Acute Back Pain: A Survey of Primary Health Care Physicians' Awareness and Knowledge of "Red Flag" Signs

Saudi J Med Med Sci. 2016 Jan-Apr;4(1):15-18. doi: 10.4103/1658-631X.170882. Epub 2015 Dec 2.


Background: The failure to detect "red flag" signs in patients presenting with acute low back pain can adversely affect the outcome of management. This can seriously affect the quality of life and productivity of the patient.

Objective: The present questionnaire-based study was performed to assess the knowledge and awareness of red flag signs among primary health care physicians managing patients with acute back pain in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Materials and methods: The study sample size was comprised of 80 subjects. The level of knowledge was assessed by means of a new structured self-administered questionnaire. The design of this questionnaire was based on the Agency for Health Care Research and Policy (AHCRP) guidelines for detection of red flag signs. Physicians were asked about red flag signs that indicate the presence of tumor, infection, spinal fracture, or cauda equina syndrome.

Results: Sixty-eight (85% of total) physicians were aware of red flag signs. Of the 68 physicians who were aware of the red flag signs, 58 (72%) were aware of neurological deficit, 36 (45% of total) were aware of extremes of age (<10 years and >50 years), and 33 (41% of total) were aware of and routinely inquired about the history of spinal trauma, whereas only 24 (30% of total) were aware of and inquired about constitutional symptoms in their patients with acute back pain.

Conclusion: Although low back pain is extremely common, knowledge and awareness of red flag signs of primary health care physicians managing patients with acute back pain in Riyadh appear to be inadequate. This indicates a lack of adherence to the international guidelines. Specific educational programs should target these deficiencies and increase awareness.

ملخص البحث : تهدف هذه الدراسة المبنية على الاستبانة إلى تقصي معرفة العلامات الدالة للمرضى المصابين بألم الظهر الحاد لدى أطباء الرعاية الصحية الأولية في مدينة الرياض. شملت الدراسة 80 طبيبا. ووضحت أن %68 من الأطباء كانوا على علم وتعرف %17 من هؤلاء على كل علامات الخطورة بينما تعرف %72,5 منهم لعلامات الخطورة للعجز العصبي و %41 كانوا على معرفة بالأسئلة الروتينية للتاريخ المرضى لإصابات الظهر وتعرف %30 منهم على الأعراض العامة لدى المرضى المصابين بألم الظهر الحاد.

Keywords: Low back pain; primary care; red flags.