Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd19518: RecA-like_NVL_r1-like 
first of two ATPase domains of NVL (nuclear VCP-like protein) and similar ATPase domains
NVL exists in two forms with N-terminal extensions of different lengths in mammalian cells. NVL has two alternatively spliced isoforms, a short form, NVL1, and a long form, NVL2. NVL2, the major species, is mainly present in the nucleolus, whereas NVL1 is nucleoplasmic. Each has an N-terminal domain, followed by two tandem ATPase domains; this subfamily includes the first of the two ATPase domains. NVL2 is involved in the biogenesis of the 60S ribosome subunit by associating specifically with ribosome protein L5 and modulating the function of DOB1. NVL2 is also required for telomerase assembly and the regulation of telomerase activity, and is involved in pre-rRNA processing. The role of NVL1 is unclear. This RecA-like_NVL_r1-like subfamily belongs to the RecA-like NTPase family which includes the NTP binding domain of F1 and V1 H(+)ATPases, DnaB and related helicases as well as bacterial RecA and related eukaryotic and archaeal recombinases. The RecA-like NTPase family also includes bacterial conjugation proteins and related DNA transfer proteins involved in type II and type IV secretion.
PSSM-Id: 410926
Aligned: 7 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 291.231
Created: 27-Nov-2017
Updated: 25-Oct-2021
Aligned Rows:
ATP binding
Feature 1:ATP binding site [chemical binding site]

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                     ####  #                            
O14325       175 DIGGLDDCINELLELVampikhpevyqytgihppRGVLLHGPPGCGKTMLANALAnelgvPFISISApsivsgmsGESEK 254 fission yeast
NP_013066    206 SLGGMDDVVAQLMELIglpilhpeiflstgveppRGVLLHGPPGCGKTSIANALAgelqvPFISISApsvvsgmsGESEK 285 Saccharomyces c...
Q9DBY8       265 DVGGNDATLKEVCKMLihmrhpevy-qhlgvvppRGVLLHGPPGCGKTLLAHAIAgeldlPILKVAApeivsgvsGESEQ 343 house mouse
NP_001261512 218 DIGGMDSTLKELCEMLihikspefy-fqlgllpsRGLLLHGPPGCGKTFLARAISgqlkmPLMEIPAteliggisGESEE 296 fruit fly
NP_496814    207 HIGGADRQFLEVCRLAmhlkrpktf-atlgvdppRGFIVHGPPGCGKTMFAQAVAgelaiPMLQLAAtelvsgvsGETEE 285 Caenorhabditis ...
NP_186810    234 DFGGIKKILDELEMNVlfpilnpepfkkigvkppSGILFHGPPGCGKTKLANAIAneagvPFYKISAtevisgvsGASEE 313 thale cress
Q54SY2       217 NLGGVESCLRDIREHIeypichpeiyshlgveppRGILLHGPSGCGKTLLAKAIAgelkvPLFAISAteitsgvsGESEA 296 Dictyostelium d...
Feature 1                           #                                                            
O14325       255 KVREVFEEAKSlapCLMFIDEIDAVtpkres-aqremeRRIVAQFLTCMDELsfekt----------------------- 310 fission yeast
NP_013066    286 KIRDLFDEARSlapCLVFFDEIDAItpkrdggaqremeRRIVAQLLTSMDELtmekt----------------------- 342 Saccharomyces c...
Q9DBY8       344 KLRELFDQAVSnapCIVFIDEIDAItpkrev-askdmeRRIVAQLLTCMDDLnnva------------------------ 398 house mouse
NP_001261512 297 RIREVFDQAIGyspCVLFIDEIDAIggnrqw-askdmeRRIVSQLISSLDNLkane------------------------ 351 fruit fly
NP_496814    286 KIRRLFDTAKQnspCILILDDIDAIaprret-aqremeRRVVSQLCSSLDELvlpprekplkdqltfgd----------- 353 Caenorhabditis ...
NP_186810    314 NIRELFSKAYRtapSIVFIDEIDAIgskren-qqremeKRIVTQLLTCMDGPgnkgdkna-------------------- 372 thale cress
Q54SY2       297 RVRTLFSNAIAqapCIIFIDEIDAIapkres-askdmeRRIVSQLLTCMDSLnylssnnstnepneqteqqqqqqqdiie 375 Dictyostelium d...
Feature 1                                          #                     
O14325       311 -----------------------dgkpVLVIGATNRPdsLDSALRRAGRFDREICL 343 fission yeast
NP_013066    343 -----------------------ngkpVIIIGATNRPdsLDAALRRAGRFDREICL 375 Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
Q9DBY8       399 -----------------------atarVLVIGATNRPdsLDPALRRAGRFDREVCL 431 house mouse
NP_001261512 352 -----------------------fgqsVVVIAATTRPdvLDPGLRRIGRFDHEIAI 384 fruit fly
NP_496814    354 ----------dgsvaiigdsptaagagVLVIGTTSRPdaVDGGLRRAGRFENEISL 399 Caenorhabditis elegans
NP_186810    373 --------------------pdssagfVLVIGATNRPdaLDPALRRSGRFETEIAL 408 thale cress
Q54SY2       376 vdsqatttttasnnnnkqqkndfkkghVIVIGATNRPesLDTALRIGGRFDKEICL 431 Dictyostelium discoideum

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