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Figure 4

Figure 4. From: Different levels of alternative splicing among eukaryotes.

Relative prevalence of the different types of alternatively spliced exons in different species. The relative prevalence of the four types of alternatively spliced exons (exon skipping, alternative 3′ss, alternative 5′ss and intron retention) are shown for the different organisms.

Eddo Kim, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(1):125-131.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Different levels of alternative splicing among eukaryotes.

EST-dependent analysis of the levels of alternatively spliced genes and exons among eukaryotes. Percentage of alternatively spliced exons (A) and genes (B) among eight different organisms. The percentages were calculated based on the analysis of UniGene clusters using all reliable data available.

Eddo Kim, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(1):125-131.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Different levels of alternative splicing among eukaryotes.

Minimization of the dependence on EST coverage by randomizations. Percentage of alternatively spliced exons (A) and genes (B) among eight different organisms. Percentages were calculated based on the analysis of UniGene clusters, after removing mRNA data. Ten ESTs were randomly selected and this analysis repeated 100 times for each cluster.

Eddo Kim, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(1):125-131.
Figure 3

Figure 3. From: Different levels of alternative splicing among eukaryotes.

Use of homologous clusters and MGC ESTs. Percentage of alternatively spliced exons (A) and genes (B) among eight different organisms. Percentages were calculated based on the analysis of UniGene clusters, using only ESTs derived from the MGC project. The analysis was performed on homologous human/mouse clusters, where both contained at least 10 ESTs, and 10 ESTs were repeatedly randomly selected.

Eddo Kim, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(1):125-131.

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