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Lewis-Fernández R. The proposed DSM-IV trance and possession disorder category: Potential benefits and risks. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review. 1992; 29(4):301-317. doi: 10.1177/136346159202900403.
Lewis-Fernández R. Culture and dissociation: A comparison of Ataque de nervios among Puerto Ricans and `Possession Syndrome' in India Spiegel D ed. Dissociation: Culture, Mind and Body. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 1994. 123-167p.
Lewis-Fernández R, Kleinman A. Culture, personality, and psychopathology. J Abnorm Psychol. 1994 Feb;103(1):67-71. doi: 10.1037//0021-843x.103.1.67. Review. PubMed PMID: 8040483.
Lewis-Fernández R. Puerto Rico, los nervios, y `la nueva psiquiatría transcultural, Parte I' [Puerto Rico, nerves, and ‘the new cross-cultural psychiatry, Part I’]. Revista de Siquiatría. 1995; 2(6):133-144.
Lewis-Fernández R. Puerto Rico, los nervios, y `la nueva psiquiatría transcultural, Parte II' [Puerto Rico, nerves, and ‘the new cross-cultural psychiatry, Part II’]. Revista de Siquiatría. 1995; 2(6):21-24.
Lewis-Fernández R, Kleinman A. Cultural psychiatry. Theoretical, clinical, and research issues. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 1995 Sep;18(3):433-48. Review. PubMed PMID: 8545260.
Cardena E, Lewis-Fernandez R, Bear D, Pakianathan I, Spiegel D. Dissociative Disorders Widiger TA, Frances AL, Pincus HA, Ross R, First MB, and Wakefield Davis W ed. DSM-IV Sourcebook, Volume 2. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 1996. 973-1005p.
Lewis-Fernández R. Cultural formulation of psychiatric diagnosis. Case No. 02. Diagnosis and treatment of Nervios and Ataques in a female Puerto Rican migrant. Cult Med Psychiatry. 1996 Jun;20(2):155-63. doi: 10.1007/BF00115860. PubMed PMID: 8853964.
Lewis-Fernández R, Nunez-Molina M. Hacia una interpretación psico-antropológica del espiritismo puertorriqueño [Towards an anthropological interpretation of Puerto Rican spiritism] Poveda JM ed. Chamanismo: El Arte Natural de Curar. Madrid: Editorial Planeta; 1997. 336-356p.
Mezzich J, Lewis-Fernandez R. Cultural considerations in psychopathology Tasman A, Kay J, Lieberman JA ed. Psychiatry. Philadelphia: Saunders, Vol. I; 1997. 563-571p.
Gonzalez C, Lewis-Fernandez R, Griffith E, Littlewood R, Castillo R. Cultural considerations regarding the Dissociative Disorders Widiger TA, Frances AJ, Pincus HA, Ross R, First MB, and Wakefield Davis W ed. DSM-IV Sourcebook, Volume 3. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 1997. 943-949p.
Canino G, Lewis-Fernandez R, Bravo M. Methodological challenges in cross-cultural mental health research. Transcultural psychiatry. 1997 June; 34(2):163-184. doi: 10.1177/136346159703400201.
Lewis-Fernández R. The proposed DSM-IV Trance and Possession Disorder category: Potential benefits and risks Castillo RJ ed. Meanings of Madness. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole; 1998. 234-240p.
Lewis-Fernández R. ‘Eso no estaba en mí... no pude controlarme’: El control, la identidad y las emociones en comunidades puertorriqueñas [‘That was not in me...I could not control myself’: Control, identity, and emotion in Puerto Rican communities]. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. 1998; 4:268-299.
Lewis-Fernandez R. A cultural critique of the DSM-IV dissociative disorders section. Transcultural psychiatry. 1998 September; 35(3):387-400. doi: 10.1177/136346159803500305.
Canino G, Bravo M, Ramírez R, Febo VE, Rubio-Stipec M, Fernández RL, Hasin D. The Spanish Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule (AUDADIS): reliability and concordance with clinical diagnoses in a Hispanic population. J Stud Alcohol. 1999 Nov;60(6):790-9. doi: 10.15288/jsa.1999.60.790. PubMed PMID: 10606491.
Lewis-Fernández R. Book review of Cross-Cultural Practice: Assessment, Treatment and Training by S. Gopaul-McNicol and J. Brice-Baker. The American journal of psychiatry. 2000; 157:844-845.
Alarcon R, Lewis-Fernández R. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de entidades psicopatológicas desde la perspectiva cultural [Diagnosis and treatment of psychopathological conditions from a cultural perspective]. Monografías de Psiquiatría. 2000; 12:9-17.
