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National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (UK). Bipolar Disorder: The NICE Guideline on the Assessment and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Children and Young People in Primary and Secondary Care. London: The British Psychological Society and The Royal College of Psychiatrists; 2014 Sep. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 185.)

  • April 2018: Footnotes and cautions have been added and amended to link to the MHRA's latest advice and resources on sodium valproate. Sodium valproate must not be used in pregnancy, and only used in girls and women when there is no alternative and a pregnancy prevention plan is in place. This is because of the risk of malformations and developmental abnormalities in the baby. November 2017: Footnotes for some recommendations were updated with current UK marketing authorisations and MHRA advice. Links to other guidelines have also been updated. Some research recommendations have been stood down. See these changes in the short version of the guideline.

April 2018: Footnotes and cautions have been added and amended to link to the MHRA's latest advice and resources on sodium valproate. Sodium valproate must not be used in pregnancy, and only used in girls and women when there is no alternative and a pregnancy prevention plan is in place. This is because of the risk of malformations and developmental abnormalities in the baby. November 2017: Footnotes for some recommendations were updated with current UK marketing authorisations and MHRA advice. Links to other guidelines have also been updated. Some research recommendations have been stood down. See these changes in the short version of the guideline.

Cover of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder: The NICE Guideline on the Assessment and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Children and Young People in Primary and Secondary Care.

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6Pharmacological and Medical Interventions for Acute Episodes

6.1. Introduction

Pharmacological interventions are commonly used to manage acute episodes in bipolar disorder. Acute episodes may carry significant risk of suicide, neglect, disinhibition, recklessness, irritability and, sometimes, threats to others. Therefore the settings in which pharmacological interventions are carried out, and the wishes and abilities of service users and families to manage episodes safely, require careful consideration in relation to risk assessment.

On average, people with bipolar disorder experience more depressive than manic episodes, and depressive episodes last longer than mania (Judd et al., 2002a; Judd et al., 2003a; Morriss et al., 2013). The effective treatment of bipolar depression is therefore a clinical priority for the NHS. The main aims of the treatment of bipolar depression are response (that is, resolution of symptoms) and return to a premorbid level of social functioning.

The management of mania in the community can be particularly challenging for carers. During a manic episode, the service user may sleep for only a few hours and be driven to move from one activity to another. Mania involving high levels of restlessness, irritability and insomnia often requires inpatient admission. Similarly, agitated episodes of depression or mixed affective episodes, particularly in people expressing suicidal intent or with a history of self-harm, may require inpatient admission.

The management of acute bipolar episodes is complex because of the propensity to be highly changeable in both the severity of symptoms and the polarity of the episode (mania, hypomania, mixed affective or depression). Practitioners often consider all mental states displayed within recent days, not just the one displayed at the time of interview, in making a risk assessment. Furthermore, bipolar disorder tends to be associated with other comorbid mental disorders, and medication may be associated with physical side effects. The management of acute episodes should also consider the risk of switching into a different episode in the short to medium term. Most people who have an acute episode will have another within 12 months, so treatment of acute episodes should consider long-term management as well.

6.1.1. Definitions


Lithium is an element that is present in a normal diet, and is handled by the body in a similar way to sodium. The ubiquitous nature of sodium in the human body, its involvement in a wide range of biological processes and the potential for lithium to alter these processes have made it extremely difficult to ascertain the key mechanism(s) of lithium in regulating mood (for a review, see Marmol [2008]).

Lithium is licensed for the treatment of mania and recurrent depression, and for the prevention of further mood episodes in people with bipolar disorder. A meta-analysis and at least two large database studies have concluded that lithium treatment is associated with a reduced risk of suicide (Cipriani et al., 2013c; Collins & McFarland, 2008; Goodwin et al., 2003).

Lithium has a narrow therapeutic range, meaning that levels below 0.4 mmol per litre are unlikely to be effective in the majority of patients and levels above 1.0 mmol per litre are associated with increasing toxicity (muscle weakness, coarse tremor, disorientation, seizures and loss of consciousness). Some commonly used medicines, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics and ACE (angiotensin-converting-enzyme) inhibitors, can increase lithium levels in the blood and therefore cause toxicity. Lithium has adverse effects on the kidneys, thyroid and parathyroid (McKnight et al., 2012). Lithium is a known human teratogen, that is, it is potentially harmful to an unborn child.


Antipsychotic medication is thought to exert its effects by blocking dopamine (D2) receptors in the brain. These drugs have been in common use to treat schizophrenia and mania for over 60 years, although few were originally licensed for the latter indication. Over the past 10 years or so, there have been an increasing number of studies examining the efficacy and tolerability of newer antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of both mania and bipolar depression, resulting in some being specifically licensed for these indications. Antipsychotics have long been used to prevent or reduce the severity of new mood episodes in people with bipolar disorder, although the relative effectiveness of these drugs against each pole of the illness is thought to differ (Gitlin & Frye, 2012). The use of antipsychotics in people with bipolar disorder has increased significantly in the UK over recent years (Hayes et al., 2011).

Antipsychotic drugs are variably associated with a range of side effects, the most problematic of which is probably weight gain. Other side effects include dry mouth, blurred vision, sedation, sexual dysfunction, extrapyramidal side effects (tremor, stiffness, restlessness and abnormal movements) and dizziness.


Valproate is a simple branched-chain fatty acid that is commonly used for the treatment of epilepsy. Although it is known to exert a large range of effects on brain functioning, its exact mechanism of action in bipolar disorder remains unclear. For a review, see Rosenberg (2007).

Valproate is available in various forms including sodium valproate, valproic acid and valproate semi sodium, although only valproate semi-sodium has UK marketing authorisation for the treatment of manic episodes in the context of bipolar disorder. This guideline uses the generic term ‘valproate’, as it is the active element in all formulations.

Valproate in all formulations is used for the treatment of mania and bipolar depression, and for the prevention of new mood episodes. Valproate is associated with a number of side effects including tremor, weight gain and, rarely, liver damage. It can interact with a number of commonly prescribed medicines and notably is known to decrease plasma levels of olanzapine (Haslemo et al., 2012), an antipsychotic drug that is commonly prescribed in people with bipolar disorder. Valproate is a known major human teratogen. There are significant risks associated with taking valproate during pregnancy for the unborn child, including risk of autism (Christensen et al., 2013; NICE, 2014) and its use is best avoided completely in women of child-bearing age.

Carbamazepine is structurally related to the tricyclic antidepressants. It has been used as an anticonvulsant in people with epilepsy since 1974 (Israel & Beaudry, 1988), and it is licensed for the treatment of people with bipolar disorder who are intolerant of lithium or in whom lithium is ineffective.

Although carbamazepine is known to reduce both neuronal firing and the release of excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain, the exact mechanism by which it exerts its effects in people with bipolar disorder is not understood.

The main side effects associated with carbamazepine are dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and headaches, and it can cause a low white blood cell count, hyponatraemia (low level of sodium in the blood) and rarely, liver damage. Carbamazepine is a potent inducer of hepatic cytochrome enzymes and this can lead to increased metabolism, so lower plasma levels of a number of commonly prescribed medicines. For example standard dose combined oral contraceptives can be rendered ineffective due to the increased metabolism of oestrogen. Carbamazepine is also a known human teratogen.

Lamotrigine is another anticonvulsant that is commonly used in people with bipolar disorder, where it is licensed for the prevention of episodes of depression. Its mechanism of action in people with bipolar disorder is not fully understood.

Lamotrigine is associated with a rash which can be serious so, to minimise the risk of this occurring, the dose of lamotrigine has to be increased very slowly at the start of treatment. Lamotrigine can also cause drowsiness, dizziness and blurred vision, and it can depress the bone marrow. Lamotrigine, too, is a known human teratogen, although it is considerably safer in pregnancy than valproate.

Dosage recommendations are complex, particularly when lamotrigine is used with other anticonvulsant drugs.

Anticonvulsant drugs can interact with each other and if more than one of these drugs is prescribed, the British National Formulary (BNF) should be checked to ensure doses are adjusted if required.


Antidepressants all exert their effect by increasing levels of one or more of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine within the brain.

Despite having a relatively modest effect size in the treatment of unipolar depression (NICE, 2009), antidepressants are widely prescribed for this indication. Antidepressants are also commonly prescribed for people with bipolar depression (Sidor & McQueen, 2011), but their use is controversial for two reasons. First, there is considerable doubt about whether antidepressants have any efficacy in bipolar depression (Sachs et al., 2007; Sidor & McQueen, 2012) and, second, there are concerns that these drugs could induce switching into mania (Tondo et al., 2010) or accelerate cycling so that the time to the next relapse decreases and the time spent in relapse increases. However, there is considerable uncertainty whether antidepressants do in fact cause such switching or cycle acceleration given the natural propensity for bipolar disorder to be highly changeable (Altshuler et al., 2004).

There are a number of different types of antidepressants and, of these, selective SSRIs are the most frequently prescribed. These drugs are generally well tolerated although they can cause headache, gastrointestinal upset and sexual dysfunction. SSRIs can also cause hyponatraemia (low blood sodium) and they increase the risk of bleeds, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract. Further background information about the different types of antidepressants and their relative side effects can be found in the NICE guideline for the management of depression (NICE, 2009) or the BNF15.

Nutritional interventions

Adequate intake of dietary omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] and docosahexaenoic acid) is essential for the maintenance of good physical health. Western diets may contain insufficient quantities of these fatty acids. Supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids are widely available from health food shops and are commonly taken for their perceived health benefits. The majority of those who take such complementary therapies have mental health problems (Werneke, 2009). This suggests that these treatments are considered to be acceptable by many patients.

Fatty acids are essential components of cell membranes, and omega-3 fatty acids are known to be anti-inflammatory. There is also some evidence to suggest that they alter the structure and function of cell membranes, which in turn impacts on the functioning of monoamine neurotransmitters (Chalon, 2006). These properties have led to widespread interest in the use of omega-3 fatty acids in a wide range of psychiatric conditions, including mood disorders (Bloch & Hannestad, 2012; Sarris et al., 2012).

Herbal preparations

Herbal preparations are rarely recommended for bipolar depression. It is likely that St John’s wort, a treatment for unipolar depression, is being used by a small proportion of people with bipolar disorder, but there is no evidence concerning its efficacy and it can have some potentially toxic interactions with some medicines with high serotonergic activity such as antidepressants or anticoagulants such as warfarin. Other herbal preparations (such as valerian) are also often used as hypnotics during depression, again with little evidence of efficacy but there is less concern about interactions with prescribed drugs.

6.2. Pharmacological and Nutritional Interventions for Mania, Hypomania and Mixed Episodes

6.2.1. Introduction

The main aim in treating mania, hypomania and mixed episodes (a mood state in which manic and depressive symptoms are both exhibited) is to achieve rapid control of affective symptoms. More commonly, mania may cause people to act in a disinhibited manner, and such behaviour may have long-term adverse repercussions for the individual’s career and relationships. Mixed episodes are reported to be associated with an increased risk of suicide. As indicated above, an important treatment aim is to prevent further affective episodes occurring immediately after the current episode, including switching into a depressive episode, when the risk of suicide is greater. Service users may have long stays in hospital if their mood repeatedly switches from mania into depression and back again. Therefore, the management of manic, hypomanic and mixed affective episodes needs to consider the risk of further episodes within days, weeks or months after improvement in the acute phase.

6.2.2. Clinical review protocol

The review protocol summary, including the review question and the eligibility criteria used for this section of the guideline, can be found in Table 10 (a complete list of review questions and protocols can be found in Appendix 7; further information about the search strategy can be found in Appendix 8).

Table 10. Clinical review protocol summary for the review of pharmacological and nutritional interventions for mania, hypomania and mixed episodes.

Table 10

Clinical review protocol summary for the review of pharmacological and nutritional interventions for mania, hypomania and mixed episodes.

6.2.3. Studies considered16

The search for systematic reviews identified a recent review that included a network meta-analysis of pharmacological interventions for mania: CIPRIANI2011 (Cipriani et al., 2011). The review reported the critical outcomes identified by the GDG, and the results were directly relevant to treatment of bipolar mania in the UK. To determine if new studies could change the conclusions of the review, the GDG conducted a search.

The search for new studies identified five RCTs: ASTRAZENECA2011 (Astrazeneca, [unpublished] 2011b), BEHZADI2009 (Behzadi et al., 2009), CHIU2005 (Chiu et al., 2005), KANBA2012 (Kanba et al., 2012), SZEGEDI2012 (Szegedi et al., 2012). Two studies about ‘bipolar anxiety’ were excluded from all reviews: SHEEHAN2009 (Sheehan et al., 2009), SHEEHAN2013 (Sheehan et al., 2013). Two open-label studies: SCHAFFER2013 (Schaffer et al., 2013), SINGH2013 (Singh et al., 2013); and three trials of medications neither routinely used nor licensed for the treatment of mental health problems: ZHANG2007 (Zhang et al., 2007), KULKARNI2006 (Kulkarni et al., 2005; Kulkarni et al., 2006), MCELROY2011 (McElroy et al., 2011) were also excluded from this review. Results could not be obtained for five studies: BOSE2012 (Bose et al., 2012), BRISTOLMYERSSQUIBB2011 (Bristol-Myers Squibb, [unpublished] 2011), FOREST2012 (Forest, 2012), KNESEVICH2009 (Knesivich et al., 2009), YANG2009 (Yang, 2009); although they have published several papers about the drug, the manufacturer of cariprazine has not reported the results of clinical trials and they refused requests from the NCCMH for data.

Of the five new RCTs, three (N = 940; ASTRAZENECA2011, KANBA2012, SZEGEDI2012) could have been considered for the network meta-analysis (had they been available at the time the analysis was conducted). The new studies were analysed and their results compared with the results of the network meta-analysis for the critical outcomes. Two additional RCTs (N = 103) which did not meet inclusion criteria for the network meta-analysis were also identified. These were a trial of folic acid added to valproate (BEHZADI2009) and a trial of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids added to valproate (CHIU2005).

Further information about both included and excluded studies can be found in Appendix 16 and 34.

6.2.4. Clinical evidence review

The GDG considered the findings of CIPRIANI2011 alongside new trials (see Table 11). The review assessed the effects of all antimanic drugs for the treatment of mania. These included 14 treatments: aripiprazole, asenapine, carbamazepine, valproate, gabapentin, haloperidol, lamotrigine, lithium, olanzapine, paliperidone, quetiapine, risperidone, topiramate, ziprasidone and placebo. All studies included participants within the same target population, which was clearly defined; most included studies recruited patients rated as having moderate to severe manic symptoms and 76% of trials were conducted in inpatient clinics. The search strategy was technically adequate. The authors searched Medline, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), PsycINFO, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and the trial databases of the main regulatory agencies to identify relevant studies published between 1st January 1980 and 25th November 2010. In addition, all relevant authors and principal manufacturers were contacted to supplement incomplete reports of the original papers or to provide new data for unpublished studies. The overall quality of studies was rated as good (using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool), with only three studies assessed as high risk on one item. Nevertheless, many studies were rated as unclear in term of allocation concealment and selective reporting.

Table 11. Comparison between new studies and network meta-analysis (all results compared with placebo).

