Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: The hippocampus (from both sides of the brain) was dissected and rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 degrees. Total RNA was extracted from the entire hippocampus from each animal using TRI Reagent (Sigma-Aldrich) according to manufacturer’s directions. RNA from the dissected hippocampal tissue was extracted using a miRNeasy minikit (Qiagen, catalog #217004) with MaXtract high density columns (Qiagen, catalog #129056). A set of synthetic RNA standards were then added to 5 μg of RNA from each sample as spike-ins to assess the performance of each library (ERCC ExFold RNA Spike-In Mixes Ambion, catalog #4456739). mRNA was purified with a NEBNext mRNA magnetic isolation module (NEB, catalog #E7490L). cDNA libraries were generated from 50 ng of isolated mRNA using a NEBnext Ultra mRNA library preparation kit for Illumina sequencers (NEB, catalog #E7530L), and a unique 6-nucleotide index was incorporated to each library (NEB, catalog #E7335S, E7500S). The concentration of each cDNA library was estimated with qPCR using Illumina sequencing primers (KAPA Biosystems catalog # KK4835), and average fragment length was determined with a bioanalzyer high sensitivity DNA chip (Agilent Technologies, catalog #5076-4626). 12nM of each cDNA library was pooled into one of three cDNA library pools. Each of the three cDNA pools underwent additional quality control analysis via bioanalyzer and KAPA-PCR. 10pM of each cDNA library pool was sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2500