haemoglobin level and cost in nondialysis patients with chronic kidney disease aged 65 years or older who were not receiving treatment for anaemia. This was a retrospective cohort analysis with multivariate regression (covariates: age, gender, GFR, diabetes, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, CAD, MI, LVH). Data was derived from a large US managed care database – this limits the applicability of the results to the guideline. Costs included inpatient and outpatient medical claims and pharmacy dispensing claims.

4.1.6. Health economic evidence statements [2011]

Evidence statement

There is moderate quality evidence173 that is partially applicable to the guideline to show that in untreated patients:

  • low Hb [<11 g/dL] compared to higher Hb [>11 g/dL] is associated with increased costs.
  • an decrement in Hb level of 1 g/dL is associated with increased cost.

Lefebvre and colleagues173 reported that, in CKD patients untreated for anaemia, a haemoglobin level <11 g/dL was associated with an additional monthly cost of £320 (CI: £223, £408) compared to a haemoglobin level >11 g/dL. Every 1g/dL decrease in haemoglobin was associated with a £52 increase in cost (CI: £32–£71).

4.1.7. From evidence to recommendations

Data about the outcome of LVH were presented to the GDG177. Two studies which demonstrated an association between decreasing left ventricular mass and increasing haematocrit levels127,257 were based on small sample sizes (n=9 and n=11) and the GDG weighed these studies accordingly in their deliberations.

Two studies were appraised that examined the rate of progression of renal failure but these were excluded as underpowered by the GDG127,257 and hence, no evidence statements were presented for this outcome.

The GDG noted that the greater hospitalisation rate seen in a study based on registry data60 could be a reflection of a sicker population and this may be another reason for the lower Hb level. It was also noted that the lowest haematocrit group required double the amount of EPO to reach this level, and as such, these participants may have a reduced health status.

The study by Moreno et al206 was excluded by the GDG because of a highly selected population (excluding both elderly and ill patients) and a lack of intention to treat analysis. The group agreed to increase the grade of one other study178 from 3 to 2+ as the study participants had been subdivided according to Hct levels and a multivariate analysis of risk had been performed.

The GDG agreed that the evidence supported an association between decreased haematocrit and increased risk of hospitalisation.

The group felt that the evidence presented on mortality from one study60 suggested that there was an increase in mortality between Hct <30 to <33% (Hb levels ~ 1 – 11g/dl) when compared with Hct 33 to 36% (Hb ~ 11–12g/dl). It was noted that this range spans the standard levels quoted in many guidelines. The data presented by two studies186,340 suggest that an Hb of <11g/dl was the threshold below which there was an increased risk of mortality. However, the GDG noted that these studies may not have accounted for confounding factors such as intercurrent illness. The issue was also raised that there might be a reverse causality and that patients requiring high amounts of epoetin may be sicker and hence more likely to require hospitalisation.

One study133 concluded that the haematocrit level was not a predictor of survival and that other markers of morbidity were more important. The data also suggested that confounding factors may be present that were not taken into account, e.g. infection. This possibility was reflected in the study as the haematocrit levels were corrected for albumin. This study also suggested that men and women require different doses of ESA: women appear to need more ESA than men.

Only one study202 was appraised that evaluated haemodynamic parameters but this was excluded for this outcome by the GDG as it was felt to be underpowered (n=7).

Concerning quality of life in haemodialysis patients(n=57)202, a subgroup analysis of those over and under 60 years of age found a significant increase in quality of life scores associated with higher Hb levels in both age groups.

4.1.8. Recommendation and link to evidence [2011]

  1. Consider investigating and managing anaemia in people with CKD if:
    • their Hb level falls to 11 g/dL or less (or 10.5 g/dL or less if younger than 2 years) or,
    • they develop symptoms attributable to anaemia (such as tiredness, shortness of breath, lethargy and palpitations). [new 2011] Relative values of different outcomes

The GDG noted the outcomes that were important for decision making were mortality, quality of life, hospitalisation, cardiac events, stroke and composite events. There were no new relevant studies identified reporting the outcome LVH. Outcomes reporting change in LVMI and progression of CKD were not as influential in decision making. The GDG noted that the evidence was from observation cohort studies and the relationship between Hb levels and outcomes of interest may be influenced by other confounding factors such as chronic inflammation. Trade off between clinical benefits and harms

The GDG noted:

  • the overall trend of adverse outcomes at lower Hb levels in both non-dialysis and dialysis patients. There was limited evidence in the transplant population.
  • the risk of mortality appears to increase below Hb 12 g/dL for the non-dialysis population and below 11 g/dL for the dialysis population, but there is a some heterogeneity in the data.
  • There was no new relevant studies identified considering children.
  • more evidence is available at the 2011 update for the non-dialysis population than was available at the time of the original guideline.

