Instrument: NextSeq 550
Strategy: ATAC-seq
Selection: other
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Lysates were centrifuge (750xg, 10min, 4oC) and nuclei were resuspended in 50μl of transposition reaction mix (TD buffer [25μl], Tn5 Transposase [2.5μl], nuclease-free water [22.5μl]; (Illumina)) and incubated for 30min at 37oC. Transposed DNA fragments were purified using a Qiagen Reaction MiniElute Kit, barcoded with NEXTERA dual indexes (Illumina) and amplified by PCR for 11 cycles using NEBNext High Fidelity 2x PCR Master Mix (New England Biolabs). PCR products were purified using a PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen) and amplified fragments size was verified on a 2200 TapeStation (Agilent Technologies) using High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTapes (Agilent Technologies). Libraries were quantified by qPCR using a KAPA Library Quant Kit (KAPA Biosystems).