Table 11

Comparison between new studies and network meta-analysis (all results compared with placebo).

The network meta-analysis found robust evidence that several pharmacological interventions are efficacious. Furthermore, there was evidence of differential effectiveness among medications, which is a unique strength of network meta-analysis. Haloperidol, risperidone, olanzapine, lithium, quetiapine, aripiprazole, carbamazepine, asenapine, valproate and ziprasidone were statistically significantly more effective than placebo, while gabapentin, lamotrigine and topiramate were not. For discontinuation, olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine were significantly better than placebo. On the dichotomous outcome for efficacy (50% reduction in manic symptoms) the results were consistent with continuous outcomes, but less clear cut and with wider confidence intervals. Asenapine, ziprasidone, lamotrigine and topiramate were not significantly more effective than placebo and no binary efficacy data were available for gabapentin. The few data made it difficult to draw clear conclusions for this outcome. In head-to-head comparisons, haloperidol had the highest number of significant differences compared with other antimanic drugs, partly because it was often used as an active comparator. It was significantly more effective than lithium, quetiapine, aripiprazole, carbamazepine, asenapine, valproate, ziprasidone, lamotrigine, topiramate and gabapentin. Risperidone and olanzapine had a very similar profile of comparative efficacy, being more effective than valproate, ziprasidone, lamotrigine, topiramate and gabapentin. Topiramate and gabapentin were significantly less effective than all the other antimanic drugs. In terms of discontinuation, haloperidol was significantly inferior to olanzapine; lithium inferior to olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine; lamotrigine inferior to olanzapine and risperidone; gabapentin inferior to olanzapine; topiramate inferior to many other antimanic treatments, such as haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazole, carbamazepine and valproate. Statistical heterogeneity was moderate overall. However, for most comparisons 95% CIs were wide and included values indicating very high or no heterogeneity, which portrayed the small number of studies available for every pairwise comparison. In the meta-analyses of direct comparisons for efficacy, I² values higher than 75% were recorded for the comparisons ziprasidone versus placebo (I² = 76.6%) and olanzapine versus lithium (I² = 89.2%), with five and three studies, respectively. For acceptability, I² values higher than 75% were recorded for the comparisons aripiprazole versus haloperidol (I² = 84.1%) and lithium versus lamotrigine (I² = 82.0%), with two and three studies in the meta-analysis, respectively. Most loops (networks of three comparisons that arise when collating studies involving different selections of competing treatments) were consistent because their 95% CIs included 0 (that is, the direct estimate of the summary effect does not differentiate from the indirect estimate) according to the forest plots. Analysis of inconsistency indicated that there was inconsistency in three of the total 33 loops for efficacy measured as a continuous outcome (aripiprazole-placebo-haloperidol; olanzapine-placebo-risperidone; quetiapine-placebo-haloperidol), but none for acceptability (34 loops) or binary efficacy (18 loops). The authors could not identify any important variables that differed across comparison in those loops, but the number of included studies was very small in the three inconsistent loops.

Examining the results of several trials reported after the publication of the network meta-analysis, the GDG concluded that the most recent evidence is consistent with the results of the network meta-analysis and that the inclusion of new studies would not change the conclusions of that review. One study of folic acid added to valproate reported effects that the GDG considered implausibly large and insufficient to lead to a recommendation (BEHZADI2009). In one study of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, it was not possible to extract outcomes, however the authors reported no effect of the intervention on manic symptoms. For these reasons, the GDG used the results of the network meta-analysis when considering what recommendations to make.

Of the drugs included in the network meta-analysis (CIPRIANI2011) without new evidence, seven were shown on the primary outcome to have an advantage over placebo: carbamazepine (SMD −0.36, 95% credible interval [CrI] −0.60 to −0.11), valproate (SMD −0.20; 95% CrI, −0.37 to −0.04), haloperidol (SMD −0.56; 95% CrI, −0.68 to −0.43), lithium (SMD −0.37; 95% CrI, −0.50 to −0.25), olanzapine (SMD −0.43; 95% CrI, −0.54 to −0.32), quetiapine (SMD −0.37; 95% CrI, −0.51 to −0.23), risperidone (SMD −0.50; 95% CrI, −0.63 to −0.38). A further three we shown on the primary outcome to be little better than placebo: gabapentin (SMD 0.32; 95% CrI, −0.18 to 0.82), lamotrigine (SMD −0.08; 95% CrI, −0.34 to 0.18), topiramate (SMD 0.07; 95% CrI, −0.09 to 0.24), ziprasidone (SMD −0.19; 95% CrI, −0.37 to −0.03).

According to the same network meta-analysis, haloperidol was significantly more effective than lithium (SMD −0.19, 95% CrI = −0.36 to −0.01), quetiapine (SMD −0.19, 95% CrI = −0.37 to −0.01), aripiprazole (SMD −0.19, 95% CrI = −0.36 to −0.02), carbamazepine (SMD −0.20, 95% CrI = −0.36 to −0.01), asenapine (SMD −0.26, 95% CrI = −0.52 to −0.01), valproate (SMD −0.36, 95% CrI = −0.56 to −0.15), ziprasidone (SMD −0.36, 95% CrI = −0.56 to −0.15), lamotrigine (SMD −0.48, 95% CrI = −0.77 to −0.19), topiramate (SMD −0.63, 95% CrI = −0.84 to −0.43), and gabapentin (SMD −0.88, 95% CrI = −1.40 to −0.36). Risperidone and olanzapine had a very similar profile of comparative efficacy, being more effective than valproate, ziprasidone, lamotrigine, topiramate and gabapentin. Olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine led to significantly fewer discontinuations than did lithium, lamotrigine, placebo, topiramate and gabapentin. Ranking of drugs included in the network meta-analysis by their overall probability to be the best treatment in terms of their combined efficacy and acceptability (reflected in their dropout rate) resulted in the following order (from highest to lowest probability of being best treatment): risperidone, olanzapine, haloperidol, quetiapine, carbamazepine, aripiprazole, valproate, lithium, ziprasidone, asenapine, placebo, lamotrigine, topiramate, gabapentin.

6.2.5. Health economics evidence

Systematic literature review

The systematic search of the economic literature undertaken for the guideline identified no study on the cost effectiveness of nutritional interventions and four eligible studies on the cost effectiveness of pharmacological treatments for adults with bipolar disorder in a manic, hypomanic or mixed episode (Bridle et al., 2004; Caro et al., 2006; Revicki et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2005). Of these, only Bridle and colleagues’ study was conducted in the UK, while the rest studies were conducted in the US. References to included studies and evidence tables for all economic evaluations included in the systematic literature review are provided in Appendix 32. Completed methodology checklists of the studies are provided in Appendix 31. Economic evidence profiles of studies considered during guideline development (that is, studies that fully or partly met the applicability and quality criteria) are presented in Appendix 33.

Olanzapine versus valproate semisodium

Revicki and colleagues (2003) evaluated the cost effectiveness of valproate semisodium versus olanzapine in adults with bipolar I disorder in a manic episode in the US. The economic analysis was conducted alongside a multicentre RCT (ZAJECKA2002). The study was a cost consequence analysis; the RCT outcomes considered in the analysis were the participants’ clinical improvement based on the Mania Rating Scale (MRS) from the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Change Version and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, and the participants’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measured by the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire and the number of days with restricted activity. The perspective of the analysis was that of a third-party payer. Costs included hospitalisation costs, physicians’ fees, costs of emergency room, costs of psychiatric, physician, psychologist or other mental health provider visits, home health service visit costs and medication costs. HRQoL and resource use data were collected via telephone interviews; a number of resource use data, such as the number of inpatient physician visits and type of outpatient visits, were based on assumptions. National unit costs were used. The time horizon of the analysis was 12 weeks. Participants in the RCT discontinued treatment if they did not improve after 3 weeks, but data were still collected for a total period of 12 weeks.

The results of the analysis showed that there were no significant differences between the two drugs in terms of clinical, HRQoL and economic outcomes over the 12-week period. Valproate semisodium was associated with significantly lower outpatient costs compared with olanzapine; nevertheless, total direct medical costs associated with the two drugs were similar (mean total cost per person US$13,703 for valproate semisodium and US$15,180 for olanzapine, p = 0.88, cost year not stated). The study is partially applicable to the UK context as it was conducted in the US. Moreover, it is characterised by potentially serious limitations, relating to the short time horizon of the analysis (12 weeks), the use of assumptions for some resource use data and potential conflicts of interest.

Zhu and colleagues (2005) also conducted a cost consequence analysis alongside a multicentre RCT (TOHEN2002) to evaluate the cost effectiveness of olanzapine versus valproate semisodium in adults with bipolar I disorder who were hospitalised for a manic or mixed episode in the US. The time horizon of this analysis was 47 weeks, comprising 3 weeks of acute phase and 44 weeks of maintenance phase. Only participants who entered the maintenance phase of the RCT were included in the economic analysis (59% of the initial study sample). The clinical outcomes considered were the clinical improvement based on the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and the rate of symptom remission (defined as YMRS score ≤ 12) at 3 weeks, and the median time to remission of manic symptoms. The perspective of the analysis was that of a third-party payer. Cost elements included hospitalisation (full and partial), outpatient psychiatric physician and other mental health provider visits, emergency room visits, home visits by healthcare professionals, medication and laboratory tests. Effectiveness and resource use data were taken from the RCT; resource use data were collected from hospital and other medical records and family reports. National unit costs were used.

According to the analysis, total costs were similar between the two drugs (mean total cost per person US$14,967 for olanzapine, US$15,801 for valproate semisodium; p > 0.05, cost year 2000). Olanzapine was found to be significantly better than valproate semisodium in improving manic symptoms at 3 weeks and in the percentage of people achieving remission (54.4% versus 42.3%, respectively). The median time to remission was 14 days for olanzapine and 62 days for valproate semisodium. The results of the analysis suggest that olanzapine is a more effective treatment option that valproate semisodium for people with bipolar disorder experiencing mania at no extra cost. The study is partially applicable to the NHS context as it was conducted in the US. Moreover, it is characterised by potentially serious limitations including the design of the study regarding collection of resource use data and potential conflicts of interest.

Quetiapine versus usual care

Caro and colleagues (2006) developed a discrete event simulation model to evaluate the cost effectiveness of quetiapine versus usual care in adults with bipolar I disorder experiencing a manic episode in the US. Usual care comprised 45% monotherapy with lithium, 25% lithium plus risperidone, 25% lithium plus olanzapine and 5% lithium plus quetiapine. The time horizon of the analysis was 100 days. The analysis adopted a third-party payer perspective. Cost elements consisted of hospitalisation and physician fees, emergency room and intensive care units, routine physician and psychiatrist visits, laboratory tests, medication and management of side effects. The outcome measures used were the percentage of people responding at 21 days and the percentage of people remitting at 84 days. Clinical data for the economic model were taken from a literature review, whereas resource use data were derived from administrative databases; national unit costs were used.

Quetiapine was found to be overall less costly than usual care (mean total cost per person US$5,525 for quetiapine and US$6,912 for quetiapine in 2004 prices). It was also found to be more effective than usual care: the percentage of people responding at 21 days was 54% for quetiapine and 43% for usual care; the percentage of people remitting at 84 days was 80% for quetiapine and 74% for usual care. Consequently quetiapine was the dominant treatment option. Results were sensitive to drug prices, discharge criteria and side-effect management costs. The study is partially applicable to the UK context as it was conducted in the US; the definition of usual care may not reflect usual care in the UK. The analysis is characterised by a number of potentially serious limitations including the source of cost and effectiveness data and potential conflicts of interest.

Antipsychotic drugs (olanzapine, quetiapine and haloperidol) compared with lithium and valproate semisodium

The economic analysis by Bridle and colleagues (2004) was the only study undertaken in the UK. The objective of the study, which informed a previous NICE Technology Appraisal on the use of newer anti-manic drugs (NICE, 2003a), was to evaluate the cost effectiveness of quetiapine, olanzapine and valproate semisodium in the treatment of adults with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic episode. The study was based on decision-analytic modelling. Effectiveness data were derived from a systematic review and network meta-analysis. The availability of effectiveness data in the network meta-analysis determined the choice of drugs included in the economic analysis. The following drugs were thus considered in the analysis: quetiapine, olanzapine, valproate semisodium, haloperidol and lithium.

The primary measure of outcome was the number of responders to treatment; response was defined as ≥ 50% improvement in manic symptoms, expressed in changes in YMRS scores. The time horizon was equal to 3 weeks in the base-case analysis, to reflect the most commonly reported length of follow-up for which effectiveness data were provided in the clinical trials. Estimated costs, expressed in 2001–2002 prices, included direct medical costs from the NHS perspective; these consisted of hospitalisation and drug-acquisition costs, as well as costs of diagnostic and laboratory tests required for monitoring. Resource use data were based on expert opinion, information from manufacturers and further assumptions. Unit costs were taken from national sources. Costs of treating adverse events were not included in the analysis, because of lack of relevant data reported in the literature. However, the authors’ opinion was that the majority of adverse events associated with the drugs compared were unlikely to have significant resource use implications in the 3-week time horizon of the model. Hospitalisation costs were estimated to be the same for all drug treatment options because all people experiencing a manic episode were assumed to be hospitalised at the start of the model and to remain hospitalised for the total 3-week period, regardless of response to treatment.

The base-case results of the analysis showed that mean response rates for olanzapine (0.54) and haloperidol (0.52) were higher than for lithium (0.50), quetiapine (0.47) and valproate semisodium (0.45). Haloperidol had the lowest mean total costs per person (£3,047) in comparison to valproate semisodium (£3,139), olanzapine (£3,161), lithium (£3,162) and quetiapine (£3,165). In terms of cost effectiveness, lithium, valproate semisodium and quetiapine were dominated by haloperidol because they were all less effective and more costly than haloperidol. Compared with haloperidol, olanzapine was more effective and resulted in higher total costs, demonstrating an incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) equal to £7,179 per additional responder. This means that if decision-makers are prepared to pay less than £7,179 per additional responder, then haloperidol is the optimal decision; however, if they are prepared to pay at least £7,179 per additional responder, then olanzapine is the most cost-effective option.

One-way sensitivity analyses showed that results relating to dominance of haloperidol were robust to alternative assumptions tested, such as discharge of non-responders at a later time than responders, treatment of non-responders with second and third-line pharmacological therapies, reductions in diagnostic and laboratory costs, inclusion of effectiveness data for people initially excluded from analysis according to a modified intention-to-treat approach, and inclusion of treatment costs for extrapyramidal symptoms because of haloperidol use. Under these scenarios, the ICER of olanzapine compared with haloperidol ranged between £1,236 (when longer hospitalisation was assumed for non-responders) and £7,165 (when second and third-line treatment was assumed for non-responders) per additional responder. Base-case results were sensitive only to the entire exclusion of diagnostic and laboratory costs from the analysis, which constituted a rather extreme scenario.

Probabilistic analysis demonstrated that, for a willingness to pay (WTP) equal to £20,000 per additional responder, the probabilities of each drug being cost-effective were: olanzapine 0.44, haloperidol 0.37, lithium 0.16, quetiapine 0.02 and valproate semisodium 0.01. The probability that olanzapine was cost-effective increased as the WTP increased: for a maximum WTP £10,000 per additional responder this probability reached 0.42, increasing to 0.45 if the maximum WTP rose to £40,000. When the WTP for an additional responder was zero, haloperidol was the most cost-effective option (with probability equalling 1), as this was the least costly option of those assessed.

