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SRX20980260: GSM7593931: XL177, Smc3 ChIP-Seq; Xenopus laevis; ChIP-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2500) run: 35.7M spots, 1.8G bases, 647.3Mb downloads

External Id: GSM7593931_r1
Submitted by: Jan-Michael Peters' Lab, IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology
Study: Cohesin and CTCF do not assemble TADs in Xenopus sperm and male pronuclei
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Paternal genomes are compacted during spermiogenesis and de-compacted following fertilization. These processes are fundamental for inheritance but incompletely understood. We analyzed these processes in the frog Xenopus laevis, whose sperm can be assembled into functional pronuclei in egg extracts in vitro. In such extracts, cohesin extrudes DNA into loops, but in vivo cohesin only assembles topologically-associating domains (TADs) at the mid-blastula transition (MBT). Why cohesin assembles TADs only at this stage is unknown. We first analyzed genome architecture in frog sperm and compared it to human and mouse. Our results indicate that sperm genome organization is conserved between frogs and humans and occurs without formation of TADs. TADs can be detected in mouse sperm samples, as reported, but these structures might originate from somatic chromatin contaminations. We therefore discuss the possibility that the absence of TADs might be a general feature of vertebrate sperm. To analyze sperm genome remodeling upon fertilization, we reconstituted male pronuclei in Xenopus egg extracts. In pronuclei, chromatin compartmentalization increases but cohesin does not accumulate at CTCF sites and assemble TADs. However, if pronuclei are formed in the presence of exogenous CTCF, CTCF binds to its consensus sites, cohesin accumulates at these and forms short-range chromatin loops, which are preferentially anchored at CTCF's N-terminus. These results indicate that TADs are only assembled at MBT because before this stage CTCF sites are not occupied and cohesin only forms short-range chromatin loops. Overall design: Chromatin immunoprecipitation DNA sequencing (ChIP-Seq) with antibodies against Smc3 and CTCF in pronuclei generated by incubating de-membranated Xenopus laevis sperm in Xenopus egg extract and Xenopus laevis XL177 cells.
Sample: XL177, Smc3 ChIP-Seq
SAMN36405530 • SRS18256241 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Xenopus laevis
Name: GSM7593931
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: ChIP-Seq
Selection: ChIP
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Samples were crosslinked with 1% formaldehyde for 10 minutes at room temperature. After quenching with glycine and cell lysis with SDS, chromatin was sonicated using a Bioruptor sonication device. ChIP was performed as previously described (Wendt et al., Nature 2008), and the following antibodies were used: anti-Smc3 (Bethyl, A300-060A), anti-CTCF (Millipore, 07-729). The DNA samples were submitted for library preparation and Illumina deep sequencing on HiSeq 2500 SR50 to the Next Generation Sequencing Facility at Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities (VBCF), member of the Vienna BioCenter (VBC), Austria.
Runs: 1 run, 35.7M spots, 1.8G bases, 647.3Mb
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