M.1.8Pharmacological interventions (Duration)

PaperReason for exclusion
ABURAHMA 19987Incorrect study design - not RCT
LOCADIA 2003256Does not meet review protocol - based on Koopman 1996 (initial therapy)
OST 2005302Incorrect study design – non systematic review and does not meet our review protocol
PINEDE 2000A329Incorrect study design – non systematic review and does not meet our review protocol
PINEDE 2001A330Fluindione not licensed in UK
SCHULMAN 1995379Does not meet review protocol - PE/Prox DVT only given 6/52 anticoagulation

From: Appendix M, Excluded studies

Cover of Venous Thromboembolic Diseases
Venous Thromboembolic Diseases: The Management of Venous Thromboembolic Diseases and the Role of Thrombophilia Testing [Internet].
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 144.
National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK).
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