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SRX23727433: GSM8102190: HC_M1P1_A23; Mus musculus; RNA-Seq
2 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) runs: 1.2M spots, 243.5M bases, 91.8Mb downloads

External Id: GSM8102190_r1
Submitted by: Stanford University
Study: Single cell RNAseq of brian cells in the cortical amygdala with social transmitted food memory
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Social communication guides decision making that is essential for survival. Social transmission of food preference (STFP) is an ecologically relevant memory paradigm in which an animal learns a desirable food odor from other animals in a social context. How food-preference memory is acquired, consolidated, and stored is unclear. Here, we identify a circuit involving the posteromedial nucleus of the cortical amygdala (COApm) as a computational center that integrates social and sensory olfactory inputs for long-term STFP memory consolidation. Blocking synaptic signaling by the COApm circuit selectively abolished STFP memory consolidation without impairing memory acquisition, storage, or recall. STFP memory consolidation by the COApm depends on synaptic inputs from the accessory olfactory bulb and on synaptic outputs to the anterior olfactory nucleus and requires protein synthesis, suggesting a gene expression mechanism. Deep single-cell and spatial transcriptomics revealed robust but distinct gene expression signatures induced by STFP memory formation in the COApm consistent with synapse restructuring. Our data thus define a neural circuit for consolidation of a socially communicated long-term memory, thereby mechanistically distinguishing protein synthesis-dependent memory consolidation from memory acquisition, storage, or retrieval. Overall design: To study the molecular and cellular basis of memory consolidation, we applied social transmitted food memory paradigm on C57BL/6J mice with tdTomato-expressing retro AAVs injected into the accessory Olfactory bulb and performed single cell RNAseq for the posteromedial nucleus of the cortical amygdala.
Sample: HC_M1P1_A23
SAMN40093571 • SRS20557104 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Name: GSM8102190
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: OligodT primers were used to enrich mRNA Brain tissues were dissociated with Worthington Papain Digestion Kit RNA libraries were prepared using smart seq 2
Runs: 2 runs, 1.2M spots, 243.5M bases, 91.8Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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