The GDG also debated if there were other subgroups where different relationships between Hb levels and outcomes could be distinguished, for example sex, ethnicity or people with diabetes. However there is insufficient evidence on which to base different recommendations for these subgroups. Economic considerations

No cost effectiveness analyses were identified that compared initiating management of anaemia at different threshold Hb levels.

One cohort study was identified that examined the association between cost and Hb level in untreated people with CKD and reported that lower Hb was associated with higher costs in patients not treated for anaemia. Quality of evidence

There was low to moderate quality evidence from prospective and retrospective cohort studies. The majority of the studies were adjusted for confounding factors but the GDG considered that confounding (for example the more severe the chronic kidney disease, the lower the Hb is likely to be) remained an important issue in deciding at which level of Hb to initiate management. Other considerations

The GDG noted that the Hb level at which patients are at increased risk for mortality differed between non-dialysis and dialysis patients, however there was some heterogeneity in the results. The GDG debated whether to make separate recommendations for the different population groups but the level of uncertainty and the strength of the evidence did not allow firm conclusions to be drawn.

The GDG noted the complexity in deciding the level of Hb at which to start treatment, also noting that different patients become symptomatic at different levels of Hb concentration.

The GDG considered the recommendation drafted in the original guidance together with the additional evidence accruing since publication of the original guidance. The GDG unanimously agreed that the recommendation to initiate management of anaemia in people with CKD and Hb levels below 11 g/dl did not require change. The GDG’s rationale for having the intervention point within the aspirational target range and not at the lower limit of the range is because investigation and management would begin before the Hb level had fallen below the lower limit of the aspirational range (see paragraph 6.9), thereby allowing time for management to maintain Hb levels within the range rather than having to raise them to within the range.

However, the GDG felt that the recommendation should be amended to read ‘fallen below 11 g/dl’ (original: ‘less than or equal to 11 g/dl’) to highlight that management and investigation was indicated when Hb levels were declining and not when they were stable.

The GDG also felt that they should recommend investigation and management of anaemia in individual patients who are thought to be symptomatic from anaemia despite higher levels of Hb or below the normal range for people with CKD, for example between 11 and 12 g/dL. The recommendation was modified to reflect this.

4.2. Diagnostic role of glomerular filtration rate

4.2.1. Clinical introduction

Data from population studies such as NHANES III in the USA and the NEOERICA study in the UK suggest an increasing prevalence of anaemia with decreasing GFR level. A similar relationship between glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and anaemia has also been demonstrated in population cohorts of people with diabetes317. Although anaemia is common in people with diabetes it is also commonly unrecognised and undetected300. The prevalence of anaemia in people with diabetes is increased at all levels of renal function in those with increased proteinuria/albuminuria318, and it has been suggested that in people with diabetes, anaemia associated with CKD may occur earlier in the evolution of CKD when compared with people without diabetes. In investigating the evidence base, this section seeks to describe the relationship between GFR and haemoglobin levels and provide guidance for clinicians about the threshold level of GFR below which they should suspect that anaemia is associated with CKD.

4.2.2. Methodological introduction

A literature search identified five studies investigating the association between GFR or creatinine clearance (CCr) with Hb/Hct levels in non-diabetic patients20,99,129,155,197 and four studies in diabetic patients73,88,316,317.

Notable aspects of the evidence base were:

  • Two studies were not limited to patients with CKD20,129.
  • Two studies were conducted in selected patient populations155,197 and one study99 was conducted in children.
  • Patient populations in some studies were not stratified to diabetic and non-diabetic patients and where reported, the percentage of diabetics varied from 5%20 to 28%155 and to 64.4%197. All patients with CKD were in the untreated predialysis stage, except for one study where some patients received oral iron (26%) and epoetin (12.8%) to treat their anaemia99.
  • One study was conducted in people with Type 2 diabetes316, and one in people with Type 1 and people with Type 2 diabetes317.

