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SRX7970563: GSM4427721: E12_FJW160809001_H01; Mus musculus; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 1500) run: 2.5M spots, 106.4M bases, 66.1Mb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: Tracing the origin of hair follicle stem cells
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The scRNA-seq data are an integral part of the manuscript with the above title. Using a photo-labelling technique and RamDA-seq as described in the overall design, we obtained accurate scRNA-seq data from developing hair follicles (HFs), reflecting the spatiotemporal dynamics of cellular state transition during HF morphogenesis. Single cell transcriptome analysis identified cell types, which cannot be distinguished by known makers, their signature markers, and transcriptional state changes in developing HFs. By integration of the data from single cell live imaging, our findings revealed the origin and developmental trajectories of tissue stem cells (SCs), leading to a new model of HF development and SC induction with unprecedented resolution. Overall design: Embryonic skin tissues contain a mix of different HF types at different developmental stages, rendering separation and transcriptional profiling of HFs at specific developmental stages difficult. We thus developed a transgenic mouse line expressing a photo-convertible fluorescent protein, nuclear Kikume Green-Red, which enables identification and photo-labelling of target HFs under a confocal microscope. Entire single whisker HFs at E12.0, E13.0, E13.5, E14.0, E15.0, and E17.0 were photo-converted. Basal epidermal cells of each photo-labelled HF (E12.0–E17.0, ITGA6+/CD31-/kikGR-red+ cells; E11.5, ITGA6+/CD31- cells) were isolated as single cells by FACS. All scRNA-seq libraries were constructed for RamDA-seq, a novel sensitive and accurate total scRNA-seq method. We obtained single cell full-length total RNA sequencing of developing whisker HFs as follows: E11.5, 94 cells; E12.0, 280 cells; E13.0, 276 cells; E13.5, 189 cells; E14.0, 183 cells; E15.0, 362 cells; E17.0, 282 cells (total: 1,666 single cells). Please note that total 1,666 samples were included in the data analysis, however, the processed data file contains only 1614 data columns due to low-quality samples (indicated as the sample 'characteristics: data quality = low').
Sample: E12_FJW160809001_H01
SAMN14424537 • SRS6354862 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 1500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Single cells were directly sorted into the cell lysis buffer containing RNasein plus (Promega), Cell Lysis Buffer (Roche), NP40 (Thermo), and RNase free water (TaKaRa). RamDA-seq sequencing libraries were prepared by using the advanced method of RamDA-seq (refer to the Methods section in "Single-cell full-length total RNA sequencing uncovers dynamics of non-polyadenylated RNAs, recursive splicing and enhancer RNAs" DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-02866-0).
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM4427721
Runs: 1 run, 2.5M spots, 106.4M bases, 66.1Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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