Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: Bisulfite-Seq
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Genomic DNA was isolated from rosette leaves using a Wizard Genomic DNA Purification kit A1120 (Promega, USA). The procedure involves lysis of isolated nuclei, RNase digestion, protein precipitation, centrifugation, precipitation of DNA from the supernatant using isopropanol, followed by a wash step with 70% ethanol. After pelleting the precipitated DNA by centrifugation, it was dried under a vacuum and rehydrated in sterile nuclease free water. genomic DNA was sheared by sonication to generate DNA fragments in the 100-300 bp size range. Bisulfite treatment and library preparation were carried out as described (Feng et al. 2011), except that the EpiTect Fast kit (QIAGEN) was utilized for bisulfite treatment. The resulting libraries were sequenced with Illumina sequencing technology (Illumna NextSeq500 sequencer).