A comprehensive literature search did not identify any studies that were suitable to address the economic aspects, therefore no health economic evidence statements are given.

4.2.3. Evidence statements

Hb/Hct levels associated with different GFR or CCr levels in non-diabetic patients

Table 4.11GFR vs Hb55 (Level 3)

Median Hb level in women (g/dl)Median Hb level in men (g/dl)eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)

Table 4.12GFR vs Hb using >80 ml/min/1.73 m2 as the reference value56 (Level 2+)

GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)
Women (n=8,495)Men (n=3,560)
Difference in Hb (g/dl)p valueDifference in Hb (g/dl)p value
>70 to ≤800.1
95% CI 0.1–0.2
>60 to ≤700.1
95% CI 0.1–0.2
>50 to ≤600.1
95% CI 0.0–0.2
95% CI −0.3–0.0
>40 to ≤50−0.2
95% CI −0.4, −0.1
95% CI −1.1, −0.5
>30 to ≤40−0.6
95% CI −0.8, −0.3
95% CI −1.8, −1.0
>20 to ≤30−1.4
95% CI −1.8, −1.1
95% CI −2.3, −1.4
95% CI −2.3, −1.6
95% CI −3.9, −2.9

Table 4.13GFR vs Hb57 (Level 3)

GFR (ml/min/1.73m2)n% of n with Hb ≤10 g/dl% of n with Hb >10 to ≤12 g/dl% of n with Hb ≤12 g/dl
≥30 to <602,8325.635.941.6
≥15 to <301,96811.042.653.6

Table 4.14GFR vs Hct58 (Level 2+)

Hct (%)Estimated Hb (g/dl)GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)
<28<916.5 ± 6.8
28.0–29.99–<1017.9 ± 8.8
30.0–32.910–<1120.1 ± 7.6
33.0–35.911–<1222.0 ± 8.9
≥36≥1227.4 ± 7.9

Table 4.15GFR vs Hct in children (<21 years old)59

% of patients with Hct
≤30 %31–32.9 %>33 %
% of patients with estimated Hb (g/dl)
All patients30.9 %13.0 %56.1 %
GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)
<1062.9 %11.3 %25.8 %
10–2548.1 %16.8 %35.1 %
25–5025.7 %13.3 %61.0 %
50–7513.1 %8.1 %78.7 %

2.4% of the study participants were treated with RBC transfusions after study entry. In addition, 26% of study participants received oral iron and 12.8% received epoetin during the course of the study. (Level 2+)

Hb levels associated with different GFR levels in diabetic patients

In a retrospective cross-sectional study (n=28,862)73, diabetes was recorded in 15.4% of patients with GFR of more than 60 (stage 3–5 CKD). Of these, 15.3% were anaemic when defined as Hb <12 g/dl for women and <13 g/dl for men) and 3.8% were anaemic when defined as Hb <11 g/dl. (Level 3)

In a retrospective cross-sectional study in people with Type 1 and 2 diabetes (n=820)317, GFR was found to be an independent predictor of Hb (p<0.0001). Associations between Hb and GFR were continuously significant (p<0.05) at lower levels of GFR <70 vs GFR 80–100. Hb was significantly lower in all male and female patients with GFR <70 (both p<0.0001). GFR of more than 80 ml/min/1.73 m2 was not significantly associated with anaemia defined as Hb ≤ 11 g/dl (irrespective of sex) and Hb <13 g/dl in men and Hb <12 g/dl in women. (Level 3)

Diabetes status and estimated GFR (eGFR) (ml/min/1.73m2) categories <30, 30–59, and 60–89 were significantly associated with an increased likelihood of anaemia, defined as Hb <12.0 g/dl for men and post-menopausal women (older than 50 years old) and Hb <11.0 for pre-menopausal women (50 years old or younger) using eGFR ≥ 90 as the reference88. (Level 3)

In the same study88, when eGFR was divided into 10 ml/min/1.73m2 strata, the prevalence of anaemia by diabetes status was statistically significant at each of the categories between 31 and 60 ml/min/1.73m2, but did not differ for any other categories.

