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Items: 1 to 20 of 1209

Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 8942
kynureninase [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 2, NC_000002.12 (142877664..143055833)KYNUU, VCRL2605197
ID: 116682
kynureninase [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 3, NC_086021.1 (48188286..48338996)
ID: 70789
kynureninase [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 2, NC_000068.8 (43445270..43572734)4432411A05Rik
ID: 100334830
kynureninase [Danio rerio (zebrafish)]Chromosome 6, NC_007117.7 (612595..623812)si:ch73-379f7.2
ID: 123027381
kynureninase [Varanus komodoensis (Komodo dragon)]NW_025335798.1 (20539965..20641345)EYD10_11829, Kynu_0, Kynu_1
ID: 100057449
kynureninase [Equus caballus (horse)]Chromosome 18, NC_009161.3 (26026780..26136297)
ID: 877856
kynureninase KynU [Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1]NC_002516.2 (2289085..2290335, complement)PA2080
ID: 705179
kynureninase [Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)]Chromosome 12, NC_041765.1 (30037561..30201955)
ID: 520327
kynureninase [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 2, NC_037329.1 (53737978..53859239, complement)
ID: 483907
kynureninase [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 19, NC_051823.1 (46479473..46607767)
ID: 459641
kynureninase [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 13, NC_072411.2 (44934493..45093955)CK820_G0001137
ID: 424302
kynureninase [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 7, NC_052538.1 (32249688..32307190)
ID: 100521160
kynureninase [Sus scrofa (pig)]Chromosome 15, NC_010457.5 (8847335..8982951, complement)
ID: 120531708
kynureninase [Polypterus senegalus (gray bichir)]Chromosome 6, NC_053159.1 (145365076..145515679, complement)GTO96_0019784
ID: 101096086
kynureninase [Felis catus (domestic cat)]Chromosome C1, NC_058375.1 (133937642..134060493)
ID: 105945321
kynureninase [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 9, NC_030685.2 (79385972..79450252, complement)
ID: 101692832
kynureninase [Mustela putorius furo (domestic ferret)]NW_025422019.1 (24492557..24624159)
ID: 108873138
kynureninase [Lates calcarifer (barramundi perch)]Chromosome LG7_2, NC_066854.1 (1329519..1334271, complement)
ID: 102929974
kynureninase [Chelonia mydas (Green sea turtle)]Chromosome 11, NC_051251.2 (22566591..22666747)UY3_04849
ID: 102510329
kynureninase [Camelus ferus (Wild Bactrian camel)]Chromosome 5, NC_045700.1 (23168879..23259422)CB1_001514007
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