[Analysis on Factors Influencing Posttransfusion Effectiveness in Plasma Transfusion of 4 423 Cases-Times]

Zhongguo Shi Yan Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi. 2020 Feb;28(1):290-295. doi: 10.19746/j.cnki.issn.1009-2137.2020.01.048.
[Article in Chinese]


Objective: To investigate the related factors influencing plasma transfusion efficacy so as to improve the plasma transfusion efficiency.

Methods: According to the clinical symptoms and the laboratorial results, the patients were divided into transfusion efficient and inefficient groups. A total of13090.8 units of plasma were transfused to 4423 patients. The clinical symptoms and the hemorrhage related index per- and pro-transfusion, plasma components sorts, storage time, and the dose of plasma (kg/ml) transfusion were analyzed.

Results: The largest transfusion volume of plasma were in intensive care unit (ICU) accounted for 30.36%, the largest blood plasma per patient transfusion was in cardiac surgery (3.96 U). The analysis of transfusion efficiency showed that in terms of patient age, there were difference in transfusion efficiency among the patients with different ages (P<0.001). The effective transfusion rate in the group of age <18 was 53%, which was higher than that in group of age 18-60(41%) and group of age >60 (30%); in terms of sex, the effective transfusion rate in female group was higher than that in male group (42% vs 37%) (P<0.001); in terms of transfusion plasma volume/body weight, there were differences in transfusion efficiency (P>0.05). The multi-factor logistic regression analysis showed that there was no significant correlation among the plasma sorts, storage time of the plasma pre-transfusion and transfusion efficiency(P>0.05). The analysis of the non-hemolytic fever reaction caused by plasma transfusion revealed that there was no statistical difference between the plasma and the leukocyte-depleted plasma groups (P>0.05).

Conclusion: The plasma transfusion effectiveness relates with age and sex, but not relates with the transfusion plasma voume/body weight, plasma sorts, and the duration of storage.

题目: 4 423例次血浆输注效果的影响因素分析研究.

目的: 探讨影响血浆输注效果的相关因素,以期进一步提高患者血浆输注有效率和临床输注的合理性.

方法: 根据输血后患者临床症状改善情况和实验室凝血检测值将患者分为血浆输注有效和无效2组。对4 423例患者的基本临床资料和13 090.8 U的血浆输注过程中涉及的主要因素如输血浆前PT、APTT、血浆种类、保存时间、输注血浆体重比(kg/ml)等进行分类统计分析.

结果: 外科监护室患者血浆用量最多,占总血浆输注比例最大(30.36%),人均用血浆量最大的科室为心外科(3.96 U)。从输注效果上看,不同年龄组患者的输血效果有差别(P<0.001),<18岁组患者血浆输注有效率(53%)高于18-60岁和<60岁组,18-60岁组和>60岁组患者血浆输注有效率分别为41%和30%;女性患者输血浆有效率(42%)高于男性(37%)(P<0.001);按不同血浆体重比进行血浆输注效果比较显示无显著差异(P>0.05);通过多因素Logistic回归分析,普通冰冻血浆、去白细胞血浆和新鲜冰冻血浆3类血浆的临床输注效果间没有差异;输注前血浆保存时间与输注效果之间无显著相关性。去白细胞血浆与未经去白的血浆相比,并未降低非溶血性发热性输血反应的发生率.

结论: 血浆输注效果的主要影响因素有患者年龄、性别,但与血浆体重比、血浆种类和血浆保存时间关系不大;只要于保存期内输注,保存时间的长短与输注效果间没有显著相关性.

MeSH terms

  • Blood Component Transfusion*
  • Female
  • Hemorrhage
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Plasma