In addition, in men with diabetes, significantly lower Hb levels were observed at all eGFR categories <60 ml/min/1.73m2, whereas among women with diabetes and all study participants without diabetes (both men and women), significantly lower Hb levels were not apparent until more advanced levels of kidney impairment were observed (eGFR <31 ml/min/1.73m2). (Level 3)

Hb levels associated with different CCr levels in diabetic patients

Type 2 diabetic patients with mild renal impairment (CCr 60–90 ml/min/1.73 m2)316 were approximately twice as likely to have anaemia as diabetic patients with normal renal function, defined as Hb <130 g/l in men and Hb <120 g/l in women (CCr >90 ml/min/1.73 m2) (p value not reported by the authors). (Level 3)

4.2.4. From evidence to recommendations

The comparison of diabetic and non-diabetic populations was based on a clinical perception that the diabetic population was at risk of developing anaemia of CKD at an earlier stage. The GDG felt that this perception had arisen partly because of the selected patient populations in many of the studies, the cross-sectional nature of the studies, and the lack of standardisation of estimates of renal function used in the various studies.

The current clinical perception of the GDG is that although there was a correlation between diabetes and the anaemia of CKD, the prevalence of anaemia in those with diabetes appeared greater than those without at higher levels of GFR. Within whole population studies there were similar mean haemoglobin levels between those with diabetes and those without diabetes across a range of GFRs.

It was agreed that setting a threshold value of eGFR of 60 ml/min/1.73m2 (the boundary between stage 2 and stage 3 CKD) would be of use in helping clinicians decide whether to consider anaemia of CKD as a cause of the anaemia, although there were some concerns about whether the error around a single measurement would make this a suitable recommendation.

It was felt there was some merit in an empirical statement that supported setting an eGFR of <60 ml/min/1.73m2 which should alert a clinician to consider anaemia of CKD as the cause, and that other causes were likely in patients with a eGFR > 60.

4.2.5. Recommendation


An estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of <60 ml/min/1.73m2 should trigger investigation into whether anaemia is due to CKD. When the eGFR is ≥ 60 ml/min/1.73m2 the anaemia is more likely to be related to other causes. [D]

4.3. Diagnostic tests to determine iron status

4.3.1. Clinical introduction

The purpose of the evidence review in this section was to identify the best combination of tests to determine iron status in patients with CKD.

The aim of determining iron status is to identify which patients need iron supplementation, as well as those who do not. Although absolute iron deficiency may occur in patients with chronic kidney disease we more frequently identify what is termed ‘functional iron deficiency’. Although iron stores may seem adequate when measured by conventional indices of iron status, there may be a lack of ‘freely available iron’ for effective erythropoiesis in the bone marrow.

There is a lack of well-accepted gold standard tests for determining iron deficiency in the setting of CKD. While bone marrow iron stores are often regarded as the best indicator of iron status, this is not universally accepted and taking a bone marrow sample is invasive, relatively time consuming and expensive. The frequent coexisting inflammatory or infective problems in patients with CKD can complicate the interpretation of iron status parameters. For example, serum ferritin is a good marker of storage iron and decreases in iron deficiency states. However, it is also an acute phase reactant, which means it is frequently raised in inflammatory conditions, such as CKD, regardless of the iron status. All the available tests of iron status are subject to similar limitations and detailed discussion is beyond the scope of this guideline. The British Committee for Standards in Haematology is producing a document ‘Evaluation of iron status’, which will deal comprehensively with these issues (although not specifically in the setting of CKD). It is accepted that no single parameter can determine iron status.

In patients without CKD normal serum ferritin levels are over 20 μg/l, but in those with CKD a value of 100 μg/l is considered to be the lower limit of normal to allow for the associated mild inflammatory state. The percentage of hypochromic red cells (HRC) directly reflects the number of red blood cells with suboptimal levels of haemoglobin content (<28 g/dl) and may be determined using certain analysers. HRC <2.5% is normal and HRC >10% indicates definite iron deficiency. Measurement must be on a fresh sample (<4 hours after the blood is withdrawn) because of storage artefact. Reticulocyte haemoglobin content (CHr) may also be measured by certain analysers and is derived from the simultaneous measurement of volume and haemoglobin concentration in reticulocytes. Levels indicating functional iron deficiency depend on the analyser used. Transferrin saturation (TSAT) is a derived value and may be calculated from serum iron × 100 ÷ total iron binding capacity; or serum iron (mg/dL) × 70.9 ÷ serum transferrin (mg/dl). Transferrin levels are also influenced by inflammation and nutrition (correlating with serum albumin levels). A TSAT of <20% suggests iron deficiency.

