Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd02423: Peptidase_C39G 
A sub-family of peptidase family C39. Peptidase family C39 mostly contains bacteriocin-processing endopeptidases from bacteria. The cysteine peptidases in family C39 cleave the "double-glycine" leader peptides from the precursors of various bacteriocins (mostly non-lantibiotic). The cleavage is mediated by the transporter as part of the secretion process. Bacteriocins are antibiotic proteins secreted by some species of bacteria that inhibit the growth of other bacterial species. The bacteriocin is synthesized as a precursor with an N-terminal leader peptide, and processing involves removal of the leader peptide by cleavage at a Gly-Gly bond, followed by translocation of the mature bacteriocin across the cytoplasmic membrane. Most endopeptidases of family C39 are N-terminal domains in larger proteins (ABC transporters) that serve both functions. The proposed protease active site is conserved in this sub-family of proteins with a single peptidase domain, which are lacking the nucleotide-binding transporter signature.
PSSM-Id: 239103
Aligned: 19 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 125.458
Created: 24-Mar-2005
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
putative active
Feature 1:putative active site [active site]
  • Comment:Catalytic residues have been identified as a conserved cysteine and histidine. Often a conserved glutamine six positions N-terminal to the cysteine is observed, which would align with a glutamine that contributes to the oxyanion hole in other cysteine protease families

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1            #     #                                                                    
AAQ58362     53 RYVVEQKTDFSCGAAALTTLLRYGFg-LDVNEQQVIagmlara------------npdvvrqQGFSMLDMKRF----VNV 115 Chromobacterium ...
AAB86125     64 EGVVLQTRNYTCGPAALATVLQRLG--VNTTEDELAglag-------------------tteEGTTMQGLLEA----SRA 118 Methanothermobac...
AAP76784     40 RNLTKQQYDYSCGSASLSTILTYYYn-QNISEKDILdflllnkgidinkkeeietneqlresVSFSFSDLALF----AQN 114 Helicobacter hep...
AAC46223     38 FNIIRQTKNNSCGAAALATMLKYKFhiSEINEDTILyklk-------------------npnEEASFFELARI----SKE 94  Haemophilus infl...
AAF41266     48 FNIVKQDLDFSCGAASVATLLNNFYg-QTLTEEEVLkkld-------------------keqMRASFEDMRRI----MPD 103 Neisseria mening...
Q50500       13 EVIVMQSRSYSCGPAALATVLRNLG--VNCTEAELAelag-------------------tdeSGTTMYGLIVA----ATS 67  Methanothermobac...
ZP_00350634  51 KTTVRQQYDFSCGSAAVATLLTYQYg-DPVSEELAFanmfvng------------dqnkirqEGFSLLDMKRF----LES 113 Ralstonia eutrop...
CAB72545     33 ERVIRQTYEQSCGASSLATLLNILDdqKKFDELELLkimsg----------------qelytDMVSFADLNDA----VKK 92  Campylobacter je...
ZP_00177977 146 DGVVIQSTTVTCAPASIATLARLSGkhPEITEKEVTk------------------------lTRTNRLGTNTL----AEI 197 Crocosphaera wat...
NP_866069   134 NGVAMQTSWATCSPAAAATLLRAEG--INKSESEMIplcl-------------------tdsSGTPTLGLYRGiklvADG 192 Rhodopirellula b...
Feature 1                                                        #                 #            
AAQ58362    116 LGLRASGFVSga---------erLPALRIPALIml--------diNGYKHFVVLKMat--rDTVYVADPALGNRAIPMPE 176 Chromobacterium ...
AAB86125    119 KGMNATGMKLn------------ISELKENMIAyt--------inDGTGHYTVINEit--nDTIKLADPSLGNIEMNIEE 176 Methanothermobac...
AAP76784    115 KGFKAVGLALdl---------daLSTLKAPVIIyv--------nvRDMEHFSVYKGkd--eQFVYLADPSLGNIKVSIAK 175 Helicobacter hep...
AAC46223     95 FNINAIGLALtl---------keLLNINKPVIAyvn-------nsLNNDHFIIINGif--nKELLISDPAIGNYSLKVSD 156 Haemophilus infl...
AAF41266    104 LGFEAKGYALsf---------eqLAQLKIPVIVyl--------kyRKDDHFSVLRGid--gNTVLLADPSLGHVSMSRAQ 164 Neisseria mening...
Q50500       68 KGLRARGVKMe------------LNDLRKNHIVfv--------kyGDTCHYTVIMSmd--eRNVTLADPALGRITVKREI 125 Methanothermobac...
ZP_00350634 114 RGFLADGYELpl---------skLEETQIPAIVli--------seGGYHHFVVVKGvk--gDRVLIGDPARGTRSISREH 174 Ralstonia eutrop...
CAB72545     93 LGFQSNSYQInren------ldkLVNIPMLVKIed---------dPRFPHFVIIINhk--gNYLQVLDPSHGEYISSKSQ 155 Campylobacter je...
ZP_00177977 198 AAMKKLGLNPdyhhds--tlddlVNRKQMALLHvkqr-----wlsQQFPHAVVLMDidmekEELILGNPLSGIETKPFSE 270 Crocosphaera wat...
NP_866069   193 QNRSVNVLDEtldemwnrddwpvLMAVELPYGVddrryvdqwgwiPGMGHSVVALGltsdgQRMLVGDPSVGLEQWSKDD 272 Rhodopirellula b...
Feature 1                           
AAQ58362    177 FTRQWNG--------VLLAV 188 Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472
AAB86125    177 FAEIYSG--------YTLVI 188 Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus str. Delta H
AAP76784    176 FVEMFYQredlthpgKILAI 195 Helicobacter hepaticus ATCC 51449
AAC46223    157 FEKIWLLr-------NDKKG 169 Haemophilus influenzae
AAF41266    165 FLDAWQTregn-lagKILAV 183 Neisseria meningitidis MC58
Q50500      126 FSRIFTG--------NVLVV 137 Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus str. Delta H
ZP_00350634 175 FESIWES--------QLLFV 186 Ralstonia eutropha JMP134
CAB72545    156 FFSIWDRynk---ggYALIV 172 Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC 11168
ZP_00177977 271 LEGYWFG--------EAIFI 282 Crocosphaera watsonii WH 8501
NP_866069   273 LRVLWHG--------NGIRL 284 Rhodopirellula baltica SH 1

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