Cross-Platform Verification of Intermediate Scale Quantum Devices

Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Jan 10;124(1):010504. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.010504.


We describe a protocol for cross-platform verification of quantum simulators and quantum computers. We show how to measure directly the overlap Tr[ρ_{1}ρ_{2}] and the purities Tr[ρ_{1,2}^{2}], and thus a fidelity of two, possibly mixed, quantum states ρ_{1} and ρ_{2} prepared in separate experimental platforms. We require only local measurements in randomized product bases, which are communicated classically. As a proof of principle, we present the measurement of experiment-theory fidelities for entangled 10-qubit quantum states in a trapped ion quantum simulator.