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Patrias K, author; Wendling D, editor. Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007-.

Cover of Citing Medicine

Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition.

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AppendixContent Updates

Created: ; Last Update: August 5, 2020.

The Content Updates Appendix includes an inventory of the publication’s updates and corrections since its publication in October 2007. The most recent updates and corrections appear at the top of the page.

The updates and corrections are organized by:

  • Update – Highlights updates to the Citing Medicine user interface, content delivery, and the NCBI Bookshelf, the internal management system.
  • Change Log – Identifies the location of the content updates and corrections within the Citing Medicine chapter sections and appendixes.

Change Log for August 5, 2020

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 3: Conference PublicationsPart B, Conference Papers – Examples of CitationsNew example at 16. Paper for a Cancelled Conference
Chapter 12: Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at MeetingsExamples of CitationsNew example at 18. Paper/Poster for a Cancelled Conference

Change Log for May 18, 2018

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded punctuation in Box 22
Multiple chaptersCitation Rules with ExamplesIn Chapters 1, 11, 19, and 23, in the box called “Abbreviation rules for journal titles,” in the item “Other sources for title-word abbreviations,” updated hyperlinks
Chapter 24: Databases/Retrieval Systems/Datasets on the InternetExamples of CitationsUpdated two mentions of DailyMed to match the current hyperlink syntax

Change Log for August 9, 2017

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 24: Databases/Retrieval Systems/Datasets on the Internet Updated chapter title and sections to include datasets (was "Chapter 24: Databases/Retrieval Systems on the Internet")

Change Log for March 17, 2017

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 13: Letters and Other Personal CommunicationIntroductionUpdated Chapter 13 “See Also” reference for the newly renamed Chapter 14: Manuscripts and Preprints
Chapter 14: Manuscripts and PreprintsC. Preprints: Introduction and ExamplesAdded new section. Updated chapter title (was "Manuscripts")

Change Log for August 10, 2016

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 24A: Entire Databases/Retrieval Systems on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded two new citations to end of section
Chapter 21: Additional Sources for Journal Title Abbreviations Added link to the above as "Examples of Citations to Computer Programs (Software) on the Internet"

Change Log for October 2, 2015

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Appendix A: Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Journal Titles Replaced list of abbreviations for commonly used English words in journal titles with link to the ISSN International Centre's LTWA
Appendix B: Additional Sources for Journal Title Abbreviations Updated information about the ISSN International Centre's LTWA’s online availability in first paragraph

