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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 6443
sarcoglycan beta [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 4, NC_000004.12 (52020706..52038299, complement)A3b, LGMD2E, LGMDR4, SGC600900
ID: 24051
sarcoglycan, beta (dystrophin-associated glycoprotein) [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 5, NC_000071.7 (73790092..73805080, complement)43DAG, beta-SG
ID: 680229
sarcoglycan, beta [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 14, NC_086032.1 (34917663..34932661)
ID: 559788
sarcoglycan, beta (dystrophin-associated glycoprotein) [Danio rerio (zebrafish)]Chromosome 20, NC_007131.7 (23173710..23184495)fa03a05, wu:fa03a05, zgc:110833
ID: 1450295
putative PTS enzyme IIB component SgcB [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655]NC_000913.3 (4530255..4530533, complement)b4565, ECK4294
ID: 611066
sarcoglycan beta [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 13, NC_051817.1 (45577858..45595633, complement)
ID: 422760
sarcoglycan beta [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 4, NC_052535.1 (65680151..65686149)beta-sarcoglycan
ID: 100216021
sarcoglycan beta [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 1, NC_030677.2 (39202499..39229162, complement)
ID: 535372
sarcoglycan beta [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 6, NC_037333.1 (67878832..67905909, complement)
ID: 93519891
PTS sugar transporter subunit IIB SgcB [Providencia stuartii]VQ573_RS13245, VQ573_13245
ID: 44980450
PTS sugar transporter subunit IIB SgcB [Salmonella bongori NCTC 12419]NC_015761.1 (1586063..1586344)SBG_RS07455, SBG_1440
ID: 461332
sarcoglycan beta [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 3, NC_072401.2 (77818885..77845157)CK820_G0003168
ID: 92280527
PTS sugar transporter subunit IIB SgcB [Providencia manganoxydans]JI723_RS17405, JI723_17380
ID: 100060566
sarcoglycan beta [Equus caballus (horse)]Chromosome 3, NC_009146.3 (81654290..81671284)
ID: 101087316
sarcoglycan beta [Felis catus (domestic cat)]Chromosome B1, NC_058371.1 (163581333..163599234)
ID: 93033098
PTS sugar transporter subunit IIB SgcB [Citrobacter amalonaticus]LA348_RS07575, LA348_07575
ID: 92973152
PTS sugar transporter subunit IIB SgcB [Citrobacter farmeri]I6L53_RS10580, I6L53_10580
ID: 84663544
PTS sugar transporter subunit IIB SgcB [Atlantibacter subterranea]NLZ15_RS02970, NLZ15_02970
ID: 66756053
PTS sugar transporter subunit IIB SgcB [Salmonella bongori N268-08]NC_021870.1 (1650861..1651142)A464_RS07995, A464_1649
ID: 66274190
PTS sugar transporter subunit IIB SgcB [Citrobacter braakii]GFC06_RS14595, GFC06_14595
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