Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Single cells were collected in 1 μL of cell lysis buffer (1 U RNasein plus (Promega), 10% RealTime ready Cell Lysis Buffer (Roche), 0.3% NP40 (Thermo Fisher), and RNase-free water (TaKaRa)) in a 96-well PCR plate (BIOplastics). The cell lysates were denatured at 70 °C for 90 s and held at 4 °C until the next step. To eliminate genomic DNA contamination, 1 µL of genomic DNA digestion mix (0.5× PrimeScript Buffer, 0.2 U of DNase I Amplification Grade, 1: 5 000 000 ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix I (Thermo Fisher) in RNase-free water) was added to 1 µL of the denatured sample. The mixtures were agitated for 30 s at 2000 rpm using a ThermoMixer C at 4 °C, incubated in a C1000 thermal cycler at 30 °C for 5 min and held at 4 °C until the next step. Library preparation for single-cell RamDA-Seq was performed as described previously (Hayashi et al., 2018).