Although the study was conducted in the UK, it is only partially applicable to the NICE context because its primary measure of outcome was the rates of response and not the quality-adjusted life year (QALY), which is the preferred outcome measure by NICE, due to lack of appropriate utility data. As a result, the reported ICERs are difficult to interpret because there is no set threshold for the WTP per additional responder to anti-manic therapy. In addition, although the study was well conducted it is characterised by potentially serious limitations: first of all, the model had a very short time horizon of 3 weeks, which was nevertheless dictated by the time horizon of the RCTs included in the network meta-analysis. This means that potential differences across drugs regarding benefits and resource use, including the overall length of hospitalisation (beyond 3 weeks), were not taken into account. However, potential differences in the length of hospitalisation among drugs may affect significantly their relative cost effectiveness because inpatient care is the major driver of total medical costs associated with treatment of mania. Cost differences between drugs were found to be very small and were attributed exclusively to differences in acquisition and monitoring costs because hospitalisation costs were assumed to be the same across drugs over the time period of 3 weeks. Finally, omission of costs and HRQoL aspects of side effects from the analysis were also acknowledged by the authors as a further limitation of their study.

Overall conclusions from existing economic evidence

The existing economic evidence on drugs for the treatment of mania in people with bipolar disorder is rather limited and not directly applicable to the NICE decision-making context. All studies included in the review are characterised by potentially serious limitations. Evidence from the US suggests that olanzapine and valproate semisodium are associated with similar overall costs; in terms of effectiveness, one study showed superiority of olanzapine and the other study found no difference in effectiveness. An additional US study indicated that quetiapine was dominant (more effective and less costly) than usual care. The only UK study included in the review showed that haloperidol was dominant over lithium, valproate semisodium and quetiapine. Olanzapine was more effective and more costly than haloperidol, with an ICER equal to £7,179 per additional responder. However, the study is characterised by potentially serious limitations and its results are not easy to interpret due to the lack of use of QALYs as a measure of outcome.

It should be noted that quetiapine and olanzapine are now available in generic form, and therefore their acquisition cost is lower than the cost of the patented forms evaluated in the studies included in the systematic review. Thus their relative cost effectiveness is likely higher than that suggested in the literature.

Economic modelling

Introduction – objective of economic modelling

The cost effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of adults with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic episode was identified by the GDG as an area with potentially major resource use implications that should be addressed by economic modelling. However, the availability of clinical and cost data did not allow the development of a model with a time horizon longer than 3 weeks that would overcome the limitations characterising the study by Bridle and colleagues (2004). Therefore, a simple economic analysis was attempted which updated the costs and clinical data reported by Bridle and colleagues (2004) and allowed the GDG to consider the costs associated with pharmacological interventions for mania alongside their clinical effectiveness as reported in Cipriani and colleagues (2011). In addition, a cost-utility analysis was conducted, using available utility data that allowed outcomes to be expressed in the form of QALYs.

Economic modelling methods
Interventions assessed

The interventions that were assessed in this economic analysis were determined by the availability of data reported in the network meta-analysis by Cipriani and colleagues (2011). Only drugs that were found to be effective in this study and licensed in the UK were considered in the economic analysis. Cipriani and colleagues (2011) evaluated the following drugs: aripiprazole, asenapine, carbamazepine, valproate, gabapentin, haloperidol, lamotrigine, lithium, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, topiramate and ziprasidone. Paliperidone was not assessed separately, but relevant data were pooled with risperidone data because paliperidone is the main active metabolite of risperidone. The economic analysis did not consider ziprasidone because it is not licensed in the UK. Moreover, gabapentin, lamotrigine and topiramate were found to be not significantly better than placebo in the network meta-analysis and were therefore excluded from the economic analysis. Thus the economic analysis assessed the costs and outcomes of the following nine drugs: aripiprazole, asenapine, carbamazepine, valproate, haloperidol, lithium, olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone.

Costs and outcomes considered in the analysis

The economic analysis adopted the NHS and personal social services perspective, as recommended by NICE (2012). Costs included hospitalisation costs, drug acquisition costs and costs of laboratory testing. The measures of effectiveness were determined by the outcome measures reported in Cipriani and colleagues (2011), which included the change scores on the YMRS as a primary outcome and the proportion of people who responded to treatment as a secondary outcome. Moreover, the economic analysis estimated the number of QALYs gained associated with each pharmacological treatment.

Time horizon of the analysis

The time horizon of the economic analysis was 3 weeks, the same as in the study by Bridle and colleagues (2004), which reflected the time horizons of the RCTs included in the network meta-analysis that provided the effectiveness data.

Clinical input parameters

All clinical input parameters were taken from the study by Cipriani and colleagues (2011). These included the SMDs of YMRS scores and the ORs of response rates, as well as the baseline probability of response for placebo. The latter was estimated by pooling the data from all placebo arms included in the network meta-analysis and found to equal 31.1%. This baseline probability of response was used to estimate the probability of response for each drug using the following formulae:

where pb is the probability of response for placebo (baseline), ORb,x is the odds ratio for response of placebo versus each drug as reported in Cipriani and colleagues (2011) and oddsx the odds of each drug to achieve response.

Utility data and estimation of quality-adjusted life years

In order to express outcomes in the form of QALYs, the health states of the economic model need to be linked to appropriate utility scores. Utility scores represent the HRQoL associated with specific health states on a scale from 0 (death) to 1 (perfect health). More details on the estimation of utility scores, the NICE criteria on selection of available utility data and on the systematic review of the literature that aimed to identify utility scores associated with distinct health states experienced by adults with bipolar disorder are provided in section 6.4.5. This analysis considered utility scores corresponding to the health states of ‘mania’ equalling 0.44, and ‘full response – euthymia’ equalling 0.90, as reported in Table 21; the difference in utility between these states (0.46) was estimated using data reported in Revicki and colleagues (2005a). The utility score for mania was used for all people at the start of the model and for people not responding to treatment; the utility score for euthymia was used for people responding to treatment. The model assumed linear increase in utility in those responding to treatment between the start of the model and the point where response was achieved.

Table 21. Input parameters and utility data used to populate the economic model of pharmacological interventions for acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder.

Table 21

Input parameters and utility data used to populate the economic model of pharmacological interventions for acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder.

Cost data

Similar to the economic analysis by Bridle and colleagues (2004), people in all arms of the economic model were assumed to be hospitalised over the 3-week time horizon of the analysis. Therefore, hospitalisation costs were the same across all drugs and were excluded from the guideline analysis.

The drug daily dosage was determined according to optimal levels of administration (based on the BNF and the GDG expert opinion) and was consistent with the dosage range reported in the RCTs included in the network meta-analysis by Cipriani and colleagues (2011). Drug acquisition costs were taken from the NHS Electronic Drug Tariff, February 201417 (NHS Business Services Authority, 2014).

Required laboratory testing was determined by the GDG expert opinion. It was agreed that at initiation of all drugs a number of tests should be undertaken, including electrocardiogram (ECG), assessment of renal function (creatinine, blood urea and electrolytes), glucose, lipid profile and thyroid function tests. The costs of these tests were not included in the analysis because they were common to all arms of the model. In addition to these tests, the GDG expressed the opinion that liver function should be tested at initiation of all drugs except lithium; for lithium, three tests of plasma lithium concentration were required to determine optimal dose. The cost of liver function testing was taken from data reported in the economic analysis described in the previous NICE guideline (NCCMH, 2006). The cost of plasma lithium concentration testing was taken from the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust biochemistry laboratory services tariff for 2006/07.

All costs were uplifted to 2014 prices using the hospital and community health services (HCHS) pay and prices inflation index (Curtis, 2013). The inflation index for the year 2014 was estimated using the average value of the HCHS pay and prices indices of the previous 3 years.

The drug daily dosages and the associated acquisition costs, as well the laboratory testing costs that were utilised in the model are reported in Table 12.

Table 12. Average daily dosage, daily and 3-week acquisition costs, and additional required laboratory testing costs of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of adults with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic episode included in the economic analysis (2014 prices).

Table 12

Average daily dosage, daily and 3-week acquisition costs, and additional required laboratory testing costs of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of adults with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic episode included in the economic analysis (more...)

Data analysis

Estimated costs of pharmacological interventions are presented alongside effectiveness data – SMDs of YMRS scores and ORs of response as reported in Cipriani and colleagues (2011) – and the mean QALY gain per person. Formal synthesis of costs and SMDs in an ICER was not attempted because the resulting figures would be difficult to interpret and therefore would not be useful in decision-making. On the other hand, ICERs expressing cost per additional responder were estimated despite the fact that they were difficult to interpret, to enable comparisons with the results reported in Bridle and colleagues (2004). In addition, incremental analysis where the ICER was expressed as cost per QALY was undertaken. Probabilistic analysis was not possible to undertake using the summarised efficacy data (mean and 95% CIs) that were reported in Cipriani and colleagues (2011). The cost data used in this analysis were very limited and were not subject to uncertainty because the drug and laboratory testing unit prices are determined. Therefore, other sensitivity analysis was not attempted.

Economic modelling results

Results of the economic analysis using the SMDs and the ORs of response of each drug versus placebo are presented in Table 13 and Table 14, respectively.

Table 13. Results of the economic analysis of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of adults with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic episode: effectiveness expressed by the standardised mean difference (SMD) of YMRS scores compared with placebo and costs.

Table 13

Results of the economic analysis of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of adults with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic episode: effectiveness expressed by the standardised mean difference (SMD) of YMRS scores compared with placebo and (more...)

Table 14. Results of the economic analysis of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of adults with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic episode: effectiveness expressed by the odds ratios of response rates of placebo versus each drug, quality-adjusted life years, costs and incremental cost effectiveness ratios.

Table 14

Results of the economic analysis of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of adults with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic episode: effectiveness expressed by the odds ratios of response rates of placebo versus each drug, quality-adjusted (more...)

Table 14 also presents the QALY gains per person associated with each drug. In both tables, drugs have been ordered from the most to the least effective. As shown in Table 13, the three most effective drugs in terms of the magnitude of the SMD are haloperidol, risperidone and olanzapine; these drugs also have the lowest costs, all below £10 per person. These drugs are followed by quetiapine and lithium which have comparable costs, as well as aripiprazole which, however, has a total acquisition and laboratory testing cost of £76.

In terms of ORs of response and QALYs, the four most effective drugs were carbamazepine, haloperidol, olanzapine and risperidone, all with comparable costs. These are followed by quetiapine, which also has comparable costs, valproate, which has somewhat higher costs, and aripiprazole, the most costly drug of the analysis. According to formal incremental analysis, all drugs below the four most effective drugs are dominated by absolute dominance because they are less effective and more costly than one of more of the four most effective drugs. Haloperidol and olanzapine are dominated by rules of extended dominance (the latter occurs when an option is less effective and more costly than a linear combination of two alternative options). The ICER of carbamazepine versus risperidone is £149 per additional responder or £3,842 per QALY. It needs to be noted that carbamazepine was not among the most effective drugs in the analysis of YMRS change scores, which was the primary analysis of efficacy data in Cipriani and colleagues (2011). If carbamazepine is excluded from incremental analysis then haloperidol and olanzapine are no longer dominated. The ICER of haloperidol versus olanzapine is £283 per additional responder or £7,333 per QALY and the ICER of olanzapine versus risperidone is £151 per additional responder or £3,918 per QALY. Using the NICE cost effectiveness threshold of £20,000-£30,000 per QALY, haloperidol becomes the most cost-effective option if carbamazepine is excluded from analysis. This is followed by olanzapine then risperidone. Quetiapine is the next most cost-effective option, dominating all the remaining drugs in the analysis.

The ICERs expressing cost per additional responder are difficult to interpret because there is no set threshold for the WTP per additional responder to treatment for mania. Nevertheless costs were estimated, to enable comparison with the respective ICERs reported in Bridle and colleagues (2004). The comparison reveals that the ICERs estimated in this analysis are much lower than those reported by Bridle and colleagues, who estimated an ICER of olanzapine versus haloperidol equal to £7,179 per additional responder; this discrepancy may be attributable to the very different drug acquisition costs between the guideline analysis and the analysis by Bridle and colleagues (2004) because the latter, many of the drugs considered have become available in generic form. It should also be noted that the total costs reported in this analysis are substantially lower than those reported by Bridle and colleagues (2004), because this analysis did not include costs of hospitalisation which, in both analyses, were assumed to be common across all arms and were thus cancelled out.

The methodology checklist and the economic evidence profile of the analysis are provided in Appendices 31 and 33, respectively.

Discussion – limitations of the analysis

The results of the economic analysis suggest that haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine may be more cost-effective than the other drugs assessed in the analysis. Carbamazepine was shown to be the most effective (and cost-effective) option when ORs of response and QALYs were used, but not in the analysis that utilised SMDs. After excluding carbamazepine from the cost-utility analysis, haloperidol became the most cost-effective treatment option, followed by olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine. However, the efficacy and cost differences between haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine were overall shown to be rather small.

The economic analysis is very simplistic and has only taken into account the costs associated with drug acquisition and the additional laboratory tests required for each drug over a period of 3 weeks. This short time horizon was imposed by the short time horizons of the RCTs that were included in the meta-analysis that provided the effectiveness data. Side effects and their impact on costs and HRQoL were not considered in the analysis, due to the short time horizon and the lack of relevant data. Hospitalisation costs were assumed to be the same for all drugs over 3 weeks because all people with bipolar disorder experiencing an acute episode were estimated to be hospitalised over the first 3 weeks of acute treatment. However, the total length of hospitalisation and outcomes of drugs beyond the 3-week period were not taken into account in the analysis due to lack of relevant data. If some drugs result in better outcomes beyond the period of the 3 weeks and reduce the total length of hospitalisation, then they are expected to be more cost-effective because hospitalisation is the most substantial driver of costs in the treatment of mania; the mean cost of Mental Health Care Clusters per bed-day was £344 in 2013, according to NHS reference costs (NHS Department of Health, 2013).

Another limitation of the analysis is the use of utility data from Revicki and colleagues (2005a) owing to the lack of more relevant utility data for the state of mania. The study described hypothetical health states using vignettes, which were valued by stable outpatients with bipolar disorder in the US. As discussed in section 6.3.8, these utility values do not meet NICE criteria on use of utility values and do not reflect the UK general population’s preferences. The results of the cost-utility analysis should be therefore interpreted with caution.

In conclusion, the analysis has not overcome many of the limitations characterising previous studies. Nevertheless, the results indicate that haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine may be more cost-effective options for the treatment of mania than other drugs assessed. Factors such as acceptability, rate and type of side effects associated with each drug should also be considered when making recommendations. Moreover, it needs to be noted that a number of drugs included in the economic analysis are currently patented and are associated with high acquisition costs. Once these drugs become available in generic form their price is expected to reduce, and their relative cost effectiveness is then likely to change thus needing re-assessment.

