
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd09875: PIN_VapC-FitB-like 
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VapC-like PIN domain of ribonucleases (toxins), VapC and FitB, of prokaryotic toxin/antitoxin operons, Pyrococcus horikoshii protein PH0500, and other similar bacterial and archaeal homologs.
PIN (PilT N terminus) domain-containing proteins of prokaryotic toxin/antitoxin (TA) operons, such as, Mycobacterium tuberculosis VapC of the VapBC (virulence associated proteins) TA operon, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae FitB of the FitAB (fast intracellular trafficking) TA operon, as well as, the archaeal Pyrococcus horikoshii protein PH0500 are included in this family. Toxins of TA operons are believed to be involved in growth inhibition by regulating translation and are nearly always co-expressed with an antitoxin, a cognate protein inhibitor, forming an inert protein complex. Disassociation of the complex activates the ribonuclease activity of the toxin. In N. gonorrhoeae, FitA and FitB form a heterodimer: FitA is the DNA binding subunit and FitB contains a ribonuclease activity that is blocked by the presence of FitA. A tetramer of FitAB heterodimers binds DNA from the fitAB upstream promoter region with high affinity. This results in both sequestration of FitAB and repression of fitAB transcription. It is thought that FitAB release from the DNA and subsequent dissociation both slows N. gonorrhoeae replication and transcytosis by an as yet undefined mechanism. The toxin M. tuberculosis VapC is a structural homolog of N. gonorrhoeae FitB, but their antitoxin partners, VapB and FitA, respectively, differ structurally. The M. tuberculosis VapC-5 is proposed to be both an endoribonuclease and an exoribonuclease that can act on free RNA in a similar manner to the endo and exonuclease Flap endonuclease-1 (FEN1). VapC-like toxins are structural homologs of FEN1-like PIN domains, but lack the extensive arch/clamp region and the H3TH (helix-3-turn-helix) domain, an atypical helix-hairpin-helix-2-like region, seen in FEN1-like PIN domains. PIN domains within this group typically contain three or four conserved acidic residues that cluster at the C-terminal end of the beta-sheet and form a negatively charged pocket near the center of the molecule. These putative active site residues are thought to bind Mg2+ and/or Mn2+ ions and be essential for single-stranded ribonuclease activity. VapC-like PIN domains are single domain proteins that form dimers and dimerization configures the active sites in a groove along the long-axis of the structure.
PSSM-Id: 350223
Aligned: 5 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 100.336
Created: 10-Feb-2011
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 3 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: active site [active site], 3 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:[DENQ] [DENQ] [DENQ]Click to see conserved feature residue pattern help

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1       #                                       #                                     
4CHG_A      3 IVDTSVWIAYLStses--lasRWLAdriaadstVIVPEVVXXELLIGKt-------DEDTAALRRRLlq---rfAIEPLa 70  Mycobacterium tube...
2BSQ_A      3 LLDTNVISEPLRpqpn--ervVAWLdsli-ledVYLSAITVAEMRLGValllngkkKNVLHERMEQSilplfagRILPFd 79  Neisseria gonorrhoeae
5K8J_B      4 VLDTNVAIHLRDgdpe--vttRVTAln----gaILLSIISRVELEGGVyreaaqagLRRSRLDVXLKv-----lPVLDFd 72  Caulobacter cresce...
3H87_A     22 LIDKSALVRLTDsp-----dmEIWSnrie-rglVHITGVTRLEVGFSAe-------CGEIARREFREppl-samPVEYLt 87  Mycobacterium tube...
Q55691      2 LLDTHTLLWFLDndiklpshlKSLIeak---pkVYVSIVSLWEIAIKLnink-lrlNYAFTDLENLLadl--niSVLNIt 75  Synechocystis sp. ...
Feature 1                                                 #                 
4CHG_A     71 pvrdaeDAAAIHRRcrrggdtvrSLIDCQVAAXALRiGVAVAHRDR-DYEAIrthcglRTEP 131 Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
2BSQ_A     80 epvaaiYAQIRSYAkthg--keiAAADGYIAATAKQhSMTVATRDTgSFFAAd----vAVFN 135 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
5K8J_B     73 gaaadeYRRIVESAgys----rrKVVDRXIAAQALAhRATFVTFNAdDFRDIpg---lSLLA 127 Caulobacter crescentus CB15
3H87_A     88 priedrALEVQTLLadrghhrgpSIPDLLIAATAELsGLTVLHVDK-DFDAIaaltgqKTER 148 Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
Q55691     76 w----qHLEACRNLplh----hrDPFDRMIIAQAQQhNFSVISKDE-NFKKYn----vNLIW 124 Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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