Change Log for August 11, 2015

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Multiple ChaptersCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency for using “doi” rather than “DOI” when not used as a heading or as part of a name in multiple examples
Multiple ChaptersCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency of “Korean” for “Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese)” and “Romanize names in Cyrillic (Russian, Bulgarian, etc.), Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, or character-based languages, such as Chinese and Japanese”
Multiple ChaptersCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected “jaargan g” to “jaargang” in all instances for “Non-English names for volume”
Multiple ChaptersCitation Rules with ExamplesChanged “sostavityel” to “sostavitel” in all instances of “Non-English names for secondary authors” for consistency
2015 Foreword Added new forward commenting on ANSI/NISO Z39.29 Bibliographic References
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected information about citing BMJ or British Medical Journal based on publication date in “General Rules for Journal Title”
Chapter 2A: Entire BooksCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded example to “39. Book with date of publication and date of copyright”
Chapter 3A: Conference ProceedingsCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected “2003 Apr 30-Mar 2” to “2003 Apr 30-May 2” for “Dates cross months” for “Specific Rules for Date of Conference”
Chapter 3B: Conference PapersCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected subscripted characters in citation examples for “Titles of papers containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character” to “Specific Rules for Title”
Chapter 3C: Parts of Conference PapersCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected citation in “9. Part of a paper with no page number provided”
Chapter 4A: Entire ReportsCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected citation for “1. Standard report written and published by the sponsoring organization”
Chapter 5. Dissertations and ThesesCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded citation in “Titles not in English”
Chapter 6A: Entire BibliographiesCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected punctuation in heading for “5. Bibliography with organization as compiler”
Chapter 8: Newspaper ArticlesIntroductionCorrected punctuation in citation diagram
Chapter 8: Newspaper ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor clarification of volume and issue information in “Date of Publication for Newspaper Articles” and “Optional volume and issue numbers used instead of section information”
Chapter 16B: Journal Titles in Audiovisual FormatsCitation Rules with ExamplesRemoved an example from “No volume number present” in “Specific Rules for Volume Number” and “No issue number present” in “Specific Rules for Issue Number”
Chapter 17A: Individual Prints and PhotographsCitation Rules with ExamplesRemoved link to Chapter 16 in “Type of Medium for Individual Prints and Photographs”
Chapter 18: Books and Other Individual Titles on CD-ROM, DVD, or DiskCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded link to “36. Book on CD-ROM, DVD, or disk in more than one medium” to “Extent (Pagination)” and “Physical Description”
Chapter 20: Databases on CD-ROM, DVD or DiskCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected example in “22. Database on CD-ROM, DVD, or disk with government agency or other national body as publisher”
Chapter 21: Computer Programs on CD-ROM, DVD, or DiskCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected title from “Non-English names for programs” to “Non-English names for months” in “Date of Update/Revision”
Chapter 22A: Entire Books and Other Individual Titles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded examples to “7. Book on the Internet with an organization as author,” “23. Book on the Internet with qualifier added to place of publication for clarity,” and “39. Book on the Internet that is a video, videocast, or podcast”
Chapter 22B: Parts of Books on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected “End with a semicolon placed outside the closing bracket” in “Both a date of update/revision and a date of citation” in “Specific Rules for Date of Citation” and “Part is a video clip, videocast, or podcast” in “Specific Rules for Name and Number/Letter” and “Specific Rules for Location (Pagination)”
Chapter 22C: Contributions to Books on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected example in “Both a date of update/revision and a date of citation” in “Specific Rules for Date of Citation”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded examples to “12. Journal article on the Internet not in English,” “15. Journal article on the Internet with optional article type,” “30. Journal article on the Internet with location expressed as standard page numbers,” “34. Journal article on the Internet with location/extent expressed as estimated number of pages,” and “36. Journal article on the Internet with location/extent expressed as an article number”
Chapter 23B: Journal Titles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected examples for “Journals appearing in more than one language” in “Specific Rules for Title” and “Specific Rules for Language” and “No issue number present” in “Specific Rules for Issue Number”
Chapter 24A: Entire Databases/Retrieval Systems on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected acronym for BOND in example for “Other types of material to include in notes” in “Specific Rules for Notes”
Chapter 24A: Entire Databases/Retrieval Systems on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded examples to “1. Standard citation to an open serial database,” “5. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with an individual as author,” “7. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with an organization as author,” “8. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with editors where there is no author,” “18. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with an edition or version,” “24. Database/retrieval system on the Internet title with government agency or other national body as publisher,” “27. Database/retrieval system on the Internet title with month/day included in date of publication,” “31. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with date estimated,” “33. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with update/revision date” and “37. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with supplemental note included.” Modified example in “13. Database/retrieval system on the Internet title with upper/lowercase letters and symbols” for consistency.
Chapters 24B: Part of a Database on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected “date known” to “date unknown” in  “Locating the date of publication” and “Locating the date of publication if there is no standard title page”
Chapter 24B: Parts of Databases on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesRemoved an example from “6. Part of a database on the Internet with a date of publication separate from the date of the database as a whole”
Chapter 24C: Contributions to Databases on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded examples to “2. Standard contribution to a database on the Internet with a separate date for the item,” “8. Contribution to a database on the Internet with extent provided by the database,” and “11. Contribution to a database on the Internet with a note”
Chapter 24C: Contributions to Databases on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected example for “9. Contribution to a database on the Internet with extent calculated”
Chapter 25A: HomepagesCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded examples to “5. Homepage with an organization(s) as author,” “20. Homepage published with publisher having subsidiary division,” “21. Homepage with government agency or other national body as publisher,” “27. Homepage with months/days included in date of publication,” “34. Homepage with optional system requirements,” and “36. Homepage with supplemental note included”
Chapter 25B: Parts of Web SitesCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected example for “No date of publication or copyright can be found” in “Specific Rules for Date of Publication”
Chapter 25B: Parts of Web SitesCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected placement of semicolon in rule for “Both a date of update/revision and a date of citation” in “Specific Rules for Date of Citation”
Chapter 25B: Parts of Web SitesCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected example in “8. Part of a Web site with date(s) of update/revision”
Chapter 25B: Parts of Web SitesCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded examples to “7. Part of a Web site with a date of publication separate from the date of the Web site” and “11. Part of a Web site with location (pagination) estimated as page numbers”
Chapter 26C: BlogsCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected “date known” to “date unknown” in “No beginning date is provided” and “Locating the date of publication”
Chapter 26D: WikisCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected “date known” to “date unknown” in “Locating the date of publication” and “No date of creation is provided”
Appendix B: Additional Sources for Journal Title Abbreviations Revised introduction and updated all of the resources in the “Source List”
Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed® Revised “2. For Author Affiliation,” “3. For Article Title,” and “4. For Article Type.” Changed nine to ten citation elements in introduction.

