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SRX17778351: WGBS of Parus major females
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) run: 214.9M spots, 64G bases, 21.6Gb downloads

Design: The preparation and sequencing of whole-genome bisulfite libraries of the four samples used in this study was performed by the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Centre (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) together with the other samples of the experiment (see above). Shotgun genomic libraries (with read length of 150 nucleotides) were prepared with the Hyper Library construction kit from kapa Biosystems (Roche) and treated with the EZ DNA Methylation Lightning kit from Zymo Research. Libraries were pooled, quantitated by qPCR and each pool was sequenced for 151 cycles from both ends of the fragments (i.e. paired-end) on a S4 flow cell using a NovaSeq 6000. Samples selected for this study were sequenced on the same lane. Because WGBS data showed high duplication rates (Table S2), library preparation and sequencing were performed twice for all samples and data from both runs were merged. See Table S2 for unique read counts per sample and run.
Submitted by: Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) (NIOO-KNAW)
Study: Parus major Genome sequencing and assembly
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Seasonal timing is a key life-history trait with major fitness consequences. The small songbird Parus major (great tit) for decades has been a model to study fitness traits like e.g. avian timing of reproduction. The research is closely linked to the impact of global climate change on timing and its consequences. Linking quantitative genetic variation in life-history traits with polymorphisms in specific genes is essential for better understanding the causes and consequences of the diversity in these traits. Genetic variation in life-history traits in wild songbirds has been demonstrated in many, often long-term, studies throughout the world. Linking this variation to genomic information requires the development of the necessary genomics tools specifically aimed at these non-model species. The assembly and annotation of the genome of the great tit will greatly enhance the further use of the great tit as a model species in this research field.
Sample: WGBS of early F3 female (biological replicate 3)
SAMN31133211 • SRS15304542 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Parus major
Name: Indiv3_run1
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: Bisulfite-Seq
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 214.9M spots, 64G bases, 21.6Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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