4.3.2. Methodological introduction

A literature search identified studies which addressed the ability of tests to detect iron deficiency67,93,147 and the ability of tests to predict the response to intravenous iron supplementation in patients with predefined iron parameters receiving epoetin96,97,149,154,184,314.

Of the six studies looking at the response to intravenous iron, five studies predefined the patient population to whom iron was given as being iron deficient (see Table 4.16). In one study314 the response to intravenous iron was used to define the prior iron status. No study addressed the issue of loading with iron prior to epoetin administration.

Table 4.16. Definition of detection of iron deficiency.

Table 4.16

Definition of detection of iron deficiency.

4.3.3. Evidence statements

Studies where iron was administered

A variety of studies looked at the utility of a number of markers of iron status as indicators of iron deficiency following iron administration. Response to iron administration was variably defined by an increase in haemoglobin level and/or reduction in erythropoietin dose.

Table 4.17Studies where iron was given

ReferenceN (range)Iron test (cut- off range in studies)Test cut-off valueSensitivityTest cut-off valueSpecificityEvidence hierarchy
96,154,184,31432–136Serum ferritin (50 to 400 μg/l)<50 μg/l19.6%<100 μg/l30–78.4%DSII96,184,314
<100 μg/l35.3–71.4%<50 μg/l94.6%
96,31432 and 51%HRC (>4% to >10%)>4%86.3%>4%78.4%DSII96,314
>10%42.8 and 45.1%>10%80 and 100%
96,149,154,184,31432–136TSAT (<12% to <28%)<20%57.1–74%<20%36–80%DSII96,149,184,314
184,31417 and 51Serum ferritin (<100μg/l) and TSAT (<20%)Serum ferritin <100μg/l and TSAT <20%33% and 68.6%Serum ferritin (<100μg/l) and %TSAT (<20%)67% and 60.8%DSII184,314
96,149,31432–94Ret Hb (<26 pg to <32.5 pg)<26 pg100%<26 pg80%DSII96,149,314
<32.5 pg23.1%<32.5 pg66.7%
31451ZPP (>52 and >90 μmol/mol haem)>52 μmol/mol haem80.6%>52 μmol/mol haem68.7%DSII
>90 μmol/mol haem13.9%>90 μmol/mol haem96.9%
31451%HRC (>6%) and other tests%HRC >6% and Ret Hb ≤29 pg86.3%%HRC >6% and Ret Hb ≤29 pg93.2%DSII
%HRC >6% and serum ferritin <50 ng/ml82.4%%HRC >6% and serum ferritin <50 ng/ml89.2%
%HRC >6% and TSAT <19%96.1%%HRC >6% and TSAT <19%74.3%
%HRC >6% and ZPP >52 mmol/mol haem94.9%%HRC >6% and ZPP >52 mmol/mol haem71.9%
%HRC >6% and STR >1.5 mg/100 ml85.7%%HRC >6% and STR >1.5 mg/100 ml73.2%

HRC = hypochromic red cells; TSAT = transferrin saturation; Ret Hb = reticulocyte haemoglobin content; ZPP = erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin; STR = serum transferrin receptor; PPV = positive predictive value; NPV = negative predictive value.

No iron administration

Table 4.18Studies where iron was not given

ReferenceN (range)Iron test cut- off range in studies)Test cut-off valueSensitivityTest cut-off valueSpecificityEvidence hierarchy
9363STR (1.39 μg/ml to 3.5 μg/ml)STR 1.39 μg/ml84%STR 1.39 μg/ml30%DSIb
STR 3.5 μg/ml38%STR 3.5 μg/ml90%
14725Bone marrow examination (BME) vs other testsBME vs Serum ferritin <200 μg/l41%BME vs Serum ferritin <200 μg/l100%DSIb
BME vs TSAT <20%88%BME vs TSAT <20%63%
6736TSAT vs other testsTSAT <15% vs Ret Hb <26 pg73TSAT <15% vs Ret Hb <26 pg100DSII
TSAT <15% vs %HRC >2.5%91TSAT <15% vs %HRC >2.5%54
TSAT <15% vs %HRC >5%91TSAT <15% vs %HRC >5%62

4.3.4. From evidence to recommendations

The group compared the tests based on the sensitivity, specificity and receiver operator characteristics. The group did not use the negative or positive predictive values as they were considered sensitive to demographics and epidemiology and therefore not generalisable.

