
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd03424: NUDIX_ADPRase_Nudt5_UGPPase_Nudt14 
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, UDP-glucose pyrophosphatase, and similar proteins
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase (ADPRase) ( NUDIX (Nucleoside diphosphate-linked moiety X)) motif 5; Nudt5) catalyzes the hydrolysis of ADP-ribose and a variety of additional ADP-sugar conjugates to AMP and ribose-5-phosphate. In humans, there are four distinct ADPRase activities, three putative cytosolic enzymes (ADPRase-I, -II, and -Mn) and a single mitochondrial enzyme (ADPRase-m). Human ADPRase-II is also referred to as NUDT5. It lacks the N-terminal target sequence unique to mitochondrial ADPRase. The different cytosolic types are distinguished by their specificities for substrate and specific requirement for metal ions. NUDT5 forms a homodimer. It also contains a highly conserved 23-residue NUDIX motif (GX5EX7REUXEEXGU, where U = I, L or V) which functions as a metal binding site/catalytic site. In addition to the NUDIX motif, there are additional conserved amino acid residues, distal from the signature sequence, that correlate with substrate specificity. UDP-glucose pyrophosphatase (UGPPase) (EC; also known as nucleoside diphosphate-linked moiety X)) motif 14; Nudt14) hydrolyzes the pyrophosphate of the nucleoside diphosphate sugar to generate glucose-1-P and UMP. In mammals, UDP-glucose is the glucosyl donor for the synthesis of the storage polysaccharide glycogen. UGPPase, as a regulator of UDP-glucose, could play a regulatory role, but it has been shown to prefer ADP-ribose over UDP-glucose. Like other members of the NUDIX hydrolase superfamily, it requires a divalent cation, such as Mg2+, for its activity. It also contains a highly conserved 23-residue NUDIX motif (GX5EX7REUXEEXGU, where U = I, L or V) which functions as a metal binding site/catalytic site.
PSSM-Id: 467530
Aligned: 381 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 65.6054
Created: 12-Sep-2005
Updated: 27-Apr-2023
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 13 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:active site [active site]

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1     #  #                  # #             #  ###                              #   # 
1G9Q_A     56 RGHAAVLLPFDpv-rdEVVLIEQIRIaaydtsetPWLLEMVAGMIEe-----------------gESVEDVARREAIEEA 117 Escherichia coli
1MQW_A     42 HFGAVAIVAMDdn--gNIPMVYQYRHty-----gRRLWELPAGLLDva----------------gEPPHLTAARELREEV 98  Mycobacterium tube...
ADL34357   54 SKHSFSIVVATde-ngDFICVRQYRHgi-----dEITTEFPAGGIEykeksnvpyitydniiateDEAFEAAKRELQEET 127 Butyrivibrio prote...
EHO17220   44 GRDFVVIAAIDkq--gKYICVRQFRVgi-----dEVTTEFPAGGIEa-----------------gETPRDAAKRELREET 99  Lachnospiraceae ba...
EEG56843   44 LTDFSVVVAVTpdperKVILVRQYRHgv-----eKVLLELPAGCIEv-----------------gENPKDAATRELLEET 101 Clostridium aspara...
BAB75232   44 RPDIVLVLPITan--rEVIFVRQYRHgt-----gDFFLELPAGRFNpt----------------qESAENAGLRELEEET 100 Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
BAA17413   49 RPEIVMVLALTpq--qEIIFVRQYRHgv-----qEILLELPAGTFFpd----------------qESPTAAIRRELEEET 105 Synechocystis sp. ...
BAM51141   31 RPEIVMVLALTpq--qEIIFVRQYRHgv-----qEILLELPAGTFFpd----------------qESPTAAIRRELEEET 87  Bacillus subtilis ...
EJF09092   46 RPDVVLTFPLTed--gHVLFVRQYKHaa-----aDIFIELPGGVIDah----------------eTNPLEAAKRELLEET 102 Pontibacter sp. BA...
EFH87602   45 NFGWAGVVPVTed--gRFLLNRQYKHgi-----gQVVLEFPAGGIDpd---------------eyENPLMTAHRELMEET 102 Ktedonobacter race...
Feature 1                             #                      # #                              
1G9Q_A    118 GLiv---kRTKPVLSFLASPGgTSERSSIMVGEvdattasgihgladENE--DIRVHVVSreqayq-wveegkIDNAASV 191 Escherichia coli
1MQW_A     99 GLqa---sTWQVLVDLDTAPGfSDESVRVYLATglrev----grpeaHHEeaDMTMGWYPiaeaar-rvlrgeIVNSIAI 170 Mycobacterium tube...
ADL34357  128 GYvs---dDWKHLMTVPANATlSNSRVHIYSAIncrkvs---dqeldETE--FLYVKNLPeedlln-rihggdFKQSLHI 198 Butyrivibrio prote...
EHO17220  100 GSva---aRWTDLGSLYANPTmGTSRAHCFLAEdcetvt---aqeldATE--CVVYLHLGesel------rraIEDGSFA 165 Lachnospiraceae ba...
EEG56843  102 GYka---gHMEFMFQIAPNATnCTSYAQCYLAWdaeqve---aqhldETE--SLEVVILEssevrr-llreggFEQAVHV 172 Clostridium aspara...
BAB75232  101 GYia---qQLIKIATLYDNPSkDTNQIHLFLAEdvvkvg---kqnldITE--EIEIILIPvdsvle-kitqgeISVAGSI 171 Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
BAA17413  106 GYqi---tNLLNLGCIYDNPVkDQSRLHLFLAPdvtptg---kkawdITE--EIEMVLMPiavvre-qifsgkIRVAGSL 176 Synechocystis sp. ...
BAM51141   88 GYqi---tNLLNLGCIYDNPVkDQSRLHLFLAPdvtptg---kkawdITE--EIEMVLMPiavvre-qifsgkIRVAGSL 158 Bacillus subtilis ...
EJF09092  103 GYtt---dDLEPVLQVIDNPTkDTNKIYYYIARnvreva---aqdldESE--HIEVLKVPlqeveq-mimsgqVNVAGSI 173 Pontibacter sp. BA...
EFH87602  103 GYsvavaeDMEFLAHMYANPTgARTRVWWYLARniqqtg---vpkpdPLE--VIENLLVTpaellelihrgefLVQGQIA 177 Ktedonobacter race...
Feature 1            
1G9Q_A    192 IALQWLQ 198 Escherichia coli
1MQW_A    171 AGVLAVH 177 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
ADL34357  199 LAYYLFK 205 Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus B316
EHO17220  166 QAVHLVL 172 Lachnospiraceae bacterium ACC2
EEG56843  173 AALYRAM 179 Clostridium asparagiforme DSM 15981
BAB75232  172 AALFLGL 178 Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
BAA17413  177 AALLLGL 183 Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
BAM51141  159 AALLLGL 165 Bacillus subtilis BEST7613
EJF09092  174 ALCLLAL 180 Pontibacter sp. BAB1700
EFH87602  178 AAYMALE 184 Ktedonobacter racemifer DSM 44963

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