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SRX997430: GSM1659605: MEL_PU.1_D5R1; Mus musculus; ChIP-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2000) run: 18.4M spots, 919.3M bases, 594.8Mb downloads

Submitted by: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
Study: The landscape of global-long range interactions in mouse and human blood cell lines mediated by Yy1, GATA1, and CTCF during differentiation
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Abstract: A network of interactions between functional DNA elements regulates gene expression in a precise spatio-temporal pattern during development. This regulation is implemented through many-to-many looping interactions of DNA elements mediated by specific transcription factors such as Ctcf, Gata1 and Yy1. We carried out RNA polymerase II ChIA-PET and DNase-seq in Mouse Erythroleukemia (MEL) cells to capture genomewide changes in the resulting chromatin interaction graphs (CIGs) during DMSO-induced hemoglobin activation. We found that the change of interactions in CIGs is positively correlated to the change of a corresponding genes' expression as measured by RNA-seq. DNase footprints and ChIP-seq data indicate that these long-range interactions are controlled through distinct combinations of transcription factors before and after differentiation, with Ctcf or cohesin only mediating half of these interactions, and Gata1 and/or Yy1 interactions accounting for an additional 40% of detected interactions. Strikingly, while  Ctcf and Gata1–mediated interactions were enriched in genes involved in erythrocyte differentiation and mitochondrial regulation, Yy1-mediated interactions were enriched for genes involved in RNA processing, translation, and histone remodeling. We further found that about two-thirds of MEL DNA elements with long-range interactions as well 35% of these interactions are conserved in human K562 cells and show similar combinations of factor occupancy.  Taken together, our study identifies that a large set of long-range interactions between active enhancers and promoters involving RNA Pol II are mediated by factors other than cohesin and Ctcf in both human and mouse. Overall design: PU.1 ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, DNase-Seq, ChIA-PET The 'MEL_foot_1kb_DHS_cohesin_pol2_peak_blacklistfiltered.bed contains the locations and names of the 1kb vertices used to characterize and quantitate the long-range interaction edges between vertices from the ChIA-PET data. It was generated from the hotspot bed file of MEL DNase-seq data. After incorporating anti-pol2 and cohesin ChIP-seq peaks from ENCODE consortium, the merged DNase-seq hotspots and ChIP-seq peaks were expanded to 1kb in order to make the 1kb vertices.
Sample: MEL_PU.1_D5R1
SAMN03487304 • SRS911649 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2000
Strategy: ChIP-Seq
Selection: ChIP
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Samples were extracted accoding to the Myers Lab ChIP-seq protocol v042211 (http://myers.hudsonalpha.org/documents/Myers%20Lab%20ChIP-seq%20Protocol%20v042211.pdf) MEL PU.1 ChIP-seq libraries was made based on Myers Lab protocol v042211 (http://myers.hudsonalpha.org/documents/Myers%20Lab%20ChIP-seq%20Protocol%20v042211.pdf) using a rabbit polyclonal IgG PU.1 antibody (Santa Cruz Technology, sc-352, Lot#B0513, 200μg/ml). The quality of ChIP was validated by qPCR through the use of primers flanking known PU.1 binding sites (ex. SPI1, FCGR28, NRIH3) and known negative control sites (ex. MYOD1, ACTA1). The best two undifferentiated and differentiated MEL PU.1 ChIP replicates were constructed into Illumina sequencing libraries.
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM1659605
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Runs: 1 run, 18.4M spots, 919.3M bases, 594.8Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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