Economic evidence statement

The existing economic evidence is rather limited and not directly applicable to the NICE decision-making context; all reviewed studies are characterised by potentially serious limitations. In the economic analysis conducted for this guideline, haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine appear to be more cost-effective options than other drugs included in the analysis. However, this analysis is also characterised by potentially serious limitations.

6.3. Pharmacological and Nutritional Interventions for Acute Episodes of Bipolar Depression

6.3.1. Introduction

People with bipolar disorder spend considerably more time depressed than manic; for those with bipolar I disorder it has been estimated that for two-thirds of the time that they are unwell it is with depression (Judd et al., 2003a; Judd et al., 2002a). For those with bipolar II disorder, over 90% of unwell days are due to depression. Bipolar disorder is associated with a high prevalence of suicide with most of these occurring during the depressed phase (Novick et al., 2010). A number of medications have been used for bipolar depression, alone and in combination, including antidepressants used for unipolar depression (SSRIs, tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors) as well as antipsychotics, anticonvulsants and lithium.

6.3.2. Clinical review protocol

The review protocol summary, including the review question and the eligibility criteria used for this section of the guideline, can be found in Table 15 (a complete list of review questions and protocols can be found in Appendix 7; further information about the search strategy can be found in Appendix 8).

Table 15. Clinical review protocol summary for the review of pharmacological and nutritional interventions for acute episodes of bipolar depression.

Table 15

Clinical review protocol summary for the review of pharmacological and nutritional interventions for acute episodes of bipolar depression.

6.3.3. Studies considered

Twenty-seven RCTs (N = 9,006) published between 1999 and 2012 compared eligible interventions and reported outcomes that could be used for network meta-analysis: BRISTOLMYERSSQUIB2006 (Bristol-Myers Squibb, [unpublished] 2006), BRISTOLMYERSSQUIB2007 (Bristol-Myers Squibb, [unpublished] 2007), BROWN2006 (Brown et al., 2006), CALABRESE1999 (Calabrese et al., 1999), CALABRESE2005 (Calabrese et al., 2005a), CALABRESE2008a (Calabrese et al., 2008), CALABRESE2008b (Calabrese et al., 2008), CALABRESE2008c (Calabrese et al., 2008), CALABRESE2008d (Calabrese et al., 2008), DAVIS2005 (Davis et al., 2005), GHAEMI2007 (Ghaemi et al., 2007), MCELROY2010 (McElroy et al., 2010), MUZINA2011 (Muzina et al., 2011), NEMEROFF2001 (Nemeroff et al., 2001), PFIZER2009a (Pfizer, [unpublished] 2009a), PFIZER2009b (Pfizer, [unpublished] 2009b), QUANTE2010 (Quante et al., 2010), SACHS2011 (Sachs et al., 2011), SILVERSTONE2001 (Silverstone, 2001), SUNOVION2012a (Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc., [unpublished] 2012a), SUNOVION2012b (Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc., [unpublished] 2012b), SUPPES2010 (Suppes et al., 2010), THASE2006 (Thase et al., 2006), TOHEN2003 (Tohen et al., 2003), TOHEN2012 (Tohen et al., 2012a), VANDERLOOS2009 (Van der Loos et al., 2009), YOUNG2010 (Young et al., 2010). Six of these were unpublished (BRISTOLMYERSSQUIB2006, BRISTOLMYERSSQUIB2007, PFIZER2009a, PFIZER2009b, SUNOVION2012a, SUNOVION2012b). Studies included in the network meta-analysis were analysed by comparing discontinuation (for any reason) and response, given not discontinued.

A joint network meta-analysis on discontinuation and number of responders given not discontinued was carried out by subtracting the number of patients who had discontinued from the total number of patients randomised. A separate network meta-analysis to estimate relative effects of response out of all randomised patients (that is, not conditional on discontinuation) was also carried out.

All studies reported the number of patients discontinuing out of the total number randomised, but only 25 studies reported a useable measure of response on a dichotomous or continuous scale (BRISTOLMYERSSQUIB2006 and BRISTOLMYERSSQUIB2007 did not report response).

Data on response were reported in different formats. The relative effect of interest was the odds ratio of response, so the following approach was taken to incorporate as much of the available data as possible:


For studies reporting the number of responders on only one of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) or Montgomery Ǻsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) scales, those data were used in the analysis.


For studies reporting the number of responders on both the HAMD and MADRS the log-odds ratio of response, given not discontinued and given by each measure was averaged and the standard error of the log-odds ratios was calculated as the average of the standard errors on each scale.


For studies not reporting the number of responders but reporting the mean and standard deviation (SD) on one of the scales (HAMD or MADRS), the within-study standardised mean difference (SMD) and its variance were calculated according to the Hedges’ g formula and used in the analysis.


For studies not reporting the number of responders but reporting the mean and SD on both the HAMD and MADRS scales, the within-study SMD on each scale and their standard errors were calculated as above, and then averaged. This combined SMD and its variance (the standard error squared) were used in the analysis.

One additional three-arm study (N = 174; POST2006 [Post et al., 2006) was a comparison of three drugs that could not be connected to the network, so the pairwise comparisons are reported separately below.

An additional 29 studies were excluded; eight were open-label studies: AMSTERDAM2009 (Amsterdam & Shults, 2009), ASTRAZENECA2012a (Astrazeneca, [unpublished] 2012a), ASTRAZENECA2012b (Astrazeneca, [unpublished] 2012b), NIERENBERG2006 (Nierenberg et al., 2006), NOLEN2007 (Nolen et al., 2007), TAMAYO2009 (Tamayo et al., 2009), WANG2010 (Wang et al., 2010), YONGNING2005 (Yong Ning & Hui, 2005); seven trials were of medications neither routinely used nor licensed for the treatment of mental health problems: CHENGAPPA2000 (Chengappa et al., 2000), DENICOFF2005 (Denicoff et al., 2005) DIAZGRANADOS2010 (Diazgranados et al., 2010), FUREY2013 (Furey & Zarate, 2013), STAMM2011 (Stamm et al., 2011), SZUBA2005 (Szuba et al., 2005), WATSON2012 (Watson et al., 2012), YOUNG2004 (Young et al., 2004), ZARATE2012 (Zarate et al., 2012); and four trials included people who did not have bipolar disorder: FIEVE1968 (Fieve et al., 1968), KESSELL1975 (Kessell & Holt, 1975), SMITH1978 (Smith et al., 1978), SPEER2009 (Speer et al., 2009). Three studies were excluded because did not include a sufficient number of participants to be included; one was a study of pramipexole as a second-line intervention: GOLDBERG2004 (Goldberg et al., 2004); one was a study of pramipexole: ZARATE2004B (Zarate et al., 2004); one was a study of paroxetine and mood stabilisers: YOUNG2000; and one was a study of risperidone and paroxetine: SHELTON2004 (Shelton & Stahl, 2004). One study was excluded because it involved a comparison of antidepressants as a class (rather a specific drug) with placebo: SACHS2007. One study of tranylcypromine was excluded because it did not report response on an accepted measure: HIMMELHOCH1991 (Himmelhoch et al., 1991). Two studies were excluded because they did not report usable outcomes; one compared olanzapine and fluoxetine alone or in combination: AMSTERDAM2005a (Amsterdam & Shults, 2005a); one compared valproate with lithium: OQUENDO2011 (Oquendo et al., 2011). One study of eicosapentaenoic acid was excluded because there were only six participants in each group: OSHER2005 (Osher et al., 2005). One was excluded because participants were not acutely depressed: FRANGOU2006 (Frangou et al., 2006). Results could not be obtained for eight studies: AHUJA2011 (Ahuja et al., 2011), COLOMBO2000 (Colombo et al., 2000), FOREST2010 (Forest, 2010), FRYE2000 (Frye et al, 2000) GAO2008 (Gao et al., 2008), MCELROY2013 (McElroy et al., 2013), PATKAR2012 (Patkar et al., 2012), SACHS2002 (Sachs et al., 2002); although they have published several papers about the drug, the manufacturer of cariprazine has not reported the results of clinical trials, and they refused requests for data.

Further information about both included and excluded studies can be found in Appendices 16 and 34.

6.3.4. Network meta-analysis of pharmacological interventions for acute episodes of bipolar depression

Trials included in the network meta-analysis included between 19 and 833 participants at baseline (median 298). Where known, participants were on average (median of means) aged 40 years and about 58% of them were female. Fourteen trials included only participants with bipolar I disorder; one trial included only participants with bipolar II disorder (CALABRESE2008c), and only 37% of participants in another had bipolar II disorder (MUZINA2011).

Studies of medication alone or as an addition to another treatment were included. All participants were taking a mood stabiliser in six studies (QUANTE2010, SACHS2011, NEMEROFF2001, SUNOVION2012a, SUNOVION2012b, VANDERLOOS2009). Twelve studies reported that participants were not taking mood stabilisers at baseline (BRISTOLMYERSSQUIB2006, BRISTOLMYERSSQUIB2007, CALABRESE1999, CALABRESE2005, CALABRESE2008a, CALABRESE2008b, CALABRESE2008c, CALABRESE2008d, DAVIS2005, GHAEMI2007, MCELROY2010, MUZINA2011, PFIZER2009a, PFIZER2009b, SUPPES2010, THASE2006, TOHEN2003, YOUNG2010), though participants in some of these studies could be taking other medications including anxiolytics or hypnotics. Nine studies included a mix of participants taking or not taking mood stabilisers, or did not report their use.

Quality of the evidence

To rate the quality of evidence, guidelines may use GRADE profiles for critical outcomes. However, GRADE has not yet been adapted for use in network meta-analyses. To evaluate the quality of the evidence from the network meta-analysis, information about the factors that would normally be included in a GRADE profile will be reported (that is, risk of bias, publication bias, imprecision, inconsistency and indirectness).

6.3.5. Risk of bias

All included trials were assessed for risk of bias (Appendix 17). Of those in the network meta-analysis, 21 were at low risk for sequence generation and nine of these were at low risk of bias for allocation concealment. Allocation concealment was unclear in 18 trials. All trials were double-blind and were rated as low risk of bias for participant and provider blinding, although effects of medication, including side effects, may make it difficult to maintain participant and provider blinding, particularly at higher doses. Assessor blinding was considered separately for all trials; seven were at low risk of bias and assessors were aware of treatment conditions in one trial. For incomplete outcome data, response was analysed assuming that participants who discontinued treatment did not respond. Because of the high rate of missing data and/or the handling of missing data, continuous outcomes were at high risk of bias in 22 trials.

Selective outcome reporting and publication bias

Several methods were employed to minimise risk of selective outcome reporting and publication bias. The NCCMH review team wrote to all authors to request trial registrations and unpublished outcomes, and all authors of included trials, all stakeholders, and pharmaceutical manufacturers were asked to provide unpublished trials. Nonetheless, only six were at low risk of selective outcome reporting bias, the remaining 14 and seven were at unclear and high risk of bias (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. Risk of bias summary.

Figure 5

Risk of bias summary.


Inconsistency was assessed by fitting an unrelated mean effects model (Dias et al., 2013) and comparing the fit of this model to the fit of the full network meta-analysis model using the residual deviance (Dias et al., 2013). The posterior mean of the residual deviance for discontinuation was 63.5, very close to the respective 64 data points of the model; the posterior mean of the total residual deviance for response was 58.44, moderately high compared with the respective 51 data points. This finding may be attributable to one study (THASE2006) that did not fit the model well regarding response. Only one loop in the network had the potential for inconsistency, and there was no evidence of inconsistency for response and for discontinuation.


All evidence in the network meta-analysis is direct insofar as it relates to the population, interventions and outcomes of interest.

Effects of interventions

In the network meta-analysis, all interventions except aripiprazole ranked higher than placebo for response given no discontinuation, but only six were statistically superior to placebo (lurasidone, valproate, quetiapine, the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine, olanzapine alone, and lamotrigine) (see Table 16). Quetiapine and lurasidone were less well tolerated than placebo; for discontinuation, the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine, valproate, olanzapine alone and lamotrigine ranked higher than placebo. When responses for all randomised participants (that is, assuming the dropouts did not respond) were compared, moclobemide and ziprasidone were also ranked below placebo. Other interventions that were included in the network but were not statistically superior to placebo were imipramine, lithium, moclobemide, paroxetine and ziprasidone. Excluding valproate, which only 48 people received, the five efficacious interventions were received by 292 to 1,867 participants.

Table 16. Pharmacological interventions for acute episodes of bipolar depression (results from network meta-analysis).

Table 16

Pharmacological interventions for acute episodes of bipolar depression (results from network meta-analysis).

6.3.6. Pharmacological interventions for acute episodes of bipolar depression that could not be included in the network meta-analysis

One RCT (N = 174; POST2006) published in 2006 compared bupropion, sertraline and venlafaxine in outpatients. In the total sample, mean age was 42 years, 50% were female and 73% were diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. Little difference was found between any of the groups on response and discontinuation.

6.3.7. Nutritional interventions for acute episodes of bipolar depression

One RCT (N = 116) published in 2006 compared medication as usual with or without eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation (KECK2006b [Keck et al., 2006b]). There was very low quality evidence that eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation was not associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms (see Appendix 16).

6.3.8. Health economics evidence

Systematic literature review

The systematic search of the economic literature undertaken for the guideline identified one eligible study on the cost effectiveness of pharmacological interventions (Ekman et al., 2012) and one eligible study on the cost effectiveness of nutritional interventions (Cheema et al., 2013) for adults with bipolar disorder in an acute depressive episode. References to included studies and evidence tables for all economic evaluations included in the systematic literature review are provided in Appendix 32. Completed methodology checklists of the studies are provided in Appendix 31. Economic evidence profiles of studies considered during guideline development (that is, studies that fully or partly met the applicability and quality criteria) are presented in Appendix 33.

The study by Ekman and colleagues (2012) assessed the cost effectiveness of quetiapine versus a number of pharmacological treatment options in adults with bipolar disorder (I or II) in the UK. The study was based on decision-analytic modelling. Two separate analyses were undertaken: one where the study population entered the model in an acute episode of bipolar depression, and another one where the study population entered the model in remission. Both analyses had a 5-year time horizon and considered the following treatment options: quetiapine; quetiapine added to a mood stabiliser (lithium or valproate semisodium); olanzapine; olanzapine plus lithium, with olanzapine replaced by venlafaxine in acute depression; olanzapine plus lithium, with olanzapine replaced by paroxetine in acute depression; aripiprazole that was replaced by olanzapine and venlafaxine in acute depression; and a mixed scenario where risperidone was administered in mania, venlafaxine and lithium were administered in acute depression, and olanzapine was administered as maintenance treatment.

The study adopted the NHS perspective. Costs included those for hospitalisation, outpatient care, staff (senior house officer, GP, community psychiatric nurse, practice nurse, dietician), drug acquisition, laboratory tests, those associated with crisis teams and those of adverse events. Indirect costs (productivity losses) were considered in a sensitivity analysis. The measure of outcome was the QALY. Relative effects across drugs were taken from RCTs and published meta-analyses of trials. Resource use data were taken from published sources which, however, reported estimates based on expert opinion. Unit costs were taken from national sources.

