
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd13662: PBP2_TpPotD_like 
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The periplasmic substrate-binding component of an ABC-type polyamine transport system from Treponema pallidum and related proteins; contains the type 2 periplasmic binding fold.
This group includes the polyamine-binding component of an ABC-type polyamine transport system from Treponema pallidum and closely related proteins, which is homologous to the spermidine-preferring periplasmic substrate-binding protein component (PotD)of ABC transport system. Polyamine transport plays an essential role in the regulation of intracellular polyamine levels which are known to be elevated in rapidly proliferating cells and tumors. Natural polyamines are putrescine, spermindine, and spermine. They are polycations that play multiple roles in cell growth, survival and proliferation, as well as plant stress and disease resistance. They can interact with negatively charged molecules, such as nucleic acids, to modulate their functions. Members of this family belong to the type 2 periplasmic-binding fold superfamily. PBP2 is comprised of two globular subdomains connected by a flexible hinge and bind their ligand in the cleft between these domains in a manner resembling a Venus flytrap.
PSSM-Id: 270380
Aligned: 4 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 466.995
Created: 28-Jun-2011
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 8 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:chemical substrate binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Structure:2V84; the Tp0655 (Tppotd) lipoprotein Of Treponema pallidum binds 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES), a buffer component included in the crystallization medium; contacts at 4A.
  • Comment:one of the MES-binding sites in Tp0655 coincides with the polyamine-binding sites in PotD and PotF.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1           #  #                        #                     #                       
2V84_A     26 VLYLYNWTYYtPTSLIKKFEQQynvQVVYDDYASNedMFAKLSiga--sgyDLVVPSgdFVSIMKRKHllekidlskipn 103 Treponema pallidum
NP_603515  25 TLYVYSWADYiPQFVYSDFEKEtgiRVIEDIYSSNeeMYTKIKagg--egyDIIMPSsdYYEIMMKEDmlakldksqlen 102 Fusobacterium nucl...
ACZ00579   26 VLNIYTWTYFiPDKIIEDFEKEtgiKVNLSYYDNNdtMIAKLMiengegnyDIVSPStdYIPVMINSGllekldksklgk 105 Streptobacillus mo...
NP_229176  22 TLYIYNWADYiPEDVIRAFEEKydcRVVYDTYASNeeMYAKFKaggg-kgyDLIFPSgdYVSIMKKEGmlqkldlskipn 100 Thermotoga maritim...
Feature 1                                                                                     
2V84_A    104 vqf----ikesvrariaydpkMEYSVPYyLGAAGIAVNkkavpsyartw-sifsrkdlayRMSMMDDMreVMGAALASLG 178 Treponema pallidum
NP_603515 103 vkn---iddsymaklrefdpeNDYGVPYmRGITCIAVNkkfvkdyprdy-tiynredlagRMTLLDDMreVFVPALALNG 178 Fusobacterium nucl...
ACZ00579  106 tfenmneklnlmeiskiydegLNYSIPYsFMATGITVNneivgndfvktpdiflnekfkgRMTMLDDGreVIGLALQYLG 185 Streptobacillus mo...
NP_229176 101 fky----ldkdilakttydpnHEYSVPYmMGSTVVIVNkkyvkeyeksw-sifdredlrgRMTLLDDMreVLGAALKYLG 175 Thermotoga maritim...
Feature 1                                                     #                            # #
2V84_A    179 ynvntkneqELAQAAILVTDHWKPNLVKFdsdgYAKSFASgdfvVAHGFaEAFFAETpeamhehIDFFIPQDVasPVYVD 258 Treponema pallidum
NP_603515 179 ykqd-adstEAMEKAKSTILNWKKNIAKFdaesYGKGFANgdfwVVQGYpDNIYRELseedrenVDFIVPPGEqgYSSID 257 Fusobacterium nucl...
ACZ00579  186 ypsd-skdiNQLNEAKEKILSWAENLAKFdsnaSGKGMASgefaIVHGY-PDVFYEVekeeeskFTYFIPEGA--MMYID 261 Streptobacillus mo...
NP_229176 176 ysvn-tknpKELEEAKQVVLRWKKNIAKFdassYADGIVSgeywVVHGYaEDVYQRIpegeekyFDFFIPKEGg-TLWID 253 Thermotoga maritim...
Feature 1                                                                     #               
2V84_A    259 SFCIPKgarNRDLAHAFINFFLePAHYAEFLDTFgFPSTIHREaaayqkktpyysehdleRGTLKTDVGa-aIEHYNAHW 337 Treponema pallidum
NP_603515 258 SFVVLKdskHLENAMKFINYIHrPDVYAKISDFIeIPSINTEAdklitkkp-lydvektkNAQLLIDIGd-kLNIQNKYW 335 Fusobacterium nucl...
ACZ00579  262 SMAIPSsskHKDNAYKFLEFLYrPENFIEVLKVLrNPSIIKDVeeksefkpiisaeeiinKSKLPGALGdeaKELQDKIW 341 Streptobacillus mo...
NP_229176 254 NMVIPKgakNVDLAYKFINFILePENAAKIADYLgLPSPNVEArkymqtep-iytiedlkNCEFIEDVGe-aLELYNKIW 331 Thermotoga maritim...

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