Change Log for September 15, 2011

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency to “Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)” in “Specific Rules for Authors,” and “Discontinuous page numbers” in “Specific Rules for Location (Pagination)”
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesExamples of CitationsModified citation and added citation to “75. Other types of notes for journal articles”
Chapter 2D: Contributions to BooksCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency to “Other surname rules” in “Specific Rules for Author/Editor”
Chapter 4A: Entire ReportsCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency to “Other surname rules” in “Specific Rules for Author/Editor”
Chapter 8: Newspaper ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency to “Designations of rank in a family, such as Jr and III” and “Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)” in “Specific Rules for Authors”
Chapter 12: Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at MeetingsCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency to “Designations of rank in a family, such as Jr and III” and “Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)” in “Specific Rules for Authors”
Chapter 14A: Individual ManuscriptsExamples of CitationsAdded citation to “27. Manuscript with supplemental note included”
Chapter 16A; Journal Articles in Audiovisual FormatsCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency to “Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)” in “Specific Rules for Authors”
Chapter 19A: Journal Articles on CD-ROM, DVD, or DiskCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency to “Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)” in “Specific Rules for Authors”
Chapter 20: Databases on CD-ROM, DVD, or DiskExamples of CitationsAdded citation to “15. Database on CD-ROM, DVD, or disk with an edition or version”
Chapter 22: Books and Other Individual Titles on the InternetIntroductionRevised first paragraph in the introduction.
Chapter 22A: Entire Books and Other Individual Titles on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citation to “39. Book on the Internet that is a video, videocast, or podcast”
Chapter 22C: Contributions to Books on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesChanged semicolon to period in last rule in “General Rules for Date of Citation”
Chapter 23: Journals on the InternetTable of ContentsChanged link from “Chapter 1C: Entire Journal Titles” to “Chapter 1B Parts of Journal Articles”
Chapter 23: Journals on the InternetIntroductionRevised first paragraph in the introduction
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor changes for consistency to “Designations of rank in a family, such as Jr and III” and “Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)” in “Specific Rules for Authors.” Added link to “43. Part of journal article on the Internet” in “Examples for Article Title.” Removed link to “43. Part of journal article on the Internet” in “Examples for Notes.” Minor correction to the “Non-English journal titles.”
Chapter 23A: Journals on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citations to “21. Journal article on the Internet updated/revised after publication,” “42. Journal article on the Internet with note,” and “43. Part of a journal article on the Internet”
Chapter 24A: Entire Databases/Retrieval Systems on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citations to “1. Standard citation to an open serial database on the Internet,” “11. Database/retrieval system on the Internet title with subtitle,” “18. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with an edition or version,” and “27. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with month/day included in date of publication.” Updated citation in “30. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with date obtained from earliest material in it.”
Chapter 24B: Parts of Databases on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citations to “2. Standard part of a database on the Internet without a name or number/letter” and “4. Part of a database on the Internet with title containing special scripts/characters”
Chapter 24C: Contributions to Databases on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citations to “9. Contribution to a database on the Internet with extent calculated”
Chapter 25A: HomepagesExamples of CitationsAdded citations to “6. Homepage with no authors or editors,” “8. Homepage with title having a subtitle,” and “13. Homepage published with optional content type.” Minor correction to citations in “11. Homepage in a language other than English.”
Chapter 25A: HomepagesCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor corrections to citation in “Titles not in English”
Chapter 25B: Parts of Web SitesCitation Rules with ExamplesMinor correction to citation in “Titles for parts not in English”
Chapter 25B: Parts of Web SitesExamples of CitationsMinor corrections to citations in “1. Standard part of a Web site,” “4. Part of a Web site with title ending in punctuation other than a period,” “5. Part of a Web site not in English,” and “11. Part of a Web site with location (pagination) estimated as page numbers.” Added citation to “9. Part of a Web site with date of citation only.”
Table of ContentsPart TitleUpdated title from “Citing Material on the Internet” to “Citing Material on the Internet (Online)”

