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Items: 1 to 20 of 7526

Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 2813
glycoprotein 2 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 16, NC_000016.10 (20309574..20327513, complement)ZAP75602977
ID: 67133
glycoprotein 2 zymogen granule membrane [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 7, NC_000073.7 (119041760..119058495, complement)2310037I18Rik
ID: 171459
glycoprotein 2 [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 1, NC_086019.1 (183228395..183243954, complement)gp80
ID: 133063504
glycoprotein 2 [Dama dama (fallow deer)]Chromosome 10, NC_083690.1 (19135189..19153354, complement)
ID: 113615562
glycoprotein 2 [Lagenorhynchus obliquidens (Pacific white-sided dolphin)]NW_020838064.1 (2110446..2125380, complement)
ID: 109395685
glycoprotein 2 [Hipposideros armiger (great roundleaf bat)]NW_017731830.1 (28654..48220)
ID: 101047262
glycoprotein 2 [Saimiri boliviensis (Bolivian squirrel monkey)]NW_024100932.1 (19099849..19120756)
ID: 109458190
glycoprotein 2 [Rhinolophus sinicus (Chinese rufous horseshoe bat)]NW_017739254.1 (375182..395618, complement)
ID: 741636
glycoprotein 2 [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 18, NC_072416.2 (22933638..22956133, complement)CK820_G0043483
ID: 136135713
glycoprotein 2 [Phocoena phocoena (harbor porpoise)]Chromosome 15, NC_089233.1 (22460875..22475824)
ID: 132505261
glycoprotein 2 [Lagenorhynchus albirostris (white-beaked dolphin)]Chromosome 15, NC_083109.1 (65522179..65536585, complement)
ID: 132476191
glycoprotein 2 [Mesoplodon densirostris (Blainville's beaked whale)]Chromosome 16, NC_082676.1 (51247662..51263973)
ID: 132348466
glycoprotein 2 [Balaenoptera ricei (Rice's whale)]Chromosome 15, NC_082653.1 (66553595..66571786, complement)
ID: 131422968
glycoprotein 2 [Diceros bicornis minor]Chromosome 26, NC_080765.1 (32198936..32213583)
ID: 129493455
glycoprotein 2 [Symphalangus syndactylus (siamang)]Chromosome 11, NC_072433.2 (63009425..63027390)
ID: 124241676
glycoprotein 2 [Equus quagga]Chromosome 7, NC_060273.1 (15410976..15430667, complement)
ID: 122701474
glycoprotein 2 [Cervus elaphus (red deer)]Chromosome 10, NC_057824.1 (32197345..32216751, complement)
ID: 122433477
glycoprotein 2 [Cervus canadensis]Chromosome 32, NC_057417.1 (13792953..13812351, complement)
ID: 109696827
glycoprotein 2 [Castor canadensis (American beaver)]NW_017871907.1 (198158..211785)
ID: 103087419
glycoprotein 2 [Lipotes vexillifer (Yangtze River dolphin)]NW_006793997.1 (93441..108526)
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