The study is directly applicable to the UK. However, evidence synthesis was based on indirect comparisons between drugs, using placebo as baseline; however, as the authors acknowledged, the meta-analyses used to derive the relative effects were not similar in terms of the phase of the disorder examined and the measures of outcome used. Moreover, it is not clear whether the study populations and designs across all RCTs used in evidence synthesis (including those considered in the published meta-analyses) were similar enough to allow indirect comparisons of drugs. Overall, it appears that methods of evidence synthesis were inappropriate, introducing bias in the economic analysis. For this reason, the study was judged to suffer from very serious limitations and was therefore not considered further when making recommendations.

Cheema and colleagues (2013) evaluated the cost effectiveness of ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid (ethyl-EPA) adjunctive to mood stabilisers versus mood stabilisers alone in adults with bipolar I disorder in a stable (euthymic) state, from the perspective of the UK NHS. The study, which was based on decision-analytic modelling, is described here because it has utilised effectiveness data from a 12-week RCT that assessed the efficacy of ethyl-EPA in people with bipolar depression (FRANGOU2006). This RCT was excluded from the guideline systematic review because participants were not acutely depressed. The economic analysis extrapolated the efficacy data from this trial to stable adults with bipolar disorder experiencing acute episodes, over 1 year; efficacy of ethyl-EPA in reducing depressive symptoms over 12 weeks was assumed to correspond to efficacy in preventing acute manic and depressive episodes over 1 year. This was considered a very serious limitation of the analysis; consequently the study was not considered further when formulating guideline recommendations.

Economic modelling

Introduction – objective of economic modelling

The cost effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for adults with bipolar disorder experiencing an acute depressive episode was considered by the GDG as an area with likely significant resource implications. Existing economic evidence in this area was limited to one study that was conducted in the UK. The study was characterised by potentially serious limitations and did not assess the whole range of interventions that are available in the UK for the treatment of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder. The clinical evidence in this area was judged to be sufficient and of adequate quality to inform primary economic modelling. Based on the above considerations, this area was prioritised for further economic analysis. An economic model was therefore developed to assess the relative cost effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for adults with bipolar disorder experiencing an acute depressive episode in the UK.

Economic modelling methods
Interventions assessed

The guideline economic analysis assessed pharmacological interventions that were included in the relevant network meta-analysis conducted for this guideline. The economic model considered interventions that were found to be effective in the network meta-analysis and are available in the UK. Aripiprazole was excluded from the economic analysis, since the network meta-analysis indicated that it is ineffective in the treatment of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder. Lurasidone and ziprasidone were not considered in the economic analysis because they are not available in the UK.

Based on the above criteria the following pharmacological interventions were included in the economic analysis: imipramine, lamotrigine, lithium, moclobemide, olanzapine, paroxetine, quetiapine, valproate semisodium, and the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine.

The model also considered no pharmacological treatment (reflected in treatment with placebo) consisting, in terms of resource use, of visits to healthcare professionals only, in order to assess the cost effectiveness of active interventions versus a non-specific medical management (used as a benchmark).

Model structure

A decision-analytic model in the form of a decision-tree was constructed using Microsoft Office Excel 2010. The model estimated the total costs and benefits associated with provision of each of the ten treatment options (including no pharmacological treatment) to adults with bipolar disorder experiencing an acute depressive episode. The structure of the model, which aimed to simulate the course of acute bipolar depression and relevant clinical practice in the UK, was also driven by the availability of clinical data.

According to the model structure, hypothetical cohorts of adults with bipolar disorder in acute depression were initiated on each of the ten treatment options assessed. People initiated on a pharmacological treatment option could either continue treatment for 6 weeks or discontinue for any reason (for example because of intolerable side effects). Drug discontinuation was estimated to occur at on average 3 weeks from the initiation of drug treatment. At the end of 6 weeks, people continuing treatment either responded to treatment fully or partially, or they did not respond. Assessment of response was undertaken at this point because 6 weeks was the median (and mode) time horizon of the studies considered in the guideline network meta-analysis that provided the response data for the model. People who responded to the initiated drug fully or partially continued their drug treatment for another 12 weeks at the same dosage, at the end of which they either experienced a manic or depressive relapse or did not relapse.

People discontinuing their initiated drug treatment at 3 weeks or not responding after 6 weeks either stopped drug treatment (that is, they moved to no pharmacological treatment) or moved to a second drug treatment option. This was assumed to be a non-weighted ‘average’ mixture of all other drug treatment options assessed in the economic analysis (in terms of intervention costs and clinical outcomes), excluding the initiated drug treatment option. People who started with the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine could move to a mixture of all other drugs evaluated in the model, except monotherapy with olanzapine because the combination of the latter with fluoxetine had already failed. People under the second drug treatment option either continued the drug treatment or discontinued after 3 weeks and moved to no pharmacological treatment. Those continuing the second drug followed the same pathway as people who continued the first drug (that is, no response or response, either full or partial, 6 weeks later, after which they could relapse to a manic or depressive episode or not relapse). People receiving a second drug treatment and not discontinuing remained on this drug for the remaining of the time horizon, whether they responded to this treatment or not.

People under no pharmacological treatment (either as initial treatment, or following discontinuation of, or no response to, their initiated drug treatment option) either responded to treatment, fully or partially, and could experience a manic or depressive relapse, or did not respond to treatment.

The time horizon of the analysis was 18 weeks which, for people responding to their initiated drug, consisted of 6 weeks of treatment until assessment of the clinical outcome (6 weeks was the median time horizon of trials considered in the guideline network meta-analysis), and another 12 weeks of continuation of the drug, prior to initiation of long-term pharmacological maintenance treatment. The GDG expressed the opinion that people with acute bipolar depression who respond to a drug normally should continue the drug as acute treatment, at full dosage, for another 8 weeks before either taking the drug as long-term maintenance treatment at the same dosage, or gradually reducing the dosage of the drug over a further 4 weeks, during which they should start long-term maintenance treatment with another drug. For simplicity and consistency across model arms (because some drugs in the model are not suitable for long-term maintenance treatment), it was assumed that all people responding to a drug received its full dosage for the remainder of the model. The 18-week time horizon enabled the capturing of the full course of acute drug treatment for people who responded at 6 weeks (6 + 8 + 4 weeks) and was long enough to allow moving to a second drug treatment and assessing response in cases where the 6-week initiated drug treatment failed; the model did not extend beyond 18 weeks because this would mean that some people in the model (those who responded at 6 weeks) would start maintenance treatment whereas others would be still receiving acute treatment for their depressive episode. Maintenance treatment was not considered in the model due to lack of appropriate and relevant data that were required to populate a longer-term economic model, as discussed in Chapter 7. A schematic diagram of the decision-tree is presented in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Schematic diagram of the economic model constructed for the evaluation of the relative cost effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder.

Figure 6

Schematic diagram of the economic model constructed for the evaluation of the relative cost effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder.

Costs and outcomes considered in the analysis

The economic analysis adopted the perspective of the NHS and personal social services, as recommended by NICE (2012). Costs consisted of drug acquisition costs, laboratory testing costs, healthcare professional visit costs, as well as costs of hospitalisation and crisis resolution and home treatment teams (CRHTTs) for a proportion of people not responding to treatment. The measure of outcome was the QALY.

Clinical input parameters

Clinical model input parameters consisted of the probabilities of discontinuation and conditional response (in those not discontinuing) following first and second treatment; the probability of response in people under no pharmacological treatment; the probability of moving to no pharmacological treatment following discontinuation or no response to first pharmacological treatment; the probability of partial response in those responding; the probability of relapse in those responding fully or partially; and the probability of a manic episode in those relapsing.

The probabilities of discontinuation and response in those not discontinuing were taken from the network meta-analysis conducted for this guideline, the methods of which are reported in Appendix 15. For the economic analysis the first 50,000 iterations undertaken in WinBUGS were discarded and another 300,000 were run, thinned by 30, so as to obtain 10,000 iterations that populated the economic model. The results of the network meta-analysis that were used to populate the economic model are provided in Table 17. The table shows the mean probability of discontinuation and conditional response (that is, response in those not discontinuing) for each intervention considered in the economic analysis at the end of treatment (6 weeks).

Table 17. Results of network meta-analysis that were utilised in the economic model: probability of discontinuation and conditional response in adults with acute bipolar depression at end of treatment.

Table 17

Results of network meta-analysis that were utilised in the economic model: probability of discontinuation and conditional response in adults with acute bipolar depression at end of treatment.

For no pharmacological treatment (placebo), the data on probability of discontinuation and conditional response were combined. This was done to provide an overall probability of response in those under no pharmacological treatment (placebo), because the probability of discontinuation was not meaningful in an economic model that assumed that people were already under no pharmacological treatment. People discontinuing placebo were therefore counted as non-responders.

The probability of discontinuation remained the same for each drug when used as a second drug option. The probability of conditional response for each drug, however, was assumed to be lower when the drug was used as a second option. This reduction in probability of conditional response was assumed to be the same across all drugs and was estimated using data from a longitudinal study on adults with unipolar major depression receiving one to four successive pharmacological treatment options (Rush et al., 2006), owing to the lack of relevant data on people with bipolar disorder. The reduction in response was also applied to no pharmacological treatment (placebo) for people moving to it after discontinuation of, or no response to, a pharmacological treatment option. It was estimated that the probability of response of each treatment option used as second choice was 0.59 of the probability of response for this option if used as first choice.

The probability of moving to no pharmacological treatment following discontinuation of, or no response to, first pharmacological treatment was based on the GDG expert opinion; the GDG estimated that 25% of people discontinuing their first drug and 10% of people not responding to their first drug moved to no pharmacological treatment.

The probability of partial response in those responding to treatment was assumed to be the same across all treatments and was estimated based on data reported in a pragmatic trial that compared a mood stabiliser plus adjunctive antidepressant therapy versus a mood stabiliser plus a matching placebo in adults with acute bipolar depression (bipolar depression I or II) (Sachs et al., 2007). According to data reported in this trial, 165 out of 366 participants with acute depression achieved either transient remission or durable recovery (defined as euthymia for a minimum of 8 weeks) following treatment. The percentage of people achieving a transient remission was 43.6% (72 out of 165), and this figure was used in the model to represent the probability of partial response in those responding to treatment.

The probability of relapse following full or partial response was estimated based on data reported in a prospective naturalistic study that followed 223 adults with bipolar disorder I or II for up to 20 years (Judd et al., 2008b). The study reported the probability of relapse to a major acute episode following full and partial recovery from a previous acute episode (which could be manic or depressive), and these data were used to model the probability of relapse at the end of the 18 weeks for all people in the model who had responded to treatment, taking into account that the point at which response occurred differed across the various pathways in each cohort, so that the probability of relapse at the end of 18 weeks, which was assumed to be time-dependent, differed across the various pathways, too.

The probability of a manic episode in those relapsing was also estimated using data reported in Judd and colleagues (2008b). The study reported that in 126 people with bipolar disorder who had recovered from an acute depressive or manic episode and experienced a relapse, 66 had a major depressive episode (52.4%), 26 had a manic episode (20.6%) and 34 had a mixed/cycling polarity episode (27.0%). For simplicity, the GDG advised that half of the mixed/cycling episodes should be considered manic and half should be considered depressive, resulting in a ratio of manic to depressive acute relapses 34.1:65.9, and a probability of a manic episode in those relapsing of 0.341.

Utility data and estimation of quality-adjusted life years

To express outcomes in the form of QALYs, the health states of the economic model need to be linked to appropriate utility scores. Utility scores represent the HRQoL associated with specific health states on a scale from 0 (death) to 1 (perfect health); they are estimated using preference-based measures that capture people’s preferences on the HRQoL experienced in the health states under consideration. Preference-based measures are instruments consisting of a health state classification system (that is, an instrument that allows determination of the health state of the respondent) and an algorithm that links every health state described by the instrument with a utility score. Utility scores can also be estimated using vignettes that describe hypothetical health states including symptoms, functioning, side effects from treatment, and so on. Utility scores (which express preferences) can be elicited from various population groups (for example, service users, their parents and carers, healthcare professionals or members of the general population). The main methods of valuation are the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the time trade-off and the standard gamble (Brazier et al., 2007).

The systematic search of the literature identified three studies that reported utility scores associated with distinct health states experienced by adults with bipolar disorder (Depp, 2006; Hayhurst, 2006; Revicki et al., 2005a).

Depp and colleagues (2006) reported utility data generated using responses to the Quality of Well-Being Scale (QWB) (Kaplan & Anderson, 1988) derived from 50 community-dwelling adults with bipolar I disorder (according to DSM-IV) aged 45 years or older; of these, 14 were in a depressive episode at the time of the evaluation, 11 in a hypomanic or manic episode, 13 in a mixed episode and 12 were in full or partial remission. The QWB scores were converted into utility scores using an algorithm that has been generated by eliciting preferences from 866 community members in the US using VAS (Kaplan & Anderson, 1988).

Hayhurst and colleagues (2006) reported European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions questionnaire (EQ-5D) utility values for bipolar disorder-related health states derived from 204 people with bipolar disorder participating in a multicentre, pragmatic RCT of CBT (SCOTT2006); participants had been recently or were still in an acute episode. The definition of health states was based on Longitudinal Interval Follow-up Evaluation (LIFE-II) Depression and Mania ratings on a 6-point scale (from l = no symptoms to 6 = DSM-IV major depressive episode, or mania with psychotic symptoms or severe impairment of function). Participants scoring 1 on both LIFE scales were considered to be in a euthymic state; those with a score of 1 or 2 on one LIFE scale and 2 on the other were considered to have residual symptoms. Adults with a score of 3 or 4 on LIFE Depression and 1 on LIFE Mania were categorised as having subsyndromal depression; those with a score of 5 or 6 on LIFE Depression and 1 on LIFE Mania were diagnosed as depressed. No hypomanic or manic subgroup was identified within the study sample (there were only two instances of a LIFE Mania score of 5 or 6). The utility values were generated using participant responses on EQ-5D. The algorithm linking EQ-5D data to utility values has been developed following a valuation survey of 3,337 members of the general UK population using time trade-off (Dolan, 1997; Dolan et al., 1996).

Revicki and colleagues (2005a) reported utility values of various hypothetical bipolar disorder-related health states, elicited from 96 clinically stable outpatients with bipolar I disorder in the US, using standard gamble (values elicited using VAS were also reported). Fifty-five hypothetical health states (vignettes) were constructed for this purpose, based on reviews of psychiatric literature and consultation with psychiatrists experienced in treating bipolar disorder. Each health state described bipolar symptom severity, functioning and well-being, as well as side effects related to treatment. The study provided utility values for stable state, inpatient mania, outpatient mania and severe depression, varying with respect to the kind of pharmacological treatment obtained in each vignette and the presence or absence of side effects.

Table 18 summarises the methods used to derive and value health states associated with bipolar disorder and the resulting utility scores, as reported in the three studies identified in the systematic literature search conducted for this guideline.

Table 18. Summary of studies reporting utility scores for health states experienced by adults with bipolar disorder.

Table 18

Summary of studies reporting utility scores for health states experienced by adults with bipolar disorder.