Update for May 2010

A zip file containing the PDF versions of all of the chapters and appendixes was added to Citing Medicine. It is available from the “All Chapters” link under the “Download” section on every page of the Web site.

Update for December 2009

The Content Updates Appendix was added to Citing Medicine.

Change Log for October 21, 2009

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 1: JournalsIntroductionAdded paragraph with explanation about journals and magazines as type of periodical.
Chapter 2C: Parts of BooksExamples of CitationsAdded notes to the citation examples in “21. Unnamed parts in a book without numbers or letters” and “55. Book with other note included.”
Chapter 22B: Parts of Books on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded link to citation example for “12. Other unnamed parts of books on the Internet” in “Specific Rules for Name and Number/Letter.”
Chapter 22B: Parts of Books on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citation examples to “12. Other unnamed parts of books on the Internet.”
Chapter 23: Journals on the InternetIntroductionAdded paragraph with explanation about journals and magazines as type of periodical.
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetExamples of CitationsCorrected DOI information in “3. Journal article on the Internet with many authors (give all).”
Chapter 24B: Parts of Databases on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citation examples to “12. Part of a Database on the Internet with a URL not directly addressable.”
Chapter 24C: Contributions to Databases on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citation example to “2. Standard contribution to a database on the Internet with a separate date for the item.”
Chapter 25B: Parts of Web SitesExamples of CitationsUpdated citation example for “1. Standard part of a Web site.”
Appendix ARevised introduction and updated URLs for “LTWA on-line”.
Appendix BRevised a resource in the “Source List.”
Appendix F10. For Location (Pagination or Notes)Added information about unique identifiers appearing in notes to the rule and included examples of unique identifiers in the citation examples in “10. For Location (Pagination or Notes)”.

Update for August 2009

The Citing Medicine XML was migrated from the NLM PubMed Central Book DTD to the DTD version of the NCBI Book Tag Set, part of the NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite. An updated version of the Citing Medicine user interface – based on the XML changes – was also released.

