Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd06409: PB1_MUG70 
The MUG70 protein is a product of the meiotically up-regulated gene 70 which has a role in meiosis and harbors a PB1 domain. The PB1 domain is a modular domain mediating specific protein-protein interactions which play a role in many critical cell processes such as osteoclastogenesis, angiogenesis, early cardiovascular development, and cell polarity. A canonical PB1-PB1 interaction, which involves heterodimerization of two PB1 domains, is required for the formation of macromolecular signaling complexes ensuring specificity and fidelity during cellular signaling. The interaction between two PB1 domains depends on the type of PB1. There are three types of PB1 domains: type I which contains an OPCA motif, acidic amino acid cluster, type II which contains a basic cluster, and type I/II which contains both an OPCA motif and a basic cluster. Interactions of PB1 domains with other protein domains have been described as noncanonical PB1-interactions. The PB1 domain module is conserved in amoebas, fungi, animals, and plants.
PSSM-Id: 99730
Aligned: 13 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 109.711
Created: 28-Feb-2008
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
O13965       575 FTIKYRSi--AGRVHRLRldg-inSVSDLRTAVEEREKEq-------------------lVTLTYIDDEGDVVELVSDSD 632 fission yeast
XP_001386928 463 FKFKSPAi--EGRVHRISira-seGLDKLRALMDAKLHTkdfqklkv-----skdnsdelYAISYVDDEGDIVSITSDND 534 Pichia stipitis...
EAT80608     478 FPFKFKAp--SGRVHRLQvta-saGIEELIANVASKLGSeveaiggtpt-fefgkislsgFALSYLDNEGDTVSITTNDD 553 Phaeosphaeria n...
XP_502970    445 FQFKFKSp--SGRNHRLTvvp-naGVTALRTSISDKLSVgdvel------------vtqnYAISYIDDEGDIVAITSDQD 509 Yarrowia lipoly...
NP_001066263 457 FAFKLQDq--KGRVHRFTcg--seSLNELASSIKQRLSItde---------------egiMQLLYEDDEGDRVLLTTDAD 517 Japanese rice
XP_001525655 506 FVFKFRSpghIGKVHRVAlay-gdGIEKLKELIGAKLLAkdfealgv-----nrsvkegtYIVSYLDDENDIVSITSDYD 579 Lodderomyces el...
XP_001753915 384 FKLKLSAy--DGKPHHYRfncgseSLTELMSTIAQRVGDdidl--------------thlPRLMYIDDEGDKVLLATDSD 447 Physcomitrella ...
EDR16074     500 YVFKFRTp--SGRTHRFQar--hdDVEHLREIVSGKLATdpfftefqpknedspkpdpidFHLSYTDADGDTVLITSDDD 575 Laccaria bicolo...
NP_001045471 442 FSFKLQDr--KGRMHRFScv--seSLDELVSAVSYRLGMek-----------------ekINLLYDDDEGDRVVLTTDGD 500 Japanese rice
Q9SJQ5       409 FAFKFEDr--KGRVQRFNst--geSFEELMSVVMQRCEAds------------------gLQIMYQDDEGDKVLISRDSD 466 thale cress
XP_451126    493 HSFKFKTl-tNNKTHRVSlrp-ieGVSKLVELIGEKLGGsd------------------dVEILYVDDENDLVSITHDQD 552 Kluyveromyces l...
Q9LUF7       414 FAFKLQDk--KGRMHRFMce--tqSLTTLITAILQRMGDdiep--------------dnlPQIMYEDEDNDKVVLASDND 475 thale cress
XP_001766619 360 FAFKLKVnshNGKVGHYRfncgseSLKNLMTMIVQRVGDdidr--------------thlPLLMYVDDEGDEVLLATDSD 425 Physcomitrella ...
O13965       633 LREAILLarrrGLPRLEVRGVAA 655 fission yeast
XP_001386928 535 LVECIAIntrlDNDKADLYLHNP 557 Pichia stipitis CBS 6054
EAT80608     554 LVEAISLsrlaHREKVDLFVHDP 576 Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15
XP_502970    510 LLDAVSItrraGLEKADLFIHHP 532 Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
NP_001066263 518 LAGAVLHakssGLKVLKLHIDLS 540 Japanese rice
XP_001525655 580 LLECVRVnrklGKEKADIYLSSL 602 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
XP_001753915 448 VVAAVNVarisGWKALTLHLEES 470 Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
EDR16074     576 ITDAVKIartaGTDRVVLFVQGG 598 Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82
NP_001045471 501 LSAAIQHarsaGWKVLRLHMDEP 523 Japanese rice
Q9SJQ5       467 LVAAVTFarslGQKVLRLHLDFT 489 thale cress
XP_451126    553 LIDCVLVhknmNLDKIDLLVHYR 575 Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
Q9LUF7       476 LGAAVEHaksiGWKGLKLHLDYT 498 thale cress
XP_001766619 426 LVAAVNFarisGWKVSLESILKH 448 Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
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