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Items: 1 to 20 of 818

Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 8379
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 7, NC_000007.14 (1815795..2232945, complement)MAD1, MVA7, PIG9, TP53I9, TXBP181602686
ID: 17120
MAD1 mitotic arrest deficient 1-like 1 [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 5, NC_000071.7 (139994444..140307346, complement)Mad1
ID: 680006
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 12, NC_086030.1 (19434782..19744574)
ID: 393886
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Danio rerio (zebrafish)]Chromosome 1, NC_007112.7 (9740800..9858521, complement)zgc:56571
ID: 427658
MAD1 mitotic arrest deficient like 1 [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 14, NC_052545.1 (2760330..3080346, complement)
ID: 123024962
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Varanus komodoensis (Komodo dragon)]NW_025335684.1 (3141190..3507163, complement)EYD10_10590, MAD1L1_0, Mad1l1_1
ID: 120541988
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Polypterus senegalus (gray bichir)]Chromosome 13, NC_053166.1 (130979914..131878524, complement)GTO96_0007732, Mad1l1_0, Mad1l1_1
ID: 448774
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 9, NC_030685.2 (30549173..31043383, complement)hsmad1, tp53i9, txbp181
ID: 712947
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)]Chromosome 3, NC_041756.1 (34902041..35323364, complement)
ID: 517837
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 25, NC_037352.1 (40984697..41222679)
ID: 609673
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 6, NC_051810.1 (15015423..15362579)
ID: 463223
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 6, NC_072404.2 (7770200..8202903, complement)CK820_G0038322
ID: 102157652
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Sus scrofa (pig)]Chromosome 3, NC_010445.4 (1236066..1559346, complement)
ID: 100058904
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Equus caballus (horse)]Chromosome 13, NC_009156.3 (1380888..1795838, complement)
ID: 101086024
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Felis catus (domestic cat)]Chromosome E3, NC_058383.1 (1531070..1893639, complement)
ID: 137676044
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Nyctibius grandis]Chromosome Z, NC_090695.1 (94398496..94765238, complement)
ID: 137600795
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Antennarius striatus (striated frogfish)]Chromosome 8, NC_090783.1 (2337115..2370433, complement)
ID: 100689352
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster)]NW_003613618.1 (3456564..3767088)MAD1
ID: 108901178
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Lates calcarifer (barramundi perch)]Chromosome LG5, NC_066837.1 (5413719..5501000, complement)
ID: 108259051
mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 [Ictalurus punctatus (channel catfish)]Chromosome 26, NC_030441.2 (183399..216436)
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