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National Research Council (US) Committee on Continuing Assistance to the National Institutes of Health on Preparation of Additional Risk Assessments for the Boston University NEIDL. Continuing Assistance to the National Institutes of Health on Preparation of Additional Risk Assessments for the Boston University NEIDL, Phase 2. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2010.

Cover of Continuing Assistance to the National Institutes of Health on Preparation of Additional Risk Assessments for the Boston University NEIDL, Phase 2

Continuing Assistance to the National Institutes of Health on Preparation of Additional Risk Assessments for the Boston University NEIDL, Phase 2.

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Attachment BNIH Blue Ribbon Panel to Advise on the Risk Assessment of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories at Boston University Medical Center

September 22, 2010

Hyatt Regency Bethesda

7400 Wisconsin Avenue

Bethesda, Maryland 20814

8:45 AMWelcome and Purpose of Today’s Meeting
Adel Mahmoud, M.D., Ph.D.
Chair, NIH Blue Ribbon Panel
Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University
8:55 AMOpening Remarks
John F. Ahearne, Ph.D., Committee Chair, National Research Council
9:00 AMRoundtable Introduction of Blue Ribbon Panel and National Research Council Members
9:10 AMIntroduction and Overview of Today’s Presentations
Frank Gallegos, Risk Assessment Project Manager, Tetra Tech
9:20 AMRelease Event Selection and Analysis
Ken Bulmahn, Tetra Tech Risk Assessment Team Lead
10:00 AMDiscussion
10:30 AMBreak
10:45 AMProbability of Initial Infections
Adi Gundlapalli, M.D., Ph.D., M.S., Assistant Professor, Departments of Internal Medicine, Pathology and Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah School of Medicine
11:25 AMDiscussion
11:45 PMBreak
12:00 PMModeling Secondary Transmission
Damon Toth, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
12:40 PMDiscussion
1:10 PMApproach to Risk Characterization
Adi Gundlapalli, M.D., Ph.D., M.S.
1:30 PMGeneral Discussion
2:30 PMPublic Comment
2:50 PMWrap Up
3:00 PMAdjourn
Copyright © 2010, National Academy of Sciences.
Bookshelf ID: NBK51860


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