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SRX7756506: GSM4322060: TK6_ETO_Rep2; Homo sapiens; OTHER
1 ILLUMINA (NextSeq 500) run: 26.2M spots, 2G bases, 740.1Mb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: Genome-wide detection of DNA double-strand breaks by in-suspension BLISS
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sBLISS (in-suspension Break Labeling In Situ and Sequencing) is a versatile and widely applicable method for identification of endogenous and induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), in any cell type that can be brought into suspension. After in situ labeling, DSB ends are linearly amplified followed by next-generation sequencing and DSB landscape analysis. Here, we present a step-by-step experimental protocol for sBLISS, followed by a basic computational analysis. The main advantages of sBLISS are (i) the suspension setup, which circumvents the need to work with delicate coverslips as in the original BLISS, (ii) the possibility for adaptation to a high-throughput robotics or single-cell workflow, and (iii) its flexibility and applicability to virtually every cell type, including patient-derived cells, organoids, and isolated nuclei. The wet-lab protocol can be completed in 1.5 weeks, and it is suitable for researchers with intermediate expertise in molecular biology and genomics. For the computational analyses, basic-to-intermediate bioinformatics expertise is required. Overall design: Step-by-step protocol for genome-wide DSB labeling using our newly developed sBLISS method. Deposited data (one mouse tissue-sorted jejunum enterocytes, and one human cancer cell experiment set-TK6 cells treated with etoposide or not) aims to provide examples and can be used to work through the included mapping pipeline and analysis tutorial.
Sample: TK6_ETO_Rep2
SAMN14144198 • SRS6175650 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Homo sapiens
Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: OTHER
Selection: other
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Cells and nuclei were lysed with mild buffers. After blunting of DSBs and BLISS adapter ligation, DNA was extracted using DNA extraction buffer and proteinase K, followed by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. After DNA sonication, genomic DSB ends were amplified with in vitro transcription, after which generated RNA was subjected to an Illumina small RNA-like library preparation protocol (similar to the one described for BLISS in Yan et al, Nature Communications 2017).
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM4322060
Runs: 1 run, 26.2M spots, 2G bases, 740.1Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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