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SRX21970404: GSM7818375: 1008064_day -1; Sus scrofa; miRNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (NextSeq 500) run: 3M spots, 155M bases, 105.8Mb downloads

External Id: GSM7818375_r1
Submitted by: Medical Readiness Systems Biology, WRAIR
Study: Early to Sustained Impacts of Lethal Radiation on Circulating miRNAs in a Minipig Model
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Early diagnosis of lethal radiation is imperative since its intervention time windows are considerably short. Hence, ideal diagnostic candidates of radiation should be easily accessible, enable to inform about the stress history and objectively triage subjects in a time-efficient manner. Therefore, the small molecules such as metabolites and microRNAs (miRNAs) from plasma are legitimate biomarker candidate for lethal radiation. Our objectives were to comprehend the radiation-driven molecular pathogenesis and thereby determine biomarkers of translational potential. We investigated an established minipig model of LD70/45 total body irradiation (TBI). In this pilot study, plasma was collected pre-TBI and at multiple time points, post-TBI. The majority of differentially expressed miRNAs and metabolites were perturbed immediately after TBI that potentially underlined the severity of its acute impact. The integrative network analysis of miRNA and metabolites showed a cohesive response; the early and consistent perturbations of networks were linked to cancer and the shift in musculoskeletal atrophy synchronized with the comorbidity-networks associated with inflammation and bioenergy synthesis. Subsequent comparative pipeline delivered 92 miRNAs, which demonstrated sequential homology between human and minipig, and potentially similar responses to lethal radiation across these two species. This panel promised to retrospectively inform the time since the radiation occurred; thereby could facilitate knowledge-driven intervention. Overall design: 30 pigs at different time points after radiation.
Sample: 1008064_day -1
SAMN37650371 • SRS19046413 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Sus scrofa
Name: GSM7818375
Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: miRNA-Seq
Selection: size fractionation
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Blood samples were taken from the animals and centrifuged to obtain plasma TruSeq small RNA Sample Preparation kit was used for library construction
Runs: 1 run, 3M spots, 155M bases, 105.8Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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