Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd08366: APC10 
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APC10 subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) that mediates substrate ubiquitination.
This model represents the single domain protein APC10, a subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), which is a multi-subunit E3 ubiquitin ligase. E3 ubiquitin ligases mediate substrate ubiquitination (or ubiquitylation), a vital component of the ubiquitin-26S proteasome pathway for selective proteolytic degradation. The APC (also known as the cyclosome), is a cell cycle-regulated E3 ubiquitin ligase that controls important transitions in mitosis and the G1 phase by ubiquitinating regulatory proteins, thereby targeting them for degradation. In mitosis, the APC initiates sister chromatid separation by ubiquitinating the anaphase inhibitor securin and triggers exit from mitosis by ubiquitinating cyclin B. The C-terminus of APC10 binds to CDC27/APC3, an APC subunit that contains multiple tetratrico peptide repeats. APC10 domains are homologous to the DOC1 domains present in the HECT (Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus) E3 ubiquitin ligase protein, and the Cullin-RING (Really Interesting New Gene) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. The APC10/DOC1 domain forms a beta-sandwich structure that is related in architecture to the galactose-binding domain-like fold; their sequences are quite dissimilar, however, and are not included here.
PSSM-Id: 176484
Aligned: 54 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 153.482
Created: 27-Jan-2010
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
putative ligand
Conserved site includes 5 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:putative ligand binding site [chemical binding site]

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                           #                                           #
1GQP_B        53 INVth---lALWKPSSFKl-GNPVDFALDDNy-DTFWQSDGg-----------------qPHQLDIMFsKRMDICVMAIF 110 baker's yeast
XP_888563     65 MDVgcs-gnTVWTVSSAKh-GNGVLHLMRHHdlNNFWQSDGv-----------------lPHVIRIQLgQLTPVEAMAVY 125 Leishmania majo...
CBH16809      41 RESlivlqdAVWSVSSAKh-GNGVMCLLDGSh-NTFWQSDGv-----------------vPHVISIDFaLLKPVAAVALY 101 Trypanosoma bru...
NP_001021777  31 LDIss---qAIWALSSCKs-GFGIDELLSDSv-EKYWQSDGp-----------------qPHTILLEFqKKTDVAMMMFY 88  nematode
NP_505679     23 RDIte---eARISLSSVAh-CGGVDELLHESs-ELAWRTNMs-----------------pPHRALFTFsKKTDISYVMLF 80  nematode
XP_503653     20 TDLgs---lAHWSVSSHKt-GCGVEALRSDDh-QLFWQSDGp-----------------qPHHLDIHFsKRVSIERVSIY 77  Yarrowia lipoly...
XP_654652     14 KDItk---eSVIYVSSSRi-GFGVSNICDNNi-STYWQSNGe-----------------rPHQITFIFdEPQTLAFVRFY 71  Entamoeba histo...
XP_001579634   6 HDItk---kALWNVSTTKg-GYEISAMFDGSn-ETFWQSDSv-----------------pPHYIIAQFsKKTYISKLSMY 63  Trichomonas vag...
EDP29537      36 RDIsn---qAFWTLSSCKtdGFGIQQLLDEDl-EQYWQSDGp-----------------qPHTVTIEFsRKTNISYLLLY 94  agent of lympha...
EEQ41746      72 LDLsp---lATWKLSSCKq-GYGLDQLRDDTp-STYWQSDGstentieqqanaenaqlnhPHTVTLQFsKKVSLERISIF 146 Clavispora lusi...
Feature 1              # #                                                                       
1GQP_B       111 FSmiaDESYAPSLVKVYAGHspsDARFYKMLEVRnv--nGWVALRfldnre----------------------------- 159 baker's yeast
XP_888563    126 VNsavDQSYSPRVIRVKAGThngDMTEVAKADIGagqecGWVLITlremagddgddve-------------------ggg 186 Leishmania majo...
CBH16809     102 LDcaeDNSYTPRRMRVQAGThngDMADVATVTVDdp--qGWVLIRmqaeaetpsswntpaahsddakadiendmpldnad 179 Trypanosoma bru...
NP_001021777  89 LDfknDESYTPSKIQVKMGSshqDIFFRQTQTFNep--qGWTFIDlrdkn------------------------------ 136 nematode
NP_505679     81 LDysrDESYCPQEVRIDLGDgtnDWWLKMYRRVDqp--kGWVKIPihdaf------------------------------ 128 nematode
XP_503653     78 TDyelDESYTPSKIKILAGSgyhDLLEVTEVDLDep--qGWTHLVldglr------------------------------ 125 Yarrowia lipoly...
XP_654652     72 VSqkmDESYTPSKVVLRVGTslyDLIELAVVTLEep--eGWYYLTkhtk------------------------------- 118 Entamoeba histo...
XP_001579634  64 ISiqnDETYTPVEVACYIGSdpnLMQQYSREELSil--qGWVDIPlg--------------------------------- 108 Trichomonas vag...
EDP29537      95 LDyktDESYTPSKVVVRLGSsvlDVDEGLTVVFSep--vGWQVIDlrdad------------------------------ 142 agent of lympha...
EEQ41746     147 TNyqlDESYTPSRIKIMAGNsnwDLTEVCVVTFDkp--iGWSHIIfkgvr------------------------------ 194 Clavispora lusi...
Feature 1                                       #        
1GQP_B       160 ----ddqllKCQFIRLLFPVNHE---NGKDTHLRGIRLYV 192 baker's yeast
XP_888563    187 pndggggvaAGVRIQHQQQEVRPrqqDGGAPEGGAASSYS 226 Leishmania major strain Friedlin
CBH16809     180 feefiqdgvWCTRVRVIVEENRQ---EGRDCHVRGLRVLG 216 Trypanosoma brucei gambiense DAL972
NP_001021777 137 -----gkpnRVFWLQVQVIQNHQ---NGRDTHIRHVRVLG 168 nematode
NP_505679    129 -----gnplRVMSLQMTIMKNHE---KGRDCVVRHFRVLG 160 nematode
XP_503653    126 ----edgvlKTYLLRLLIPANHQ---HGKDTHLRAVKVYG 158 Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
XP_654652    119 ------kplRGSCVQLVIQENCS---HGRDSHIRQVQIFG 149 Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS
XP_001579634 109 --------iSTIFLKIEITKNHQ---GGKDSRIRQIKLWG 137 Trichomonas vaginalis G3
EDP29537     143 -----ggpsRAFVLQLQVVQNHQ---NGRDTHIRQMRIIG 174 agent of lymphatic filariasis
EEQ41746     195 ----adgllKCFVVKIVVLANHQ---DGKDSHIRAIRCFG 227 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720

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