According to NICE guidance on the selection of utility values for use in cost-utility analysis, the measurement of changes in HRQoL should be reported directly from people with the condition examined, and the valuation of health states should be based on public preferences elicited using a choice-based method, such as the time trade-off or standard gamble, in a representative sample of the UK population. When changes in HRQoL cannot be obtained directly by the people with the condition examined, then data should be obtained from their carers. NICE recommends EQ-5D (Dolan, 1997) for use in cost-utility analyses of interventions for adults. When EQ-5D scores are not available or are inappropriate for the condition or effects of treatment, the institute recommends that the valuation methods be fully described and comparable to those used for the EQ-5D (NICE, 2013b).

Of the three utility studies, only the one by Hayhurst and colleagues (2006) reported utility data for bipolar disorder-related health states based on EQ-5D and therefore complied with the NICE criteria on selection of appropriate utility data. However, the study reported utility values relating to depressive health states only; no relevant data on manic states were available. The study by Revicki and colleagues (2005a) reported utility data associated with various bipolar disorder-related health states, including mania, acute depression and stable state. These data referred to hypothetical health states (vignettes) and were elicited from service users in the US rather than the general population, using standard gamble, and therefore did not satisfy NICE criteria. Finally, the study by Depp and colleagues (2006), which generated utility data from QWB scores that have been valued by members of the US general population, also do not meet NICE criteria.

The GDG reviewed the available utility data against the NICE criteria, considered the limitations of each study and decided to use data from the study by Hayhurst and colleagues (2006) where possible. The reported utility value for euthymia was used for people fully responding to treatment in the economic model; the reported utility value for subsyndromal depression was used for people partially responding; and the reported utility value for depression was used for all people at the start of the model and for people not responding to treatment or relapsing to acute depression in the economic analysis.

The GDG decided to use relevant utility data from Revicki and colleagues (2005a) for people relapsing to mania, due to a lack of any other relevant and more appropriate data. It was decided to use for this purpose the utility values reported for inpatient mania in the study. However, the GDG noted that there were discrepancies between the values reported in Hayhurst and colleagues (2006) and Revicki and colleagues (2005a) corresponding to similar health states, likely attributable to differences in the methods used by each study. For example, Revicki and colleagues (2005) reported a utility of 0.80 for the current (apparently stable) state of study participants with standard gamble and a value of 0.67 when EQ-5D was used. The mean utility value reported for the hypothetical stable state was 0.70 (that is, 0.20 lower than the respective utility value reported in Hayhurst and colleagues [2006]). In addition, Revicki and colleagues (2005a) reported a utility value of 0.29 for severe depression, which was again almost 0.20 lower than the utility value reported for depression reported by Hayhurst and colleagues (2006). From the above examples it can be concluded that participants in the study by Revicki and colleagues (2005a) systematically under-reported the utility of bipolar disorder health states compared with participants in the study by Hayhurst and colleagues (2006). It was thus decided to add this difference of 0.20 to the utility value reported in Revicki and colleagues for inpatient mania, and utilise this adjusted value in the economic model.

It was assumed that all improvements and decrements in utility occurred linearly over the time period of the change in utility.

Side effects from medication are expected to result in a reduction in utility scores of adults with bipolar disorder. Disutility due to side effects was not considered in the analysis because the model structure did not incorporate side effects. This was due to inconsistent reporting of specific side effect rates across the studies included in the network meta-analysis. This is acknowledged as a limitation of the analysis.

Cost data

Costs considered in the economic model were those of drug acquisition, laboratory testing, healthcare professional visits, and of hospitalisation and CRHTTs incurred by the proportion of people not responding to treatment. Costs associated with the management of manic or depressive relapses were not considered because these were expected to be incurred beyond the time horizon of the analysis (that is, the model was constructed in such a way that the time horizon expanded up to the point where a relapse might occur). This was decided because the treatment of relapses requires a minimum of 6 to 7 weeks, and if the model was extended to include this period, people in other pathways who responded to treatment early (at 6 weeks) would be starting maintenance treatment, introducing inconsistency across different part of the model. Costs were calculated by combining resource use estimates with respective national unit costs.

The mean daily dosage of each drug that was used in the model matched the average dosage for this drug of those reported in the relevant RCTs included in the guideline network meta-analysis, and was within the optimal dosage range according to the GDG expert opinion. Drug acquisition costs were taken from the NHS Electronic Drug Tariff, February 2014 (NHS, Business Services Authority, 2014); for lithium, drug acquisition costs were derived from the BNF, December 2013 (British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 2013). For each drug, the lowest reported price was selected and used in the analysis; where available, costs of generic forms were considered. Initial treatment with drugs was estimated to last 6 weeks, while people responding to treatment were assumed to receive the drug until the end of the time horizon of the analysis (that is, for 18 weeks in total, at the same daily dosage). There was no drug acquisition cost for no pharmacological treatment (placebo). Details on the total drug acquisition costs associated with pharmacological interventions for the treatment of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder that were included in the economic analysis are presented in Table 19.

Table 19. Average daily dosage, acquisition costs, and 6-week and 18-week drug costs of pharmacological interventions for the management of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder included in the economic model (2014 prices).

Table 19

Average daily dosage, acquisition costs, and 6-week and 18-week drug costs of pharmacological interventions for the management of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder included in the economic model (2014 prices).

People moving from first to second drug treatment following the failure of the first drug treatment (discontinuation or non-response) were assumed to receive the first drug at gradually reduced dosages (50% of the full dosage) for another 2 weeks following discontinuation or non-response, while the second drug was started at gradually increasing dosages (50% of the full dosage) over this 2-week period.

People moving to no pharmacological treatment following discontinuation of first drug were assumed to reduce the dosage of the discontinued drug gradually over a period of 4 weeks (each week they received 80%, 60%, 40% then 20% of the full drug dosage).

Regarding laboratory tests, according to the GDG expert opinion all cohorts in the model (including the cohort initiated on placebo) should undergo a number of tests at baseline, regardless of the initiated drug; these tests include ECG, renal function tests (urea, electrolytes and creatinine), a glucose test, a lipid profile test, thyroid function tests and a pregnancy test in women of childbearing potential. Associated costs are part of the monitoring and are not specific to the initiated drug; thus these costs do not need to be included in the model as they are common to all arms. It was estimated that all drugs except lithium require liver function testing. There are also a number of other tests that need to be undertaken over the 18-week time horizon of the analysis that are specific to each drug. The costs of plasma lithium concentration and valproate concentration tests were taken from the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust biochemistry laboratory services tariff for 2006/07. All other laboratory testing costs were based on data reported in the economic analysis described in the previous NICE guideline (NCCMH, 2006). All laboratory tests considered in the analysis together with their unit costs are presented in Table 20.

Table 20. Laboratory tests and associated unit costs required for each pharmacological intervention received over 18 weeks for the treatment of depression in adults with bipolar disorder in the economic analysis (2014 prices).

Table 20

Laboratory tests and associated unit costs required for each pharmacological intervention received over 18 weeks for the treatment of depression in adults with bipolar disorder in the economic analysis (2014 prices).

All people in the model contacted community mental health teams (CMHTs), including those receiving no pharmacological treatment (placebo). CMHTs consist of a variety of healthcare professionals including consultants, community nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, staff providing carer support, and other healthcare professionals (Curtis, 2013). All cohorts were assumed to have six CMHT contacts over the period of 18 weeks. Cohorts receiving lithium had one extra CMHT contact. In addition, people not responding to treatment or responding only partially had one additional CMHT contact. The unit cost of a CMHT visit was taken from the NHS reference costs for 2013 (NHS Department of Health, 2013). The mean total cost of CMHT contacts over 18 weeks for people responding to treatment (six visits) was £892.

A proportion of people with bipolar disorder in acute depression are treated in hospital or by CRHTTs. Hospitalisation and CRHTT treatment rates relate to the severity of the acute episode, lack of response to treatment and the risk of suicide and are independent of specific drug use. CRHTTs are considered is an alternative to hospitalisation. According to the GDG expert opinion, the rate of hospitalisation/CRHTT treatment is approximately 10% in this population. Based on data reported by Glover and colleagues (2006), it was estimated that the ratio of people with acute bipolar depression who are treated in hospital to those that are managed by CRHTTs is 77:23.

The GDG estimated that the probability of hospitalisation/CRHTT management is twice as much in people who don’t respond to their first drug treatment (including those who discontinued treatment) compared with those who do. Based on these estimates and the mean number of people responding to first treatment among all cohorts receiving pharmacological treatment in the model it was possible to estimate the percentage of people hospitalised or managed by CRHTTs among those responding and those not responding to treatment, using the formulae:

where ProbH-nr the probability of hospitalisation/CHRTT management in non-responders to first treatment (including those who discontinue their first treatment); ProbH-r the probability of hospitalisation/CRHTT management in responders to first treatment, ProbH the probability of hospitalisation/CRHTT management in the total study population of adults with acute bipolar depression (estimated at 0.10), Prob-r the mean probability of response to first treatment across all cohorts in the model receiving pharmacological treatment (averaged across drug treatment options); Prob-nr the mean probability of non-response to first treatment across all cohorts, including people who discontinued treatment; and ProbD and ProbCR the mean probabilities of discontinuation conditional response, respectively, across all cohorts receiving their first pharmacological treatment, as estimated from the network meta-analysis.

Based on the above, it was estimated that the probability of hospitalisation/CRHTT management in those responding to treatment was 0.064 and, in those not responding was 0.128. Every person in the model was allowed only one incident of hospitalisation/CRHTT treatment over the time horizon of the analysis.

The mean length of hospitalisation (7 weeks) was taken from relevant data reported in the Hospital Episode Statistics for England in 2012 (NHS The Information Centre, 2012). Management by CRHTTs was also estimated to occur over 7 weeks, according to GDG expert opinion. This was broadly consistent with the duration of CRHTT management in a RCT comparing CRHTT with standard care (inpatient services and CMHTs) for people in a psychiatric crisis in the UK (Johnson et al., 2005). People managed by CRHTT in the model had two contacts per week, according to relevant resource use reported for that trial (McCrone et al., 2009). The unit cost per CRHTT contact was based on data reported in (Curtis, 2013). Based on these data, the total hospitalisation cost over 7 weeks was £17,274 and the total CRHTT cost was £2,818.

People who were hospitalised or managed by CRHTTs were estimated to have two fewer contacts with CMHTs over the duration of the model, because they were not expected to be seen by CMHTs during the period of hospitalisation or CRHTT attendance.

Costs of treating side effects of drugs were not considered in the economic analysis, due to lack of consistency in reported appropriate side effect data across all drugs. Nevertheless, the model did consider the implications of discontinuation, which is partly caused by the development of intolerable side effects. Moreover, it was estimated that the costs associated with management of side effects over the 18-week time horizon of the model were not substantial because most side effects could be dealt with during the planned contacts with the health services.

All costs have been expressed in 2014 prices, uplifted, where required, using the HCHS pay and prices inflation index (Curtis, 2013). The inflation index for the year 2014 was estimated using the average value of HCHS pay and prices indices of the previous 3 years. Because the time horizon of the analysis was less than 1 year, no discounting of costs and outcomes was necessary.

Table 21 reports the values of all input parameters utilised in the economic model and provides information on the distributions assigned to specific parameters in probabilistic analysis, as described in the next section.

Handling uncertainty

Model input parameters were synthesised in a probabilistic analysis. This means that the input parameters were assigned probabilistic distributions (rather than being expressed as point estimates), to reflect the uncertainty characterising the available clinical and cost data. Subsequently, 10,000 iterations were performed, each drawing random values out of the distributions fitted onto the model input parameters. Results (mean costs and QALYs for each intervention) were averaged across the 10,000 iterations. This exercise provides more accurate estimates than those derived from a deterministic analysis (which utilises the mean value of each input parameter ignoring any uncertainty around the mean), by capturing the non-linearity characterising the economic model structure (Briggs et al., 2006).

The distributions of the probability of discontinuation and conditional response for all pharmacological treatments as well as the probability of response for no pharmacological treatment were obtained from the network meta-analysis, defined directly from values recorded in each of the 10,000 respective iterations performed in WinBUGS. All other probabilities utilised in the economic model were given a beta distribution based on available data in the published sources of evidence and other assumptions. Utility values were also given a beta distribution using the method of moments on data reported in the relevant literature.

Drug acquisition and laboratory testing costs were not given a probabilistic distribution as these costs are set. Uncertainty in costs associated with CMHT and CRHTT contacts was taken into account by assigning different probabilities to the number of contacts, based on expert opinion. Unit costs of CMHT, CRHTT and hospitalisation were assigned a normal distribution, after considering the range of values reported in the relevant data sources.

Table 21 provides details on the types of distributions assigned to each input parameter and the methods employed to define their range.

A number of deterministic one-way sensitivity analyses were undertaken to explore the impact of alternative hypotheses on the results. The following scenarios were explored:

  • A change in the probability of moving to no drug following discontinuation of, or no response to, the first drug treatment option (values tested 0-1).
  • A change in the probability of response to a drug if this used as second option (values tested ranged from 20% to 100% of respective probability if the drug was used as first choice).
  • A change in the probability of partial response (values tested 0-1).
  • A change in the probability of relapse following full or partial response (values tested 0.01−0.40 for a 3-month probability of relapse).
  • A change in the overall probability of hospitalisation/CRHTT management in the study population (values tested 0.02-0.20).

Presentation of the results

Results of the economic analysis are presented as follows:

For each intervention mean total costs and QALYs are presented, averaged across 10,000 iterations of the model. An incremental analysis is provided, where all options have been ranked from the most to the least effective (in terms of QALYs gained). Options that are dominated by absolute dominance (that is, they are less effective and more costly than one or more other options) or by extended dominance (that is, they are less effective and more costly than a linear combination of two alternative options) are excluded from further analysis. Subsequently, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) are calculated for all pairs of consecutive options remaining in analysis.

ICERs are calculated by the following formula:

where ΔC is the difference in total costs between two interventions and ΔE the difference in their effectiveness (QALYs). ICERs express the extra cost per extra unit of benefit (that is, QALY in this analysis) associated with one treatment option relative to its comparator. The treatment option with the highest ICER below the NICE lower cost effectiveness threshold of £20,000/QALY (NICE, 2008) is the most cost-effective option.

In addition to ICERs, the mean net monetary benefit (NMB) of each intervention is presented. This is defined by the following formula:

where E and C are the effectiveness (number of QALYs) and costs associated with the treatment option, respectively, and λ is the level of the willingness-to-pay per unit of effectiveness, set at the NICE lower cost effectiveness threshold of £20,000/QALY (NICE, 2008). The intervention with the highest NMB is the most cost-effective option (Fenwick et al., 2001). Moreover, for the most cost-effective intervention, the probability that this is the most cost-effective option is also provided, calculated as the proportion of iterations (out of the 10,000 iterations run) in which the intervention had the highest NMB among all interventions considered in the analysis.

Validation of the economic model

The economic model (including the conceptual model and the excel spreadsheet) was developed by the health economist working on this guideline and checked by a second modeller not working on the guideline. The model was tested for logical consistency by setting input parameters to null and extreme values and examining whether results changed in the expected direction. The results were discussed with the GDG for their plausibility.

