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Items: 4

Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: Mouse chromosome 17 candidate modifier genes for thrombosis.

Genes in the mouse QTL region and the human syntenic region were determined using Ensembl Genome Browser. Symbols of the genes are indicated. Names of the genes can be found in Table 

Qila Sa, et al. Mamm Genome. 2010;21(7):337-349.
Fig. 2

Fig. 2. From: Mouse chromosome 17 candidate modifier genes for thrombosis.

Expression of Emilin2 in lung from A/J, B6, and B6-Chr17, n = 5. GAPDH from the same cDNA samples used as endogenous control. The mRNA levels are presented as fold change relative to B6 lung. Statistical difference was determined by ANOVA with Newman-Keuls post-test. *** P < 0.001; * P < 0.05

Qila Sa, et al. Mamm Genome. 2010;21(7):337-349.
Fig. 4

Fig. 4. From: Mouse chromosome 17 candidate modifier genes for thrombosis.

a-d Sections immunostained with EMILIN2 antibody E185. a, b Uninjured carotid. c, d Sections immediately after occlusion. e, f Sections immunostained for P-selectin with antibody. Magnification × 100 (a-e). g-i Quantification of immunostaining. The values are mean ± SEM of the percent of EMILIN2/vessel wall (g), EMILIN2/thrombus (h), and P-selectin/thrombus (i) of six mice per strain. Six sections were analyzed for each mouse using Image-Pro Plus software. Statistical differences were determined by t test or ANOVA and Newman-Kuels post-test. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01

Qila Sa, et al. Mamm Genome. 2010;21(7):337-349.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. From: Mouse chromosome 17 candidate modifier genes for thrombosis.

ad Western blot of EMILIN2 with antibody E185, from tissue homogenates. a Platelets (Plt) and aorta (Ar) from B6 mice. b Platelets from B6 and A/J mice. c Peritoneal macrophages from B6 and A/J mice. d Plasma from B6, A/J, and B6-Chr17 mice. e Density of 75-kDa bands from Western blot of EMILIN2 protein in peritoneal macrophages from B6 and A/J relative to β-actin. Values are mean ± SEM of four mice per strain. f Density of 50-kDa bands from Western blot of EMILIN2 in plasma. Values are mean ± SEM of six mice per strain. Statistical differences were determined by a t test or ANOVA and Newman-Kuels post-test. ** P < 0 .01

Qila Sa, et al. Mamm Genome. 2010;21(7):337-349.

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