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Hislop J, Quayyum Z, Elders A, et al. Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Imatinib Dose Escalation for the Treatment of Unresectable and/or Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours that have Progressed on Treatment at a Dose of 400 Mg/Day: A Systematic Review and Economic Evaluation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2011 Jun. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 15.25.)

Cover of Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Imatinib Dose Escalation for the Treatment of Unresectable and/or Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours that have Progressed on Treatment at a Dose of 400 Mg/Day: A Systematic Review and Economic Evaluation

Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Imatinib Dose Escalation for the Treatment of Unresectable and/or Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours that have Progressed on Treatment at a Dose of 400 Mg/Day: A Systematic Review and Economic Evaluation.

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