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SRX19004214: GSM6923621: gdTcells, HTO-derived library parabiosis_circulating_p2_1_1_HTO; Mus musculus; OTHER
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) run: 41.4M spots, 12.4G bases, 3.8Gb downloads

External Id: GSM6923621_r1
Submitted by: Sagar, Department of Internal Medicine II, University Medical Center Freiburg
Study: Multimodal profiling reveals site-specific adaptation and tissue residency hallmarks of ?d T cells across organs in mice
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?d T cells perform heterogeneous functions in homeostasis and disease across tissues. However, it is unclear whether these roles correspond to distinct ?d subsets or to a homogeneous population of cells exerting context-dependent functions. Here, by cross-organ multimodal single-cell profiling, we reveal that various mouse tissues harbor unique site-adapted ?d subsets. Epidermal and intestinal intraepithelial ?d T cells are transcriptionally homogeneous and exhibit epigenetic hallmarks of functional diversity. Through parabiosis experiments, we uncovered cellular states associated with cytotoxicity, innate-like rapid IFN-? production and tissue repair functions displaying tissue residency hallmarks. Notably, our observations nuance the link between IL-17-producing ?d T cells and tissue residency. Moreover, transcriptional programs associated with tissue-resident ?d T cells are analogous to those of CD8+ tissue-resident memory T cells. Altogether, this study provides the first multimodal landscape of tissue-adapted ?d T cells, revealing heterogeneity, lineage relationships and their tissue residency program. Overall design: To identify and compare various subsets of ?d T cells present across different tissues, we took a single-cell multimodal approach and sorted gd T cells from lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lung, skin, small and large intestine using flow cytometry. Sorted cells were subjected to single-cell sequencing using two different approaches. In the first approach, ?d T cells from different organs were barcoded with distinct oligonucleotide-conjugated antibodies as well as 26 other antibodies. The transcriptomes and epitopes were simultaneously profiled using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and TotalSeq, respectively. In the second approach, simultaneous single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) and assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing (scATAC-seq) were performed on pooled ?d T cells from different organs without sample barcoding. Furthermore, simultaneous profiling of RNA and gamma delta T cell receptor (TCR) profiling was also performed at a single-cell resolution.
Sample: gdTcells, HTO-derived library parabiosis_circulating_p2_1_1_HTO
SAMN32678401 • SRS16424115 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Name: GSM6923621
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: OTHER
Selection: other
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Living TCRgd+ single gd T cells from different organs were baroded using hashtag oligos and were FACS sorted in BSA-coated tubes containing 50 µl of PBS. Using pulse geometry gates (FSC‐W × FSC‐H and SSC‐W × SSC‐H), doublets/multiplets will be excluded. After the completion of sorting, the cells will be processed through the different 10x Genomics workflows. Single-cell RNA sequencing was performed using 10x Genomics with feature barcoding technology to multiplex cell samples from different organs so that they can be loaded on one well to reduce costs and minimize technical variability. Hashtag oligos were obtained as purified and already oligo-conjugated in TotalSeq-B (3' chemistry) and TotalSeq-C (5' chemistry) formats from BioLegend. Cells were stained with barcoded antibodies together with the staining solution prior to FACS sorting. Sorted cells were processed through 10x Genomics single-cell 3' or V(D)J workflow according to the manufacturer's instructions. Libraries were pooled to desired quantities to obtain appropriate sequencing depths as recommended by 10x Genomics and sequenced on a NovaSeq 6000 flow cell. To profile gd T cells using antibodies for the quantification of cell surface proteins on a single-cell level, following antibodies were obtained as purified, oligo-conjugated TotalSeq-B reagents from BioLegend - CCR6, NKp46, CD117, KLRG1, CCR7, CD8a, CD5, CD122 (IL-2Rβ), CD127 (IL-7Rα), CD278 (ICOS), Ly-6A/E (Sca-1), CD69, CD44, CD27, CD24, CD62L, CD25, NK-1.1, CD4, CCR2, TCR Vg2, TCRb, CD11c, CD19, GR-1 and CSF1R. Cells were stained with barcoded antibodies together with the staining solution prior to FACS sorting as described above. Antibody concentrations were again 1 µg per million cells, as recommended by the manufacturer (BioLegend) for flow cytometry applications. Sorted gd T cells were processed through 10x Genomics 3' workflow according to the manufacturer's instructions. Libraries were pooled in desired ratio together with the gene expression libraries to obtain appropriate sequencing depths as recommended by 10x Genomics and sequenced on a NovaSeq 6000 flow cell. To perform simultaneous measurement of chromatin accessibility and gene expression, we could not barcode different organs with hashtag oligos and hence, after sorting gd T cells from different tissues, we pooled them to obtain enough cells to perform the nuclei extraction according to 10x Genomics protocol. Thereafter, single nuclei were processed through Chromium Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression workflow and processed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Gene expression and chromatin accessibility libraries were sequenced to obtain appropriate sequencing depths as recommended by 10x Genomics using Illumina NovaSeq 6000 system.
Runs: 1 run, 41.4M spots, 12.4G bases, 3.8Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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