Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd01165: BTB_POZ 
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BTB (Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac)/POZ (poxvirus and zinc finger) domain superfamily
Proteins in this superfamily are characterized by the presence of a common protein-protein interaction motif of about 100 amino acids, known as the BTB/POZ domain. Members include transcription factors, oncogenic proteins, ion channel proteins, and potassium channel tetramerization domain (KCTD) proteins. They have been identified in poxviruses and many eukaryotes, and have diverse functions, such as transcriptional regulation, chromatin remodeling, protein degradation and cytoskeletal regulation. Many BTB/POZ proteins contain one or two additional domains, such as kelch repeats, zinc-finger domains, FYVE (Fab1, YOTB, Vac1, and EEA1) fingers, or ankyrin repeats, among others. These special additional domains or interaction partners provide unique characteristics and functions to BTB/POZ proteins. In ion channel proteins and KCTD proteins, the BTB/POZ domain is also called the tetramerization (T1) domain.
PSSM-Id: 349496
Aligned: 23 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 51.5133
Created: 12-Dec-2003
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
1QDV_A         3 VVINIsGLRFETqLKTLAQfpetllgdpk---krmryfdplrNEYFFdr------------nRPSFDAILYYYQSggrlr 67   Norway rat
O65020       244 MSFCIgDEEVRCvRYKIASlsrpfkaml-----yggfremkrATINFtqn---------gisVEGMRAAEIFSRTnrldn 309  thale cress
O76612        18 VVLVVkQERFYVsRAILSEhctyfqsl--------fcgdsnyQEHIIsd-----------vePQDFQKFLEVVHGepai- 77   Caenorhabditis...
WP_052469565 242 CQIIFeDNVLPVhKTLLRQispyfdkmf-----ssgmneaqtNEIHLqekedyelfeellpsVMDFYFFDKRLDLpa--- 313  Parachlamydiac...
17533573     150 GIVVVkHQNFHIlKKFLAFhceyleklf-----fgdfkeagkAEVTLka-----------isSTDFHYLLAVLYEdyai- 212  Caenorhabditis...
A8X2W2       163 GKLIVeDQTIDVcLALLADnspvlydm-------iynenpgqTEFEIf-------------dFTYDSILGMVSILqldef 222  Caenorhabditis...
P34324       149 VILVVgDEKFYVlKLFLAShssyfnalf-----lgkfkeadqSEVTLqn-----------idPTDFQSLLEVLYGepai- 211  Caenorhabditis...
EKC42565      50 TILVLeGKKLYInRCILGYaspyfqrlldsahkaaiaekkskAEVKIsn-----------ksYTDFVDLLTYLHPgtg-- 116  Pacific oyster
Q9FN09        31 VVVIVgDVKFHLhKFPLLSksarlqklia---ttttdeqsddDEIRIpdi---------pggPPAFEICAKFCYGmavtl 98   thale cress
Q9SRQ5        13 LDLYVkGVHFHLnKTLAKRsakvttll--------esnklheLRWIIrdm---------dinPSIFHLVTRFCYGykiel 75   thale cress
1QDV_A        68 rpvnvpLDIFSEEIRFY 84   Norway rat
O65020       310 -fppnvVLELLKLANRF 325  thale cress
O76612        78 --featVQKILPLAQKF 92   Caenorhabditis elegans
WP_052469565 314 ----anLTKYLELANKY 326  Parachlamydiaceae bacterium HS-T3
17533573     213 --dddnVGGILRLASYL 227  Caenorhabditis elegans
A8X2W2       223 kvnvrnYRDLLELGQRY 239  Caenorhabditis briggsae
P34324       212 --ddgtIDGVLLLAHML 226  Caenorhabditis elegans
EKC42565     117 ----sdVTGIYNTPNRT 129  Pacific oyster
Q9FN09        99 --naynVVAVRCAAEYL 113  thale cress
Q9SRQ5        76 --sadnIVSVLCIAYYL 90   thale cress
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