The solution structure of the Pointed (PNT) domain from the transcrition factor Erg
Biological unit 1: monomeric
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Number of proteins:
1 (Transcriptional regulator ERG)
No VAST+ neighbors
Citing VAST
Thomas Madej, Aron Marchler-Bauer, Christopher Lanczycki, Dachuan Zhang, Stephen H Bryant "Biological Assembly Comparison With VAST" Methods Mol. Biol. 2020(2112):175-186
?Original VAST
Original VAST finds structures that are similar to individual protein molecules, or individual 3D domains, in your query structure. Select a protein molecule ("chain") or 3D domain of interest from the table below to view a list of other proteins or domains that have a similar 3D shape. In contrast to VAST+, which focuses on the default biological unit, Original VAST lists all protein molecules in the asymmetric unit of the query structure.