Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd22395: KH-I_AKAP1 
type I K homology (KH) RNA-binding domain found in mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and similar proteins
AKAP1, also called A-kinase anchor protein 149 kDa, or AKAP 149, or dual specificity A-kinase-anchoring protein 1, or D-AKAP-1, or protein kinase A-anchoring protein 1 (PRKA1), or spermatid A-kinase anchor protein 84, or S-AKAP84, is a novel developmentally regulated A kinase anchor protein of male germ cells. It binds to type I and II regulatory subunits of protein kinase A and anchors them to the cytoplasmic face of the mitochondrial outer membrane.
PSSM-Id: 411823
Aligned: 25 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 82.5694
Created: 17-Jul-2020
Updated: 25-Oct-2021
Aligned Rows:
putativeGXXG motif
Feature 1:putative nucleic acid binding site [nucleic acid binding site]
  • Comment:flanked by the GXXG motif and a variable ssRNA/DNA binding loop
  • Comment:Based on the structure evidence that other KH-I superfamily members bind RNA/ssDNA.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                # ### #####  ## ##     ####                                             
8134304      609 IWEIEVPKHLVGRLIGKQGRYVSFLKQTSGAKIYISTlpyt---------------------qsvQICHIEGs-qHHVDK 666  human
ELU07765       4 IYEFDMPSHLCGMFIGRGGAAIKQLRQKTGVEVLVRPkmlt---------------------eefQLVVLEGs-qRQITR 61   Capitella teleta
NP_741191     72 MYEFEIPNSLVGLIIGVKGKTIKELSVRTNVRMLIRQhhetd------------------kvkthQICQVRGk-rDEINH 132  Caenorhabditis...
EEC11128      83 VYEFELPRELCGRFIGQGGRNVAAIKARSNASIYVHQhpls---------------------sklKLCTIEGt-qEEIRI 140  black-legged tick
EFX76340     118 VYEFEIPQALVGLLIGKYGAFVNQIKDKTGASLLIKDrdr-----------------------rcKLCAVEGt-kTEIDA 173  common water flea
TRY74764     159 SFHFHVPNWLCGKFIGLQGSVIKQFKTASNCTITLKAqsnsqtnnstknhkhhsrhhqnndqhgnQVCIIDGt-rVNIEK 237  Tigriopus cali...
KAB7497491   629 GYDYIVPKNYVGRIIGKNGSYVQKVIEETNVKMCVIPnpdd--------------------edntSICELRGetpDTINA 688  Armadillidium ...
Q7PEY1        37 TYEFLVPAFLVAGMLGKQGTFVKQIKQKTGANVIIKRnpdt---------------------hnsKICTLEGs-qQEIQD 94   Anopheles gamb...
OQR68331     345 VFEFELPSELCGRLIGREGCTVKSLKNSTGATITVRAhltq---------------------qnlKTVYVIGa-aGDVEA 402  Tropilaelaps m...
XP_014232188 350 VFIFQVPLELVGRLIGRGGVFLKEVRRECNVSMVIRQtnnd---------------------teyRMCSLCGt-pQQIEN 407  Trichogramma p...
Feature 1                  
8134304      667 ALNLIGKKFK 676  human
ELU07765      62 ALDIIRQKFP 71   Capitella teleta
NP_741191    133 CLQMLRRRFP 142  Caenorhabditis elegans
EEC11128     141 ALDMIRKKFP 150  black-legged tick
EFX76340     174 ALELIRDKFP 183  common water flea
TRY74764     238 CLQMIRDKFP 247  Tigriopus californicus
KAB7497491   689 CLKLHRDRLP 698  Armadillidium nasatum
Q7PEY1        95 ALAVIRKKFP 104  Anopheles gambiae str. PEST
OQR68331     403 ALQGIRKIFP 412  Tropilaelaps mercedesae
XP_014232188 408 ALLKIRKYFP 417  Trichogramma pretiosum

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