Detecting Induced p±ip Pairing at the Al-InAs Interface with a Quantum Microwave Circuit

Phys Rev Lett. 2022 Mar 11;128(10):107701. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.107701.


Superconductor-semiconductor hybrid devices are at the heart of several proposed approaches to quantum information processing, but their basic properties remain to be understood. We embed a two-dimensional Al-InAs hybrid system in a resonant microwave circuit, probing the breakdown of superconductivity due to an applied magnetic field. We find a fingerprint from the two-component nature of the hybrid system, and quantitatively compare with a theory that includes the contribution of intraband p±ip pairing in the InAs, as well as the emergence of Bogoliubov-Fermi surfaces due to magnetic field. Separately resolving the Al and InAs contributions allows us to determine the carrier density and mobility in the InAs.