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SRX13323447: GSM5718471: DKO BR1; Mus musculus; OTHER
1 ILLUMINA (HiSeq X Ten) run: 7.2M spots, 2.2G bases, 697.5Mb downloads

External Id: GSM5718471_r1
Submitted by: Center for Computational Biology, Flatiron Institute
Study: TET proteins regulate T cell and iNKT cell lineage specification in a TET2 catalytic dependent manner [CATCH-SEQ]
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TET proteins mediate DNA demethylation by oxidizing 5-methylcytosine to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) and other oxidative derivatives. We have previously demonstrated a dynamic enrichment of 5hmC during T and invariant natural killer T cell lineage specification. Here, we investigate shared signatures in gene expression of Tet2/3 DKO CD4 single positive (SP) and iNKT cells in the thymus. We discover that TET proteins exert a fundamental role in regulating the expression of the lineage specifying factor Th-POK, which is encoded by Zbtb7b. We demonstrate that TET proteins mediate DNA demethylation - surrounding a proximal enhancer, critical for the intensity of Th-POK expression. In addition, TET proteins drive the DNA demethylation of site A at the Zbtb7b locus to facilitate GATA3 binding. GATA3 induces Th-POK expression in CD4 SP cells. Finally, by introducing a novel mouse model that lacks TET3 and expresses full length, catalytically inactive TET2, we establish a causal link between TET2 catalytic activity and lineage specification of both conventional and unconventional T cells. Overall design: We compared the methylation status across the Zbtb7b locus, that encodes for Th-POK, in CD4 SP cells isolated from 4 control (wt), 3 Tet2-/-Tet3flx/flxCD4 cre (DKO) mice and 1 Tet2CDTet3flx/flxCD4 cre (TET2CDTET3KO) mouse by using CATCHseq
Sample: DKO BR1
SAMN23673933 • SRS11231031 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Name: GSM5718471
Instrument: HiSeq X Ten
Strategy: OTHER
Selection: other
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Cells were lysed using Purelink genomic DNA mini kit (invitrogen). DNA was isolated following the manufacturer's instructions and was eluted in 50 ul molecular biology grade water. A minimum of 1.1 ug of DNA was provided to Biodynami (Huntsville, Alabama) for bisulfite conversion, capture of the murine Zbtb7b locus and upstream region, library preparation and next generation sequencing. Biodynami NGS DNA library prep kit (cat no 30023) was used and methylated adapters were utilized. Bisulfite conversion of genomic DNA was performed with the epitect Bisulfite kit (Qiagen, catalogue number 59104). For the capture of the mm10 chromosome 3: 89,373,714-89,397,292 a Biodynami Custom Capture kit was developed and used.
Runs: 1 run, 7.2M spots, 2.2G bases, 697.5Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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