Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. As a convenience,extra N line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences..


Definitions for CWeakIRef

Type Member of File Line
class /include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp 2805
function definition CWeakIRef /include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp 2816
function definition CWeakIRef /include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp 2821
function definition CWeakIRef /include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp 2826
function definition CWeakIRef /include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp 2832

5 declarations in 1 files.

References to CWeakIRef

File Line
/include/corelib/ncbimtx.hpp 1203
/include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp 2631 2781 2805 2812 2816 2821 2826 2832 2928 2929
/include/gui/core/selection_service_impl.hpp 66
/include/gui/objutils/execute_lock_guard.hpp 57
/include/gui/utils/app_job_dispatcher.hpp 390
/include/gui/widgets/aln_multiple/alnmulti_renderer.hpp 306
/include/gui/widgets/seq_graphic/seqgraphic_ds_manager.hpp 80
/src/corelib/test/test_weakref.cpp 87
/src/gui/core/selection_panel.hpp 129

18 references in 9 files.