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Fig. 2

Fig. 2. Parallel low - and high-resolution CCC fractionation of O. horridus extract. From: Counter-current chromatography based analysis of synergy in an anti-tuberculosis ethnobotanical.

The anti-TB activities of individual fractions in % inhibition were plotted against the KD value of their respective position in the CCC chromatogram. Low-resolution fractions show higher inhibition than high-resolution fractions at lower concentration. The three regions with the activity gap represent the most prominent regions (B1−B3) chosen for synergy evaluation (chromatogram analogous to the data in in from Inui & Case et. al.).

Taichi Inui, et al. J Chromatogr A. ;1151(1-2):211-215.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. Anti-TB activities of the recombined cocktails. From: Counter-current chromatography based analysis of synergy in an anti-tuberculosis ethnobotanical.

The x-axis is assigned to the different cocktail mixtures as they relate to the three regions B1−B3 of the CCC separation (see ). The y-axis denotes anti-TB activity as % inhibition. In each mixture, the left bar indicates the expected activity when and only when there is no interaction (). The right bar indicates the observed activity with standard deviations (triplicate testing). The bottom line shows the % difference between expected and observed activities for each of the cocktail mixtures, indicating a significant 2-fold synergistic effect present in cocktail 2.

Taichi Inui, et al. J Chromatogr A. ;1151(1-2):211-215.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. The concept of the isobole method. From: Counter-current chromatography based analysis of synergy in an anti-tuberculosis ethnobotanical.

The x-axis represents the concentration of fraction n (dn), and the y-axis gives the concentration of fraction n+1 (dn+1). Dn and Dn+1 are the concentrations required to achieve the target activity (40% mycobacterial growth inhibition in this figure) based on the individual concentrations of one of the fractions n and n+1. If there is no interaction, a plot of the possible combinations of concentrations that achieve the target activity will be a straight line (). If there is synergy, a lower concentration will be required to achieve the same effect, hence the plot will be a down-oriented concave curve (). On the contrary, a higher concentration will be required when there is antagonistic interaction, in which case the curve represents an up-oriented concave ().

Taichi Inui, et al. J Chromatogr A. ;1151(1-2):211-215.

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