Table 7.46Symptoms: pain

Pain outcomeReferenceInterventionAssessment timeOutcome/effect size
Knee osteoarthritis
Pain (SDS), mean change after treatment1 RCT (Algozzine et al. 1982) (N=26)Trolamine salicylate vs placebo7 daysNS
Pain (NRS), mean change after treatment1 RCT (Algozzine et al. 1982) (N=26)Trolamine salicylate vs placebo7 daysNS
Pain intensity (1–5 scale)1 RCT (Rothacker et al. 1998) (N=86)Trolamine salicylate vs placebo45 minutes post-treatment.Right hand: p=0.04
Both hands averaged: p=0.026
Dominant hand: p=0.02
Pain severity (change from baseline1 RCT (Rothacker et al. 1994) (N=50)Trolamine salicylate vs placebo0, 15, 20, 30, 45 and 120 minutes after treatmentNS
Pain intensity (change from baseline)1 RCT (Rothacker et al. 1998) (N=86)Trolamine salicylate vs placeboPooled for 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 120 minutes post-interventionNS
Pain intensity (1–5 scale)1 RCT (Rothacker et al. 1998) (N=86)Trolamine salicylate vs placebo30 minutes and 120 minutes post-interventionNS
Pain intensity (1–5 scale) in the left hand1 RCT (Rothacker et al. 1998) (N=86)Trolamine salicylate vs placebo45 minutes post-intervention.NS
Mixed (knee and/or hip)
Pain at rest, VAS (change from baseline)One RCT (Shackel et al. 1997) (N=116)Copper-salicylate vs placeboEnd of treatment (4 weeks)NS
Pain on movement, VAS (change from baseline)One RCT (Shackel et al. 1997) (N=116)Copper-salicylate vs placeboEnd of treatment (4 weeks)NS

From: 7, Pharmacological management of osteoarthritis

Cover of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis: National Clinical Guideline for Care and Management in Adults.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 59.
National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions (UK).
Copyright © 2008, Royal College of Physicians of London.

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