Economic modelling results

The results of the economic analysis are provided in Table 22. This table provides mean QALYs and total costs for each intervention assessed in the economic analysis, as well as costs for each cost element considered in the model. Results are presented per 1000 adults with bipolar disorder in an acute depressive episode. Table 23 presents the results of the incremental analysis, the NMB of each intervention and its ranking by cost effectiveness (with higher NMBs indicating higher cost effectiveness). Interventions have been ordered from the most to the least effective in terms of number of QALYs gained.

Table 22. Results of economic analysis of pharmacological treatments for the management of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder: mean total QALYs, total costs and detailed costs for each cost element considered in the analysis per 1000 people.

Table 22

Results of economic analysis of pharmacological treatments for the management of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder: mean total QALYs, total costs and detailed costs for each cost element considered in the analysis per 1000 people.

Table 23. Results of economic analysis of pharmacological treatments for the management of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder: incremental analysis.

Table 23

Results of economic analysis of pharmacological treatments for the management of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder: incremental analysis.

Valproate appears to be the most effective and cost-effective intervention because it produces the highest number of QALYs and the highest NMB. The combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine is the next (2nd) most effective and cost-effective intervention. It is also the least costly treatment option. The ICER of valproate versus fluoxetine and olanzapine combination is £16,572 per QALY, which is below the NICE cost-effectiveness threshold of £20,000-£30,000 per QALY. All other interventions are dominated by the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine (that is, they are less effective and more costly). Quetiapine is the 3rd most cost-effective option, followed by olanzapine (4th) and lamotrigine (5th). These are followed by paroxetine (6th) and imipramine (7th). Lithium and moclobemide are ranked 8th and 9th, respectively, in terms of cost effectiveness. No pharmacological treatment (placebo) is the least cost-effective intervention, ranked 10th.

The probability of valproate being the most cost-effective intervention is 0.47, which reflects the proportion of the 10,000 iterations of the economic model in which the intervention had the highest NMB among all treatment options assessed in the model. The probability of fluoxetine and olanzapine combination being the most cost-effective intervention among those assessed is close, at 0.40. If valproate is not a treatment option, the probability of fluoxetine and olanzapine combination being the most cost-effective intervention becomes 0.73.

Figure 7 provides the cost effectiveness plane of the analysis. Each intervention is placed on the plane according to its incremental costs and QALYs compared with placebo (which is placed at the origin).

Figure 7. Cost effectiveness plane of all pharmacological interventions for acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder assessed in the economic analysis plotted against no pharmacological treatment (placebo) – incremental costs and QALYs per 1000 people.

Figure 7

Cost effectiveness plane of all pharmacological interventions for acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder assessed in the economic analysis plotted against no pharmacological treatment (placebo) – incremental costs and QALYs per 1000 (more...)

Results were overall robust to alternative scenarios explored in the sensitivity analysis. The five most cost-effective treatment options (valproate, a combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine, quetiapine, olanzapine and lamotrigine) remained in the group of the five most cost-effective options in all scenarios explored. In a few scenarios, the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine became more cost-effective than valproate (that is, when the responsiveness to a drug used as second treatment option was assumed to be equal to the responsiveness to this drug when used as the first treatment option; when the probability of partial response was set at 1; and when the overall probability of hospitalisation/CRHTT management was assumed to be 0.02). In some scenarios moclobemide became less cost-effective than placebo (this happened when the probability of moving to no drug following discontinuation of, or no response to, the first drug treatment option was assumed to equal 1; when the probability of response to a drug used as second option was assumed to be 20% of the probability of response to this drug when used as first choice; when the probability of partial response was set at 1; and when the 3-month probability of relapse following response was set at 0.40). Overall, conclusions from the analysis were not affected by the scenarios tested.

The methodology checklist and the economic evidence profile of the analysis are provided in Appendices 31 and 33, respectively.

Discussion – limitations of the analysis

The guideline economic analysis assessed the cost effectiveness of a range of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of acute depression in adults with bipolar disorder. The results of the analysis suggest that valproate may be the most cost-effective option, followed by the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine, quetiapine, olanzapine and lamotrigine. Lithium and antidepressants used as monotherapy (paroxetine, imipramine and moclobemide) appear to be less cost-effective. These findings were not unexpected, given that the network meta-analysis did not show a statistical difference from placebo in terms of overall response (that is, response in all randomised) for either lithium or any of the antidepressants used as monotherapy. Results were overall robust to different scenarios explored in the sensitivity analysis. It should be noted that, as reported in section 6.3.4, clinical data for valproate were derived from a small number of RCT participants receiving valproate (n = 48) and therefore cost effectiveness findings for this drug should be interpreted with great caution.

The clinical effectiveness data utilised in the model were derived from the network meta-analysis undertaken for this guideline. This methodology enabled evidence synthesis from both direct and indirect comparisons between interventions, and allowed simultaneous inference on all treatments examined in pair-wise trial comparisons while respecting randomisation (Caldwell et al., 2005; Lu & Ades, 2004). The assumptions and any limitations of the network meta-analysis model, as well as the limitations of individual studies considered in the network meta-analysis, have unavoidably impacted on the quality of the economic model clinical input parameters. For example, both the clinical and economic results may be vulnerable to reporting and publication bias. The assumptions underlying the network meta-analysis model have been described in detail in Appendix 15; the characteristics and any limitations of the individual studies considered in the guideline network meta-analysis model have been described in section 6.3.4.

The economic model assumed a maximum of two lines of drugs. The purpose of considering moving to a second drug treatment option was to assess the impact of each initiated drug’s non-acceptability (reflected in discontinuation rates) and ineffectiveness (reflected in non-response rates) on cost effectiveness and not to assess specific drug sequences. The clinical and cost parameters for the second pharmacological treatment option were based on the mean probabilities of discontinuation, conditional response and acquisition costs of all drug treatment options considered in the analysis, except the initiated option for each cohort. Ideally, weighted average cost and clinical outcome figures should have been used, according to actual utilisation of these drugs in the treatment of acute depression in people with bipolar disorder in the NHS. However, it was not possible to find specific data on actual drug utilisation patterns for adults with acute bipolar depression. Detailed data on all prescriptions dispensed in the community in England are available (Prescribing and Primary Care team, 2013), but these are listed by BNF therapeutic class. The majority of antidepressant prescriptions are dispensed for the treatment of unipolar depression and/or anxiety disorders, while the majority of prescriptions of antipsychotics and lithium are dispensed for the management of schizophrenia, psychosis and mania. No data are available to indicate what proportion of antidepressants, antipsychotics or lithium is prescribed for the management of acute bipolar depression in the UK.

There are indications that treatment with antidepressants may induce switching to mania, although this appears to be a controversial issue (Baldessarini et al., 2013; Sidor & McQueen, 2011; Tondo et al., 2010). The risk of switching to mania associated with antidepressants was not considered in the model due to the lack of good quality data in the RCTs included in the guideline network meta-analysis and wider literature. The GDG suggested that any available data on this issue be considered in a sensitivity analysis. Nevertheless, this analysis proved unnecessary as the base-case analysis demonstrated that antidepressants were not cost-effective. Consideration of switching to mania would only increase the costs for these drugs (due to high hospitalisation costs associated with mania), thus reducing their relative cost effectiveness further.

The impact of side effects on quality of life and associated management costs was not considered in the analysis due to lack of appropriate relevant data. However, omission of important side effects (such as the renal failure associated with lithium and the acute extrapyramidal syndrome and weight gain associated with antipsychotics) from the model structure is unlikely to have affected the results of the analysis due to its short time horizon. Moreover, some short-term side effects have been implicitly taken into account in the model structure, because discontinuation of treatment occurs, to some extent, due to the development of intolerable side effects. Also, a number of short-term side effects can be dealt with by routine contacts with health services at no additional cost. In addition, the probabilistic model allowed a small proportion of people to have a higher number of contacts with CMHTs, which could be related to management of side effects.

Therefore, although omission of side effects is acknowledged as a limitation of the analysis, it is estimated that it has not impacted considerably on the results.

Some clinical input parameters were taken from studies that were not directly relevant to the model population and condition. For example, data on the potential reduction in responsiveness following second treatment were taken from a study on people with unipolar (rather bipolar) depression (Rush et al., 2006) because of the lack of more relevant data. The probability of partial response in those responding was based on relevant recovery (rather than response) data on people with bipolar depression (Sachs et al., 2007); partial recovery in that study was defined by the duration of effect, rather than its intensity. The probability of relapse following response was estimated using data on relapse after recovery (not response) from any acute major episode, not just depressive, in people with bipolar disorder (Judd et al., 2008b). Some data on resource use (especially the overall probability of hospitalisation/CRHTT management in the study population) were based on the GDG expert opinion, due to lack of relevant data. The impact of all these parameters was tested in sensitivity analysis, which suggested that the results were robust under a broad range of alternative values and scenarios.

Costs associated with treatment of relapses were not considered in the model, because the model was constructed in such a way that the time horizon expanded up to the point where a relapse might occur. This was decided so as to avoid introducing long-term maintenance treatment to people in some pathways in the model (which would occur if the model was extended to capture the management of relapses), and thus inconsistency in the treatment received across pathways. It should be clarified that the model did not consider the reduction in utility occurring during a manic or depressive relapse, but it did consider the deterioration in HRQoL from the point of response to treatment and up to the point of (but not including) relapse. This allowed a more realistic representation of the HRQoL during the period following response for people eventually relapsing.

Another limitation of the analysis was its short time horizon. Ideally, the analysis should consider longer-term outcomes of the acute treatment, including modelling of long-term maintenance treatment. However, this was not possible due to lack of relevant long-term data across the drugs considered in the analysis. On the other hand, the time horizon of 18 weeks was adequate as it enabled the full course of acute bipolar depression to be modelled, and the associated costs and benefits from pharmacological treatment to be assessed.

Economic evidence statement

The existing economic evidence in the area of pharmacological interventions for adults with bipolar disorder experiencing an acute depressive episode is very limited and characterised by potentially serious limitations. The economic analysis undertaken for this guideline suggested that, after excluding valproate, the effectiveness (and cost effectiveness) of which was determined from clinical data on 48 people only, the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine is likely to be the most cost-effective pharmacological treatment option among those assessed, followed by quetiapine, olanzapine and lamotrigine. These results were overall robust to alternative scenarios considered in sensitivity analysis. The evidence from the guideline economic analysis is directly applicable to the UK context and characterised by minor limitations.

6.4. Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Acute Episodes

6.4.1. Introduction

Several non-pharmacological interventions have been tested for the treatment of acute episodes, including acupuncture, bright light therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation and vagus nerve stimulation.

6.4.2. Clinical review protocol

The review protocol summary, including the review questions and the eligibility criteria used for this section of the guideline, can be found in Table 24 (a complete list of review questions and protocols can be found in Appendix 7; further information about the search strategy can be found in Appendix 8).

Table 24. Clinical review protocol summary for the review of non-pharmacological interventions for acute episodes.

Table 24

Clinical review protocol summary for the review of non-pharmacological interventions for acute episodes.

6.4.3. Studies considered18

The search identified two trials that were eligible to be included in the mania review (review question 2.3): DENNEHY2009A (Dennehy et al., 2009) and KAPTSAN2003 (Kaptsan et al., 2003). One additional study was excluded because it had no eligible comparison group: GRISARU1998 (Grisaru et al., 1998); and one study was excluded because it was quasi-randomised (Praharaj et al., 2009). There were no eligible studies of bright light therapy or vagus nerve stimulation.

The search identified four trials that were eligible to be included in the depression review (review question 2.4): DENNEHY2009B (Dennehy et al., 2009), DAUPHINAIS2012 (Dauphinais et al., 2012), NAHAS2003 (Nahas et al., 2003) and WU2009 (Wu et al., 2009). Two additional studies were excluded because they had no eligible comparison group: CAMURI2013 (Camuri, 2013) and DOLBERG2002 (Dolberg et al., 2001). There were no eligible studies of vagus nerve stimulation.

Of the two RCTs included in the mania review, there were comparisons of acupuncture (N = 20; DENNEHY2009A) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (N = 25; KAPTSAN2003).

Of the four RCTs included in the depression review, there were comparisons of acupuncture (N = 26; DENNEHY2009B), bright light therapy (N = 44; DAUPHINAIS2012), transcranial magnetic stimulation (N = 23; NAHAS2003) and chronotherapeutic augmentation (sleep deprivation with bright light therapy as an adjunct to usual medication) (N = 49; WU2009).

Further information about both included and excluded studies can be found in Appendices 16 and 34, respectively.

6.4.4. Clinical evidence review

There was very low quality evidence that neither acupuncture nor transcranial magnetic stimulation were associated with reductions in mania or depression. There was very low quality evidence that bright light therapy was not associated with a reduction in depression. There was very low quality evidence from one study that chronotherapeutic augmentation may be associated with reduced symptoms of depression for people who can tolerate the treatment.

6.4.5. Health economics evidence

No study assessing the cost effectiveness of non-pharmacological medical interventions was identified by the systematic search of the literature.

6.5. Linking Evidence to Recommendations

6.5.1. Relative value placed on the outcomes considered

The GDG determined that the critical outcomes for acute episodes were response to treatment and treatment discontinuation. Acute episodes of mania and depression may last several weeks or months, and the GDG determined that response (that is, reduction in symptoms of mania or depression) would identify treatments that may be efficacious. Distal consequences of treatment (for example, improved quality of life) are unlikely to be observed during the course of short clinical trials, and the GDG noted that very high dropout from acute treatment made it impossible to interpret effects that could appear over the medium- to long-term. The GDG also determined that discontinuation would identify treatments that are not well tolerated by participants (for example, those with important side effects). Specific reasons for discontinuation may be rare or underreported in clinical trials, so the GDG decided to focus on discontinuation for any reason rather than discontinuation because of side effects.

6.5.2. Trade-off between clinical benefits and harms

Some people who experience acute episodes have been taking inadequate doses of long-term medication (for example, lithium). Considering safety and efficacy, the GDG decided that the dose of current medications should be considered before initiating new treatments. In addition to avoiding harmful interactions, the GDG found that people taking a medication are likely to tolerate it in the future, and through expert consensus they identified circumstances in which it would be better to increase the dose of an existing medication rather than initiate a new treatment. They also identified circumstances in which the addition of another medication would be clinically indicated and supported by the evidence reviewed here.

In reviewing evidence for the treatment of acute mania and depression, the GDG considered several treatments that appear to be efficacious. Because all medications may have important side effects, the GDG decided not to recommend interventions that have not been shown to be clinically efficacious for the treatment of acute mania (that is gabapentin, lamotrigine, topiramate) or depression (that is, aripiprazole, moclobemide, ziprasidone) because these would not have a favourable ratio of benefits to harms.

