Table 15Hierarchy of evidence, KQ3b

Level of EvidenceStudynSettingTreatmentsOutcomeResults
RCT stratified on HER2 status/HER2-guided vs. non-HER2-guided
RCT prespecified MV SGA
RCT post-hoc MV SGA Von Minckwitz 2007194Neoadjuvant tumor≥3cm, age 18–70doxorubicin+ docetaxel + tamoxifen (TAM)pCRUnivariate: Not reported;
Log reg: IHC HER2 as predictor of pCR p=0.126; HER2*TAM not reported
Rasmussen 20083533Adjuvant postmen HR+tamoxifen vs. letrozoleDFSUnivariate : FISH/IHC HER2+ vs. HER2- p<.0001
Coxa: FISH/IHC HER2*Tx, p=.60
Dowsett 20081782Adjuvant postmen HR+tamoxifen vs. anastrozole (ANA) for 5 yrsTETRUnivariate: FISH/IHC HER2 - vs. + ANA:p<0.0001, TAM:p=.002
Cox: FISH/IHC HER2 - vs. + ANA:p<0.001, TAM:p=.014
“no indication” of greater differential benefit of ANA vs. TAM but
no statistics provided and only 44 HER2+ pts so CIs wide
Ryden 2005, 2007470Adjuvant, Stage II, Premen or <50 yearstamoxifen vs. observationRFSUnivariate: IHC HER2- Tx vs. Cx p=.07 (ER+)
IHC HER2+ Tx vs. Cx p=.2 (ER+)
FISH HER2- or HER2+ Tx vs. Cx p=.14 (ER+)
Cox regression: IHC HER2*TAM p=.4 (ER+); p=.3 (ER+/PR+)
FISH/IHC HER2*TAM p=.95 (unclear if ER+ only)
Knoop 20011515Adjuvant, High risk, Postmentamoxifen vs. observationDFSUnivariate: IHC HER2 lo+ or - Tx vs. Cx p=.0001 (HR+)
IHC HER2 hi+ Tx vs. Cx p=.5 (HR+)
Cox regression: IHC HER2 and HER2*TAM not significant (HR+)
RCT treatment by HER2 SGA
1-arm prespecified MV analysis
1-arm post-hoc MV analysis Arpino 2004136Metastatic, 1st line TxtamoxifenORRNo stat signif diff FISH HER2 + vs. - in CR+PR+SD
TTFunivariate: FISH HER2 - vs. + p=.007
Cox regression: HER2+ as predictor TTF p=.54
OSunivariate: FISH HER2 - vs. + p=.07
1-arm UV analysisCox regression: HER2+ as predictor OS p=.97

Stratified for randomization group and chemotherapy

Abbreviations: DFS: disease-free survival; HR: hazard ratio; MV: multivariate; ORR: overall response rate; OS: overall survival; pCR: pathologic complete response; RCT: randomized, controlled trial; RFS: recurrence-free survival; SGA: subgroup analysis; TETR: time to early tumor recurrence; TTF: time to treatment failure; TTR: time to tumor recurrence; Tx: treatment; UV: univariate analysis;

From: 3, Results and Conclusions

Cover of HER2 Testing to Manage Patients With Breast Cancer or Other Solid Tumors
HER2 Testing to Manage Patients With Breast Cancer or Other Solid Tumors.
Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 172.
Seidenfeld J, Samson DJ, Rothenberg BM, et al.

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