Lewis-Fernández R, Tun H, Reyes F, Sanchez-Lacay A. ‘Los síndromes dependientes de la cultura’: Un dilema nosológico recurrente en la psiquiatría cultural [‘Culture-bound syndromes’: A recurring diagnostic dilemma in cultural psychiatry]. Monografías de Psiquiatría. 2000; 12:24-29.
Carcamo J, Lewis-Fernández R, Marshall R. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A case presentation. The Economics of Neuroscience. 2001; 3:46-48.
Sánchez-Lacay JA, Lewis-Fernández R, Goetz D, Blanco C, Salmán E, Davies S, Liebowitz M. Open trial of nefazodone among Hispanics with major depression: efficacy, tolerability, and adherence issues. Depress Anxiety. 2001;13(3):118-24. doi: 10.1002/da.1027. PubMed PMID: 11387731.
Laria AJ, Lewis-Fernández R. The professional fragmentation of experience in the study of dissociation, somatization, and culture. Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD). 2001; 2(3):17-46. doi: 10.1300/J229v02n03_03.
Carcamo J, Lewis-Fernández R, Marshall R. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A case presentation. The Economics of Neuroscience. 2001; 3:46-48.
Lewis-Fernández R, Díaz N. The cultural formulation: a method for assessing cultural factors affecting the clinical encounter. Psychiatr Q. 2002 Winter;73(4):271-95. doi: 10.1023/a:1020412000183. PubMed PMID: 12418357.
Carcamo J, Sanchez-Lacay A, Lewis-Fernández R. El impacto psicológico de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en la Ciudad de Nueva York: El Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático y la recuperación de una ciudad traumatizada [The psychological impact of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 in New York City: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and the recovery of a traumatized city]. Revista Chilena de Psiquiatría. 2002; 40:86-96.
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry Committee on Cultural Psychiatry (including R. Lewis-Fernández) Cultural Assessment in Clinical Psychiatry. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2002.
Lewis-Fernández R, Guarnaccia PJ, Martínez IE, Salmán E, Schmidt A, Liebowitz M. Comparative phenomenology of ataques de nervios, panic attacks, and panic disorder. Cult Med Psychiatry. 2002 Jun;26(2):199-223. doi: 10.1023/a:1016349624867. PubMed PMID: 12211325.
Olfson M, Lewis-Fernández R, Weissman MM, Feder A, Gameroff MJ, Pilowsky D, Fuentes M. Psychotic symptoms in an urban general medicine practice. Am J Psychiatry. 2002 Aug;159(8):1412-9. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.159.8.1412. PubMed PMID: 12153836.
Lewis-Fernández R, Garrido-Castillo P, Bennasar MC, Parrilla EM, Laria AJ, Ma G, Petkova E. Dissociation, childhood trauma, and ataque de nervios among Puerto Rican psychiatric outpatients. Am J Psychiatry. 2002 Sep;159(9):1603-5. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.159.9.1603. PubMed PMID: 12202287.
Schneier FR, Blanco C, Campeas R, Lewis-Fernandez R, Lin SH, Marshall R, Schmidt AB, Sanchez-Lacay JA, Simpson HB, Liebowitz MR. Citalopram treatment of social anxiety disorder with comorbid major depression. Depress Anxiety. 2003;17(4):191-6. doi: 10.1002/da.10112. PubMed PMID: 12820174.
Mezzich J, Lewis-Fernandez R, Ruiperez M. The Cultural Framework of Psychiatric Disorders in Tasman A, Kay J, and Lieberman JA ed. Psychiatry, Second Edition. Philadelphia: Saunders, Vol. I; 2003. 645-655p.
Guarnaccia PJ, Lewis-Fernández R, Marano MR. Toward a Puerto Rican popular nosology: nervios and ataque de nervios. Cult Med Psychiatry. 2003 Sep;27(3):339-66. doi: 10.1023/a:1025303315932. PubMed PMID: 14510098.
Dohrenwend BP, Neria Y, Turner JB, Turse N, Marshall R, Lewis-Fernandez R, Koenen KC. Positive tertiary appraisals and posttraumatic stress disorder in U.S. male veterans of the war in Vietnam: the roles of positive affirmation, positive reformulation, and defensive denial. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2004 Jun;72(3):417-33. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.72.3.417. PubMed PMID: 15279526.
Blanco C, Goodwin RD, Liebowitz MR, Schmidt AB, Lewis-Fernández R, Olfson M. Use of psychotropic medications for patients with office visits who receive a diagnosis of panic disorder. Med Care. 2004 Dec;42(12):1242-6. doi: 10.1097/00005650-200412000-00011. PubMed PMID: 15550804.
Laria A, Lewis-Fernandez R. Psiquiatría y cultura [Psychiatry and culture] in Alarcón RD, Mazzotti G and Nicolini H ed. Psiquiatría [Psychiatry]. Mexico DF: El Manual Moderno; 2005. 975-982p.
