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SRX13934449: GSM5838030: NKO mice_snRNA-seq_WT_male rep2; Mus musculus; RNA-Seq
5 DNBSEQ (DNBSEQ-T7) runs: 1.5G spots, 81.6G bases, 46.3Gb downloads

External Id: GSM5838030_r1
Submitted by: Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Study: Hierarchical deployment of Tbx3 dictating the identity of hypothalamic Tac2/Kiss1 neurons
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To investigate how Tbx3 regulates the fate determination of arcuate piptidergic neruons, we performed scRNA-seq, snRNA-seq and CUT&Tag to reveal the function of Tbx3 in fate specification and maintenance of neurons Overall design: Lineage tracing experiment: scRNA-seq of Tbx3-CreER::Ai14 mice (E9 > P14); Tbx3 knockout experiment: scRNA-seq and snRNA-seq of Nkx2.1-Cre::Tbx3 (Flox/Flox) mice and its littermate control (P14); CUT&Tag experiment: Nkx2.1-Cre::Tbx3 (Flox/Flox) mice and its littermate control (P0) Please note that NKO mice is a conditional knockout mice strain that lacking the expression of Tbx3 in hypothalamus and, like the input sample, peak-calling was performed based on reads of the blank control (NKO mice) in the experiment of CUT&Tag. Therefore no processed data was provided for both 'NKO mice_CUT&Tag_WT_input' and 'NKO mice_CUT&Tag_NKO_Ab' samples.
Sample: NKO mice_snRNA-seq_WT_male rep2
SAMN25284862 • SRS11778418 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Name: GSM5838030
Instrument: DNBSEQ-T7
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Lineage tracing experiment: Hypothalamus were dissected from Tbx3-CreER::Ai14 mice (E9 > P12). Then Tbx3-derived cells were isolated by FACS and sequenced by scRNA-seq. Tbx3 knockout experiment: Tuberal and mammillary zones of hypothalamus were dissected from NKO mice and its littermate control. Then tissue were dissociated into single cell for scRNA-seq, or were ground to power to extract the nuclei for snRNA-seq. CUT&Tag experiment: Hypothalamus were dissected from NKO mice and its littermate control and ground to power to extract the nuclei for CUT&Tag. We took advantage of DNBSEQTM technology platforms (BGI Genomics, China) and DNBelab C4 Single-Cell Library Prep Set (MGI, #1000021082) for single-nucleus RNA library preparation. And we followed the manufacturer's recommendations for the 10x Genomics 3' Gene Expression v3 chemistry to prepare single-cell RNA library. For CUT&Tag library, DNA samples were processed with TruePrep DNA Library Prep kit (Vazyme; #TD501-01) according to manufacturer's instructions.
Runs: 5 runs, 1.5G spots, 81.6G bases, 46.3Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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