These iron supplementation studies have dealt with iron deficiency or ‘functional iron deficiency’ (where storage iron may be adequate, but iron utilisation in red cell production is defective). The studies have not addressed the issues of whether iron supplementation could be beneficial in patients having erythropoietin even with apparently normal iron status, or when iron supplementation should be stopped because of a risk of iron overload.

Recticulocyte Hb content and the percentage of hypochromic red cells were also discussed. Neither of these tests are widely available and both are currently under a commercial patent. With respect to recticulocyte Hb content, the GDG felt that although this looked like a sensitive test, the cut-off for this test was a Hb content of less than 26pg. This was considered very low as the normal range is reported to be 31–33pg. The GDG noted that the percentage of hypochromic red cells provided the best sensitivity and specificity from a single test.

In general, the GDG noted that tests for serum ferritin and transferrin saturation were the most widely used but that they had poor sensitivity and specificity. The GDG took note, however, that these tests were both cheap and widely available. It was noted that serum ferritin was the only test addressing iron storage while the other tests reviewed in the evidence assessed iron utilisation. The GDG agreed that no single test was adequate to determine iron status. Serum ferritin showed the best correlation with bone marrow iron scores. Iron deficiency should be ascertained by a combination of serum ferritin (storage iron) and tests of iron utilisation (reticulocyte haemoglobin content, percentage of hypochromic red cells, transferrin saturation, ZPP).

4.3.5. Recommendations


Serum ferritin levels may be used to assess iron deficiency in people with CKD. Because serum ferritin is an acute phase reactant and frequently raised in CKD, the diagnostic cut-off value should be interpreted differently to non-CKD patients. [A(DS)]


Iron deficiency anaemia should be:

  • diagnosed in people with stage 5 CKD with a ferritin level of less than 100 μg/l
  • considered in people with stage 3 and 4 CKD if the ferritin level is less than 100 μg/l. [D(GPP)]

In people with CKD who have serum ferritin levels greater than 100 μg/l, functional iron deficiency (and hence those patients who are most likely to benefit from intravenous iron therapy) should be defined by:

  • percentage of hypochromic red cells >6%, where the test is available or
  • transferrin saturation <20%, when the measurement of the percentage of hypochromic red cells is unavailable. [B(DS)]

4.4. Measurement of erythropoietin

4.4.1. Clinical introduction

Although anaemia in CKD may develop in response to a wide variety of causes, erythropoeitin (EPO) deficiency is the primary cause of renal anaemia. Predominantly produced by peritubular cells in the kidney, EPO is the hormone responsible for maintaining the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells in the bone marrow. Loss of peritubular cells leads to an inappropriately low level of circulating EPO in the face of anaemia (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2. Evolution of anaemia in CKD.

Figure 4.2

Evolution of anaemia in CKD. (Reproduced with kind permission of Dr Anatole Besarab). EPO = erythropoietin; WHO = World Health Organization.

We know that anaemia develops early in the course of chronic kidney disease. NHANES III found lower levels of kidney function to be associated with lower haemoglobin levels and a higher prevalence and severity of anaemia20. The prevalence of anaemia, defined as haemoglobin levels of less than 12 g/dl in men and less than 11 g/dl in women, increased from 1% at an estimated GFR of 60 ml/min per 1.73 m2, to 9 and 33% at estimated GFRs of 30 and 15 ml/min per 1.73 m2 respectively. Using the same definition of anaemia, it is suggested that in people with diabetes and CKD the prevalence of anaemia in stage 2 and 3 CKD is greater than in those without diabetes88. In a study of 5,380 participants from the Kidney Early Evaluation Program, 22% of those with CKD stage 3 and diabetes had anaemia, compared with 7.9% of those with stage 3 CKD alone (p<0.001). In stage 2 CKD 7.5% of those with diabetes were anaemic compared with 5.0% of those without diabetes (p=0.015). In people with diabetes the prevalence of anaemia at all levels of GFR is greater with increasing levels of albuminuria316.

When patients with diabetes and CKD are stratified into those more likely to be iron-replete (TSAT>16%) and those less likely to be iron-replete (TSAT<16%) anaemia is associated with a relative lack of EPO response in those with TSAT>16%315.

In patients with less advanced CKD there may be some uncertainty about whether or not the anaemia is associated with lack of EPO, and this may be particularly so in transplanted patients in whom immunosuppression may also play a role in suppressing the bone marrow response. In these patients, knowledge of serum EPO levels may be beneficial and the evidence review in this section seeks to address this.

