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SRX21663312: GSM7766607: Otof_het_Rep2; Mus musculus; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) run: 40.8M spots, 12.2G bases, 3.7Gb downloads

External Id: GSM7766607_r1
Submitted by: UMRS 974, Centre de Recherche de Myologie, Sorbonne Universite
Study: The upregulation of K+ and HCN channels in developing spiral ganglion neurons is mediated by cochlear inner hair cells
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Spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are primary sensory afferent neurons that relay acoustic information from the cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs) to the brainstem. The response properties of different SGNs diverge to represent a wide range of sound intensities in an action-potential code. This biophysical heterogeneity is established during pre-hearing stages of development, a time when IHCs fire spontaneous Ca2+ action potentials that drive glutamate release from their ribbon synapses onto the SGN terminals. The role of spontaneous IHC activity in the refinement of SGN characteristics is still largely unknown. Using pre-hearing otoferlin knockout mice (Otof-/-), in which Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in IHCs is abolished, we found that developing SGNs fail to upregulate low-voltage-activated K+-channels and hyperpolarisation-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels. This delayed maturation resulted in hyperexcitable SGNs with immature firing characteristics. We have also shown that SGNs that synapse with the pillar side of the IHCs selectively express a resurgent K+ current, highlighting a novel biophysical marker for these neurons. RNA-sequencing showed that several K+ channels are downregulated in Otof-/- mice, further supporting the electrophysiological recordings. Our data demonstrate that spontaneous Ca2+-dependent activity in pre-hearing IHCs regulates some of the key biophysical and molecular features of the developing SGNs. KEY POINTS: Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in inner hair cells (IHCs) is otoferlin-dependent as early as postnatal day 1. A lack of otoferlin in IHCs affects potassium channel expression in SGNs. The absence of otoferlin is associated with SGN hyperexcitability. We propose that type I spiral ganglion neuron functional maturation depends on IHC exocytosis. Overall design: Cochlear Tissue was dissected from heterzygous and homozygous otof KO mice and submitted for RNA-sequencing. Both pairs of cochleas from 2-3 P7 pups were pooled for each genotype. (n=2 pools per genotype). Sampels were dissected in the same manner as used for all patching experiments. RNA-seq data was analyzed using the nf-core pipeline and differential expression testing was performed using DeSEQ2.
Sample: Otof_het_Rep2
SAMN37316921 • SRS18828651 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Name: GSM7766607
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: cochlear tissues were homogenized with Qiagen's RLT buffer using a plastic homogenizer and RNA eas extracted using the Qiagen microRNAeasy column. Samples were tested for a RIN values >9 before sequencing. mRNA was purfied using poly-T olgio attached magentic beads. After fragmentation, the frist strand cDNA was synthesized usign random hexamer primers, followed by second stand cDNA synthesis using dTTP primers. End repari, A-tailing was reported, before adapter ligation and size seldction.
Runs: 1 run, 40.8M spots, 12.2G bases, 3.7Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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