show Abstracthide AbstractViruses were collected from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts (originally collected at 21.434025, -157.787822 between February 23-25, 2006) taken from a reduced pH stressor experiment that consisted of 5 liters of seawater with molecular grade HCl added to a final pH 6.8 that was changed every 24 hours. Metagenome consisted of 36 amplified coral viral DNA samples that were collected at 1 (n=9), 4 (n=9), 16 (n=9), and 64 (n=9) hours during the experiment. DNA samples were pooled in equal amounts for sequencing at 454 Life Sciences. 454 sequence data is available from the Short Read Archive (SRA): <a href=" ">SRA000450</a>. Metagenomic SEED ID: 4440371.3 Nature paper ID: 60 The WGS project can be found using the Project data link.