Lewis-Fernández R, Guarnaccia P, Patel S, Lizardi D, Diaz N. Ataque de nervios: Anthropological, epidemiological, and clinical dimensions of a cultural syndrome in Georgiopoulos AM and Rosenbaum JF ed. Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Psychiatry. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2005. 63-85p.
Lewis-Fernández R, Das AK, Alfonso C, Weissman MM, Olfson M. Depression in US Hispanics: diagnostic and management considerations in family practice. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2005 Jul-Aug;18(4):282-96. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.18.4.282. Review. PubMed PMID: 15994474.
Laria A, Lewis-Fernandez R. Issues in the assessment and treatment of Latino patients in Lim R ed. Clinical Manual of Cultural Psychiatry: A Handbook for Working with Diverse Patients. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Press; 2006. 119-173p.
Febo V, Guarnaccia P, Shrout P, Lewis-Fernández R, Ramírez R, Canino G. A quantitative analysis of ataque de nervios in Puerto Rico: Further examination of a cultural syndrome. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 2006; 28:313-330.
Marshall RD, Turner JB, Lewis-Fernandez R, Koenan K, Neria Y, Dohrenwend BP. Symptom patterns associated with chronic PTSD in male veterans: new findings from the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2006 Apr;194(4):275-8. doi: 10.1097/01.nmd.0000207363.25750.56. PubMed PMID: 16614549.
Carrión-Baralt JR, Smith CJ, Rossy-Fullana E, Lewis-Fernández R, Davis KL, Silverman JM. Seasonality effects on schizophrenic births in multiplex families in a tropical island. Psychiatry Res. 2006 May 30;142(1):93-7. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2004.04.017. Epub 2006 Mar 3. PubMed PMID: 16516305.
Lewis-Fernández R, Blanco C, Mallinckrodt CH, Wohlreich MM, Watkin JG, Plewes JM. Duloxetine in the treatment of major depressive disorder: comparisons of safety and efficacy in U.S. Hispanic and majority Caucasian patients. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006 Sep;67(9):1379-90. doi: 10.4088/jcp.v67n0908. PubMed PMID: 17017824.
Marshall RD, Lewis-Fernandez R, Blanco C, Simpson HB, Lin SH, Vermes D, Garcia W, Schneier F, Neria Y, Sanchez-Lacay A, Liebowitz MR. A controlled trial of paroxetine for chronic PTSD, dissociation, and interpersonal problems in mostly minority adults. Depress Anxiety. 2007;24(2):77-84. doi: 10.1002/da.20176. PubMed PMID: 16892419.
Guarnaccia PJ, Pincay IM, Alegria M, Shrout P, Lewis-Fernandez R, Canino G. Assessing Diversity among Latinos: Results from the NLAAS. Hisp J Behav Sci. 2007;29(4):510-534. doi: 10.1177/0739986307308110. PubMed PMID: 19672330; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2724019.
Lewis-Fernández R, Martinez-Taboas A, Sar V, Patel S, Boatin A. The cross-cultural assessment of dissociation in Wilson JP and Tang C ed. The Cross-Cultural Assessment of Psychological Trauma and PTSD. New York: Springer; 2007. 279-317p.
Vega WA, Karno M, Alegria M, Alvidrez J, Bernal G, Escamilla M, Escobar J, Guarnaccia P, Jenkins J, Kopelowicz A, Lagomasino IT, Lewis-Fernandez R, Marin H, Lopez S, Loue S. Research issues for improving treatment of U.S. Hispanics with persistent mental disorders. Psychiatr Serv. 2007 Mar;58(3):385-94. doi: 10.1176/ps.2007.58.3.385. PubMed PMID: 17325113; NIHMSID:NIHMS188084.
Becker AE, Guarnaccia PJ, Dumit J, Lewis-Fernández R. The end of an era. Cult Med Psychiatry. 2007 Jun;31(2):127-9. doi: 10.1007/s11013-007-9051-5. PubMed PMID: 17588198.
Blanco C, Patel SR, Liu L, Jiang H, Lewis-Fernández R, Schmidt AB, Liebowitz MR, Olfson M. National trends in ethnic disparities in mental health care. Med Care. 2007 Nov;45(11):1012-9. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0b013e3180ca95d3. PubMed PMID: 18049340.
Lewis-Fernández R. Prólogo [Prologue] in Caballero Martínez L, Lewis-Fernández R ed. Formulación y abordaje cultural de casos psiquiátricos [Cultural formulation and management of psychiatric cases]. Madrid: Luzán; 2008. 7-8p.
Martinez Caballero L, Lewis-Fernandez R. Formulación y abordaje cultural de casos psiquiátricos [Cultural formulation and management of psychiatric cases] Madrid: Luzán; 2008.
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