Considering the remaining interventions, the GDG determined that service users may have different preferences based on prior experience, and they may value side effects differently. For these reasons, the GDG decided to recommend that service users and clinicians choose among several pharmacological interventions with favourable ratios of benefits to harms. For mania, the GDG determined that olanzapine, risperidone, haloperidol and quetiapine had different trade-offs between benefits and harms compared with other drugs, considering their overall probability of being the best treatment, as determined by their combined efficacy and acceptability (expressed in dropout rate). The GDG determined that for people not already taking an antipsychotic or mood stabiliser it would be reasonable to choose from among these based on service user preference, previous response to treatment and other clinical factors. There was little evidence about the efficacy of second-line treatments (that is, when an initial treatment has failed because of discontinuation or non-response). The GDG considered that many people with acute episodes have experienced multiple episodes and have tried multiple interventions. They determined that the comparative efficacy of first-line interventions was likely related to their efficacy as second-line interventions, so the GDG recommended that the same group of interventions be considered if an initial intervention failed. If there is still no response, then the GDG considered that lithium first, and then valproate, could be added in combination with an antipsychotic. The rationale for considering lithium first was based on the fact that it is recommended as a first-line, long-term pharmacological treatment for bipolar disorder, with valproate recommended if lithium is ineffective. The combination of valproate with an antipsychotic is off-label, but it is common practice in the UK in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Both valproate and antipsychotics have some efficacy when used alone, but given that their mode of action is different, the GDG judged that it is reasonable to combine these treatments if response to either alone is suboptimal, and is in the service user’s best interests.

For people who develop mania or hypomania who are already taking an antidepressant and a mood stabiliser, the GDG judged that the clinician should consider advising the person to stop taking the antidepressant.

Of the available medications for acute episodes of bipolar depression, with sufficient data, olanzapine combined with fluoxetine, and quetiapine on its own, demonstrated the greatest benefit. There was evidence of smaller benefits for olanzapine alone and for lamotrigine: the GDG judged that these were less likely to be clinically efficacious, but could be considered if it was the person’s preference or there was no response to first-line treatment. Lurasidone is not currently licensed in the UK, so it could not be recommended for the treatment of acute depression, but the GDG thought it should be considered in future guidelines. For people at high risk of suicide, the GDG wished to caution that toxicity in overdose should be considered when prescribing psychotropic medication and to limit the quantity of medication supplied at any one time.

The GDG found very limited evidence for lithium and valproate monotherapy for acute episodes, but many participants in clinical trials were taking these medications in addition to investigational treatments, and the expert consensus was that mood stabilisers should normally be continued during acute episodes, with doses and plasma levels checked to optimise treatment. The GDG discussed side effects of interventions that appear to be efficacious as monotherapies or additional interventions for mania (olanzapine, risperidone, haloperidol and quetiapine) or depression (lamotrigine, lurasidone, quetiapine, olanzapine, and the combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine).

For mixed affective states the GDG determined that there was no good evidence for treating these differently from manic episodes, but that clinicians should monitor the person closely for signs of depression.

There was little evidence that nutritional interventions reduce symptoms of acute manic or depressive episodes, and very low quality evidence that eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation was not associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms. Therefore, the GDG has not made any recommendations regarding these interventions.

There was also little evidence that non-pharmacological interventions (acupuncture, transcranial magnetic stimulation and bright light therapy) reduce symptoms of manic or depressive episodes. Therefore, the GDG has not made any recommendations regarding these interventions.

Lamotrigine, gabapentin and topiramate were little, or no, better than placebo for treating mania. Gabapentin and topiramate were also without evidence for bipolar depression. Therefore, because of the risk of harm the GDG judged that a negative recommendation advising against their use in bipolar disorder was warranted. Because lamotrigine had some evidence of benefit for bipolar depression, the GDG judged that a negative recommendation advising against its use in bipolar depression was warranted.

6.5.3. Trade-off between net health benefits and resource use

Mania is associated with hospitalisation and with high costs for health services and for service users and their families. Such costs are considerably higher than drug acquisition costs for most medications that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of mania, so that, in general, medications that are most clinically effective and reduce manic symptoms are expected to be also most cost effective. Most efficacious interventions for the treatment of mania have similarly low acquisition costs, which are insubstantial compared with the costs of prolonged mania. Asenapine and aripiprazole are associated with considerably higher drug acquisition costs and may be overall less effective than other medications for mania considering their ranking in terms of combined efficacy and acceptability. Of the medications that were assessed in the guideline economic analysis, haloperidol, risperidone, olanzapine and quetiapine were among the most effective when both YMRS scores and response rates were considered, were ranked in the first four places in terms of their probability of being best in terms of combined efficacy and acceptability, and had lower drug and laboratory testing costs compared with other drugs. Carbamazepine was shown to be the most clinically and cost-effective option in the cost-utility analysis (that was based on response rates) but not when YMRS scores were considered, while its cost was slightly higher than the four drugs mentioned above.

Regarding acute depression, the guideline economic analysis suggested that the five most cost-effective pharmacological treatment options among those assessed in the guideline are valproate, the combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine, quetiapine, olanzapine and lamotrigine. These results were robust to alternative scenarios considered in sensitivity analysis. The GDG took into account the fact that the results for valproate were determined based on very limited clinical data. Lurasidone was not considered in the economic analysis because it is currently not available in the UK, but future analyses will need to evaluate its cost effectiveness should it become available in the UK market.

The economic evidence on nutritional and non-pharmacological medical interventions was very limited and, where available, characterised by very serious limitations.

6.5.4. Quality of evidence

For the treatment of acute episodes, the GDG considered only pharmacological interventions that have been tested in double-blind clinical trials. Although dropout limits the interpretation of continuous measures in such trials (that is, symptoms), dichotomous measures of response and discontinuation were considered less vulnerable to bias. The GDG considered that reporting bias may lead to overestimates of efficacy, but it was not clear if particular interventions were more vulnerable to reporting bias than others. Only interventions reporting critical outcomes in the populations of interest were considered, so none of the evidence was indirect. Nevertheless, during consultation one stakeholder suggested that one RCT (KHANNA2005 [Khanna et al., 2005]) of risperidone conducted in India included participants with more severe mania at baseline (as judged by YMRS scores). To examine the impact of this trial, we conducted a sensitivity analysis, excluding the results from the meta-analysis of efficacy and of acceptability. The findings suggest no material differences in effect sizes (see Appendix 36).

Evidence for several interventions was very imprecise because there were few trials with few participants; for this reason, the GDG decided not to recommend some interventions that have been evaluated for acute depression (imipramine, lithium, paroxetine, pramipexole, tranylcypromine and valproate).

6.5.5. Other considerations

People with bipolar disorder may experience multiple episodes of mania or depression, and they may take long-term medication. For these reasons, the expert consensus of the GDG was that experience of previous episodes and response to previous treatment should inform decisions about the treatment of new episodes. Furthermore, the likelihood of specific side effects varies across medications, and the GDG determined that treatment decisions should consider the values and preferences of service users in relation to potential side effects. Preferences about the treatment of manic episodes may be expressed at the time or through advance statements to guide clinicians at times when the service user’s ability to make decisions is limited.

After an acute episode has resolved, the GDG judged that within 4 weeks after resolution of symptoms of an acute episode clinicians should have a discussion with the person about continuing with treatment for the acute episode or starting long-term treatment, with an emphasis on the benefits of long-term treatment, while also advising them about the risk of side effects. If the person decides to continue with acute treatment, the GDG determined by expert consensus that this should be for between 3 and 6 months and then reviewed.

The GDG did not find any trials that suggest efficacy or tolerability varies across gender, ethnicity or disability. People of different size and age may require different doses of medications, and clinicians should consult manufacturer and BNF guidelines for specific advice.

The GDG judged that people with bipolar disorder who experience a crisis during an acute episode should have access to the same crisis services as people with schizophrenia, in line with the NICE guideline, Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Adults (NICE, 2014). This would include crisis resolution and home treatment teams and other acute services, such as acute community treatment, crisis houses and acute day hospitals. For those people in crisis who pose an immediate risk to themselves or others during an acute episode, the GDG wished to ensure that professionals followed the advice in the NICE guideline on Violence (NICE, 2005b), Service User Experience in Adult Mental Health (NICE, 2011a) and Self-harm (NICE, 2011b) when managing agitation, challenging behaviour and imminent violence, acts of self-harm or suicide risk, and when considering rapid tranquillisation.

Finally, although the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) was not reviewed for this guideline update, the GDG considered the recommendations made in the 2006 guideline. They reasoned that for people with severe mania for whom other interventions have not been effective, healthcare professionals may consult the NICE technology appraisal on the use of ECT (NICE, 2003b). The use of ECT in severe depression is covered by the Depression in Adults guideline (NICE, 2009).

6.6. Recommendations

6.6.1. Clinical practice recommendations

Managing mania or hypomania in adults in secondary care

Support and advice

Ensure that people with mania or hypomania have access to calming environments and reduced stimulation. Advise them not to make important decisions until they have recovered from mania or hypomania and encourage them to maintain their relationships with their carers if possible.

Pharmacological interventions

If a person develops mania or hypomania and is taking an antidepressant (as defined by the British national formulary [BNF]) as monotherapy:

  • consider stopping the antidepressant and
  • offer an antipsychotic as set out in recommendation, regardless of whether the antidepressant is stopped.

If a person develops mania or hypomania and is not taking an antipsychotic or mood stabiliser, offer haloperidol, olanzapine, quetiapine or risperidone, taking into account any advance statements, the person’s preference and clinical context (including physical comorbidity, previous response to treatment and side effects). Follow the recommendations on using antipsychotics in section 7.6.

If the first antipsychotic is poorly tolerated at any dose (including rapid weight gain) or ineffective at the maximum licensed dose, offer an alternative antipsychotic from the drugs listed in recommendation, taking into account any advance statements, the person’s preference and clinical context (including physical comorbidity, previous response to treatment and side effects).

If an alternative antipsychotic is not sufficiently effective at the maximum licensed dose, consider adding lithium19. If adding lithium is ineffective, or if lithium is not suitable (for example, because the person does not agree to routine blood monitoring), consider adding valproate20 instead.

If a person develops mania or hypomania and is taking an antidepressant (as defined by the BNF) in combination with a mood stabiliser, consider stopping the antidepressant.

If the person is already taking lithium, check plasma lithium levels to optimise treatment (see section Consider adding haloperidol, olanzapine, quetiapine or risperidone, depending on the person’s preference and previous response to treatment.

If the person is already taking valproate or another mood stabiliser as prophylactic treatment, consider increasing the dose, up to the maximum level in the BNF if necessary, depending on clinical response. If there is no improvement, consider adding haloperidol, olanzapine, quetiapine or risperidone, depending on the person’s preference and previous response to treatment. Follow the recommendations on using antipsychotics in section 7.6.1.

If the clinical presentation is of a mixed affective state, characterised by both manic and depressive symptoms, follow recommendations for the treatment of mania, and monitor closely for the emergence of depression.

Do not offer lamotrigine to treat mania.

Electroconvulsive therapy

For the treatment of severe mania that has not responded to other interventions, see NICE’s technology appraisal guidance on the use of electroconvulsive therapy.

Reviewing treatment for mania

Within 4 weeks of resolution of symptoms, discuss with the person, and their carers if appropriate, whether to continue treatment for mania or start long-term treatment (see and Explain the potential benefits of long-term treatment and the risks, including side effects of medication used for long-term treatment.

If the person decides to continue treatment for mania, offer it for a further 3–6 months, and then review.

Managing bipolar depression in adults in secondary care

Pharmacological interventions

If a person develops moderate or severe bipolar depression and is not taking a drug to treat their bipolar disorder, offer fluoxetine21 combined with olanzapine22, or quetiapine on its own, depending on the person’s preference and previous response to treatment.

  • If the person prefers, consider either olanzapine (without fluoxetine) or lamotrigine23 on its own.
  • If there is no response to fluoxetine combined with olanzapine, or quetiapine, consider lamotrigine on its own.

Follow the recommendations on using antipsychotics and lamotrigine in section 7.6.1.

If a person develops moderate or severe bipolar depression and is already taking lithium, check their plasma lithium level. If it is inadequate, increase the dose of lithium; if it is at maximum level, add either fluoxetine24 combined with olanzapine25 or add quetiapine, depending on the person’s preference and previous response to treatment.

  • If the person prefers, consider adding olanzapine (without fluoxetine) or lamotrigine26 to lithium.
  • If there is no response to adding fluoxetine combined with olanzapine, or adding quetiapine, stop the additional treatment and consider adding lamotrigine to lithium.

Follow the recommendations in section 7.6.1 on using lithium, antipsychotics and lamotrigine.

If a person develops moderate or severe bipolar depression and is already taking valproate, consider increasing the dose within the therapeutic range. If the maximum tolerated dose, or the top of the therapeutic range, has been reached and there is a limited response to valproate, add fluoxetine27 combined with olanzapine28 or add quetiapine, depending on the person’s preference and previous response to treatment.

  • If the person prefers, consider adding olanzapine (without fluoxetine) or lamotrigine29 to valproate.
  • If there is no response to adding fluoxetine combined with olanzapine, or adding quetiapine, stop the additional treatment and consider adding lamotrigine to valproate.

Follow the recommendations in section 7.6.1 on using valproate, antipsychotics and lamotrigine.

Follow the recommendations on using antipsychotics in section 7.6.1 and be aware of the potential interactions between valproate and fluoxetine, lamotrigine and olanzapine.

Take into account toxicity in overdose when prescribing psychotropic medication during periods of high suicide risk. Assess the need to limit the quantity of medication supplied to reduce the risk to life if the person overdoses.

Reviewing treatment for bipolar depression

Within 4 weeks of resolution of symptoms, discuss with the person, and their carers if appropriate, whether to continue psychological or pharmacological treatment for bipolar depression or start long-term treatment (see section and Explain the potential benefits of long-term treatment and the risks, including side effects of medication used for long-term treatment.

If the person decides to continue psychological or pharmacological treatment for bipolar depression, offer it for a further 3–6 months, and then review.

Managing crisis, risk and behaviour that challenges in adults with bipolar disorder in secondary care

Offer crisis services to support people with bipolar disorder who are in crisis, in line with recommendations– in the NICE clinical guideline on psychosis and schizophrenia in adults.

If people with bipolar disorder pose an immediate risk to themselves or others during an acute episode, see the NICE guidance on:

6.6.2. Research recommendations

What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of fluoxetine combined with olanzapine versus an alternative selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) combined with olanzapine in the treatment of moderate to severe bipolar depression?



British National Formulary (BNF, 2013): www​.bnf.org/bnf/index.htm


Here and elsewhere in the guideline, each study considered for review is referred to by a study ID in capital letters (primary author and date of study).


Here and elsewhere in the guideline, each study considered for review is referred to by a study ID in capital letters (primary author and date of study).


Although its use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (September 2014) lithium did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication, although its use is common in UK clinical practice. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


At the time of publication (September 2014) semi-sodium valproate had a UK marketing authorisation for the treatment of mania if lithium is not tolerated or is contraindicated. Sodium valproate did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication, although its use is common in UK clinical practice. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


Although its use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (September 2014), fluoxetine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


At the time of publication (September 2014), olanzapine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


Although its use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (September 2014), lamotrigine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


Although its use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (September 2014), fluoxetine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


At the time of publication (September 2014), olanzapine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


Although its use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (September 2014), lamotrigine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


Although its use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (September 2014), fluoxetine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


At the time of publication (September 2014), olanzapine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.


Although its use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (September 2014), lamotrigine did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices for further information.

© The British Psychological Society & The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2014.

All rights reserved. No part of this guideline may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. Enquiries in this regard should be directed to the Centre Administrator: ku.ca.hcyspcr@nimdAHMCCN

Bookshelf ID: NBK545945


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