4.4.2. Methodological introduction

One cohort study260, six cross-sectional studies10,43,85,91,212,315 and two longitudinal studies, prospective50 and retrospective64, which examined the association between serum erythropoeitin with Hb levels or renal function, were identified in a literature search.

Notable aspects of the evidence base were:

  • The studies comprised selected and unselected participants.
  • Of the three studies conducted in people with diabetes, the study populations consisted of people with Type 2 diabetes without nephropathy64, selected people with Type 1 diabetes with diabetic nephropathy in the absence of advanced renal failure43, people with Type 1 and 2 diabetes315.
  • Other causes of anaemia were explicitly ruled out in some studies43,50,64,91,260.
  • Where reported, anaemia was defined as <13 g/l for men and <11.5 g/l for women64, Hb ≤ 11.5 g/dl for women and 12.0 g/dl for men43, Hb <11 g/dl91, Hb <12 g/dl for women and Hb <13 g/dl for men315.

A comprehensive literature search did not identify any studies that were suitable to address the economic aspects, therefore no health economic evidence statements are given.

4.4.3. Evidence statements

Adults with diabetes

In people with Type 2 diabetes without nephropathy (n=62) a significant negative correlation between serum EPO and Hb levels was found (r2=0.612, p=0.01)64. (Level 3)

In contrast to the above finding, a study in people with Type 1 diabetes with diabetic nephropathy (in the absence of advanced renal failure) (n=27), found no significant EPO response to lower Hb levels43. (Level 3)

A cross-sectional study conducted in people with diabetes315 found no significant EPO response in anaemic patients (defined as Hb <12 g/dl for women and Hb <13 g/dl for men) with GFR >60 ml/min/1.73m2 or >90 ml/min/1.73m2. (Level 3)

In a subgroup of iron replete diabetic patients (transferrin saturation level >16%), from the above study315, serum EPO levels did not change significantly with Hb level as shown below.

Table 4.19. Characteristics in anaemia and raised or normal serum EPO (Level 3).

Table 4.19

Characteristics in anaemia and raised or normal serum EPO (Level 3).

Children with chronic renal failure

No significant correlation was found between serum EPO and Hb/Hct levels in three studies conducted in children with chronic renal failure (n=710; n=1085; n=3750). (Level 3)

Likewise, no significant correlation was found between serum EPO levels and renal function assessed by means of eGFR (n=37)50 or serum creatinine (SCr) (n=30)212 in children with chronic renal failure. (Level 3)

The results of a study which investigated Hb and serum EPO levels in children with chronic renal failure and healthy children are shown in Table 4.20.

Table 4.20. Hb and serum EPO in children (Level 3).

Table 4.20

Hb and serum EPO in children (Level 3).

Adults with chronic renal failure on conservative therapy

In patients with CKD of varying renal function (CCr 2 to 90 ml/min/1.73m2 (n=117)), mean serum EPO levels were significantly elevated in all patients when compared with healthy controls (n=59) (p<0.01). In a subgroup analysis of patients with CCr 2–40 ml/min/1.73m2 (n=88), CCr and serum EPO showed a positive correlation (r=0.27, p<0.015)260. (Level 2+)

Unselected population of adults

In a random sample of patients investigated by coronary angiography (n=395) stratified by renal function, a significant inverse relationship was found between serum EPO and Hb levels in participants with CCr >40 ml/min (r=−0.35, p<0.0001). No significant correlation was found, however, in participants with CCr <40 ml/min91. (Level 3)

4.4.4. From evidence to recommendations

Anaemia is associated with increased EPO levels in individuals without evidence of CKD but the anaemia associated with CKD is characterised by a relative lack of EPO response. However, in the clinical situation routine measurement of EPO levels is of limited value in assessing anaemia.

The GDG reached consensus on a threshold GFR of 40 ml/min, below which anaemia is most likely to be of renal aetiology and measurement of erythropoietin levels will not be required except in exceptional circumstances. At GFR levels between 40 and 60 ml/min, the utility of testing is uncertain from the existing evidence, and a research recommendation is given.

4.4.5. Recommendation


Measurement of erythropoietin levels for the diagnosis or management of anaemia should not be routinely considered for people with anaemia of CKD. [D(GPP)]

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