Change Log for January 14, 2009

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesExamples of CitationsCorrected citation examples in “65. Journal article that is a retraction notice” and “71. Journal article with DOI provided.”
Chapter 2C: Parts of BooksExamples of CitationsAdded citation example to “1. Standard chapter in a book.”
Chapter 2D: Contributions to BooksExamples of CitationsAdded citation example to “1. Standard reference to a contributed chapter.”
Chapter 5A: Entire Dissertations and ThesesCitation Rules with ExamplesCorrected “General Rules for Place of Publication.”
Chapter 8: Newspaper ArticlesSample Citations and IntroductionAdded paragraph on citing a newspaper article on the Internet.
Chapter 8: Newspaper ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesUpdated rules regarding the Internet in “General Rules for Type of Medium.”
Chapter 8: Newspaper ArticlesExamples of CitationsAdded citation example to “23. Newspaper article on the Internet.”
Chapter 10: Legal DocumentsCode of Federal RegulationsCorrected citation example in “Code of Federal Regulations.”
Chapter 11A: Forthcoming Journal ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded new rule and citation example about electronic version of author’s manuscript to “36. Other types of material to include in notes in Specific Rules for Notes.”
Chapter 11A: Forthcoming Journal ArticlesExamples of CitationsAdded new citation example to “18. Forthcoming article with other types of note.”
Chapter 22A: Entire Books and Other Individual Titles on the InternetExamples of CitationsCorrected a citation example in “8. Book on the Internet with an organization as author having subsidiary division.”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded links from “General Rules for Location (Pagination)” and “General Rules for Notes” to the exceptions in “Location (Pagination or Notes)” in “Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE®/PubMed®.”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded two rules and citation examples about unique identifiers and article access to “Other types of material to include in notes” in “Specific Rules for Notes.”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesUpdated citation example for “Article numbers used for location” in “Specific Rules for Location (Pagination).”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetExample CitationsUpdated author names for citation examples in “7. Journal article on the Internet with compound author surnames.”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetExample CitationsUpdated citation example with location/pagination information for “36. Journal article on the Internet with location/extent expressed as an article number.”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetExample CitationsAdded notes to citation examples for “39. Journal article on the Internet with DOI provided” and “42. Journal article on the Internet with note.”
Chapter 24A: Entire Databases/Retrieval Systems on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded rule about no authors or editors found to “General Rules for Author/Editor.”
Chapter 24A: Entire Databases/Retrieval Systems on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded date information to citation example “37. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with supplemental note included.”
Chapter 24B: Parts of Database/Retrieval system on the InternetExamples of CitationsAdded citation example to “7. Part of a database on the Internet with a date of update/revision.”
Chapter 26C: BlogsExamples of CitationsMinor correction to citation example for “30. Contribution to a blog on the Internet by someone other than the blog owner.”
Appendix A: Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Journal TitlesMinor corrections.
Appendix B: Additional Sources for Journal Title AbbreviationsRevised the resources for the “Source List.”
Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed®1. For AuthorAdded rule about distinguishing authorship from contributor to “MEDLINE/PubMed” in “1. For Author.”
Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed®5. For Journal TitleAdded information to clarify type of medium to “MEDLINE/PubMed” in “1. For Author” and “5. For Journal Title (Journal Title Abbreviation).”
Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed®10. For LocationAdded new section “10. For Location (Pagination or Notes).”

Change Log for May 7, 2008

Chapter/AppendixSection UpdatedUpdate/Correction
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded information about content designator and other article types to the “General Rules for Article Type.”
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded citation examples to “Options for issues” in “Specific Rules for Issue Number.”
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded rule and citation examples to “Other types of material to include in notes” in “Specific Rules for Notes.”
Chapter 1A: Journal ArticlesExamples of CitationsAdded citation examples to “24. Journal article with type of article indicated” and “75. Other types of notes for journal articles.”
Chapter 3C: Parts of Conference PapersSample Citation and IntroductionUpdated introduction with information about the conference titles for conference proceedings and added an additional citation diagram for a title for the book of proceedings as well as a conference title.
Chapter 3C: Parts of Conference PapersExamples of CitationsUpdated citation example for “7. Part of a paper with a constructed title.”
Chapter 12: Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at MeetingsCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded citation examples to “Conference Proceedings for Paper or Poster Presented” for “1. Standard paper presented with a separate name for the conference;” “2. Standard paper presented without a separate name for the conference;” “3. Standard poster presented with a separate name for the conference;” “4. Standard poster presented without a separate name for the conference;” and “15. Paper/poster with optional specific location of the conference.”
Chapter 15: Books and Other Individual Titles in Audiovisual FormatsCitation Rules with Examples Changed [videorecording] to [videocassette] in citation example for “Audiovisual titles not in English” in the “Specific Rules for Title.”
Chapter 15: Books and Other Individual Titles in Audiovisual FormatsExamples of CitationsChanged [videorecording] to [videocassette] in citation example for “24. Audiovisuals with editors when there is no author.”
Chapter 19A: Journal Articles on CD-ROM, DVD, or DiskCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded information about content designator and other article types to the “General Rules for Article Type.”
Chapter 19A: Journal Articles on CD-ROM, DVD, or DiskCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded citation examples to “Options for dates” in “Specific Rules for Date of Publication,” and “Options for issues” in “Specific Rules for Issue Number.”
Chapter 20: Databases on CD-ROM, DVD, or DiskCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded rules and examples to “Titles containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character” in “Specific Rules for Title.”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded information about content designator and other article types to the “General Rules for Article Type.”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded citation examples to “Options for dates” in “Specific Rules for Date of Publication,” “Options for issues” in “Specific Rules for Issue Number,” and “Other types of material to include in notes” in “Specific Rules for Notes.”
Chapter 23A: Journal Articles on the InternetExamples of CitationsCorrected citations for “15. Journal article on the Internet with optional article type” and “42. Journal article on the Internet with note.”
Chapter 24A: Entire Databases/Retrieval Systems on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded links to Appendixes D and E to “Organizations as author” in “Specific Rules for Author/Editor.”
Chapter 24C: Contributions to Databases on the InternetCitation Rules with ExamplesChanged “Extent (Pagination)” from optional to required.
Chapter 26C: BlogsSample Citation and IntroductionAdded citation example and information about citing parts of a blog.
Chapter 26C: BlogsCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded links to citation examples to “Author/Editor for Blogs” for “29. Part of a blog on the Internet from the blog owner” and “30. Contribution to a blog on the Internet by someone other than the blog owner.”
Chapter 26C: BlogsCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded rule to “General Rules for Date of Publication” about a closed blog.
Chapter 26C: BlogsCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded rule to “General Rules for Availability for Blogs” about providing a specific URL and a link to the citation example for “1. Standard citation to a blog.”
Chapter 26C: BlogsCitation Rules with ExamplesAdded rules to “General Rules for Date of Publication” and “General Rules for Availability.”
Chapter 26C: BlogsExamples of CitationsAdded citation examples “29. Part of a blog on the Internet from the blog owner,” and “30. Contribution to a blog on the Internet by someone other than the blog owner.”
Appendix A: Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Journal TitlesSample Citation and IntroductionAdded information and link for the ISSN International Centre’s “LTWA on-line – Index.”
Appendix B: Additional Sources for Journal Title AbbreviationsSample Citation and IntroductionAdded information about abbreviations and linked to Appendix A.
Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed®For Article TitleCorrected citation example in “For Article Title.”
Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed®For Article TypeAdded information about book reviews, editorials, and interviews in “For Article Type.”

Update for February 2008

Individual PDFs were released for all chapters and appendixes of Citing Medicine. Links to the PDF appear next to the chapter title on the Table of Contents page, or to the right of the title in the chapter or appendix.

Update for October 2007

Citing Medicine was published on the NCBI Bookshelf.

Bookshelf ID: NBK24595


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